Category Archives: Wealth

“We Want a Monopoly!” by Dr. Jené Walker

90% of millionaires became millionaires through real estate! Subdue the earth! Own!

We are taking it ALL back this season. God gave US dominion in the earth. He told US to subdue the earth. The vast resources in the earth belong to US for the upbuilding of the kingdom of God and for our own prosperity. He told US to be fruitful – productive and PROSPEROUS. Come out of oppression and the lies that it’s not for you to own property and subdue until Yeshua (Jesus) returns for US. It is OUR inheritance. Yes YOU. No matter what you’ve been through, your parents went through, or your grandparents went through, it’s time to subdue and take back what was already yours by birthright as a part of God’s kingdom. We are LENDERS and not borrowers. The kingdom should have a monopoly on land and real estate ownership in the earth. We should OWN the land and the real estate.

What are we waiting for? God supernaturally cancels debt. God supernaturally increases and multiplies. He wants to see YOUR faith. He will meet you where you are. He sees you trying to get your business straight. Now He wants to see YOUR faith. Take over! Subdue. Believe it’s for YOU too.