“The Voice of the Holy Spirit” by Dr.J.

Can you discern the voice of the Holy Spirit? Do you know when Holy Spirit is saying “no” opposed to the devil. It is our “natural” response to “no situations” to presume that the devil is blocking us. What Holy Spirit revealed to me about Paul is that Paul knew the distinct difference between the Holy Spirit blocking him and the devil blocking him. 
Did the devil say “no” to that man, job, relationship, promotion, raise, transfer, move, ministry, preaching engagement, prayer, or your next action or was that Holy Spirit? Sometimes God has other plans for you. Sometimes He just wants you to be still. Sometimes God wants you to listen. Where God leads you will be for the kingdom. So wait until you’re spiritually clear before you act.
Paul was so in tune with Holy Spirit that he got somewhere and sat down. He waited. God gave him a vision of exactly where He wanted Paul to go next. The problem with us is that our vision is sometimes spiritually impaired. We see what we want to see. My prayer is for God to help us know the difference between a God ordained block and a devil orchestrated delay. God is capable of telling us our next move. Get in tune with Holy Spirit so you can see. Dr.J. 

Acts 16:6-10 NIV “Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.”

“Meditations for a Surrendered Life: Winning Daily Spiritual Battles against the Enemy” by Dr.J.

It’s a blessing to be able to celebrate the birth of my new book and my birth on the same day. Happy Birthday to Me! God is amazing! So many of you have inquired and now you can finally pre-order your copy of my first book, Meditations for a Surrendered Life: Winning Daily Spiritual Battles against the Enemy! I’m in awe of God! Go to jeneewalker.com to pre-order now for an opportunity to get a free Winning Daily Spiritual Battles women’s tee shirt! Sizes and colors are limited. Thanks so much for supporting me and my ministry. I truly love you guys. 06/28/2016 drJMinistries_comboAd_A_web

“Go to War” by Dr.J.

When was the last time you went to war for your child? Oh I don’t mean a flesh war because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. I mean spiritual war. Lay hands, pray aloud, speak confessions aloud (God’s word adding your child’s name), Bible study…Do your own words line up with the Word of God about your children? 
Do we receive everything we hear and see about our children? What the teachers say, doctors say, counselors say, psychiatrists say, people say, streets say, behaviors say, attitudes say, hairstyles say? What does God say about your child? Protect your ear gates and your child’s ear gates. We can afford to step up our war game for our children…we can’t afford not to. Satan is coming hard for them in the spiritual and natural realm. This may require us checking our own mouth gates.  It’s time to go to war for our children. The war may begin internally with you. Dr.J. 

“No Days Off” by Dr.J.

“Everything was going so smoothly. I mean things were perfect and then all of a sudden, all hell broke loose.”

That’s an issue. If we don’t recognize that there is always an invisible spiritual battle, we will be caught off guard when the attack manifests. You may “think” things are smooth and perfect but the enemy is always prowling around, plotting and scheming…always. What is “all of sudden” to you was being planned “all along” by the devil. We can’t afford to be deceived. We have to pray without ceasing. We have to say daily confessions. We have to read and study God’s Word daily. No days off believers because the devil doesn’t take vacations. Dr.J. 

“Get to the Church” by Dr.J.

Get up and get to the Word today. You’ve been battling all week long. Get to church and get to the Word of God on today. The enemy has already convinced someone that they can stay home and get the Word on your own. The devil is the great deceiver. Get up. Go to church where there will be praising, worshipping, fellowship, believers on one accord, laying of hands, healing, confessions spoken over your life, prayer, and a preached word from the mighty man or woman of God. Get to the sanctuary today. Dr.J. 

“Lay That Man on the Altar” by Dr.J.

Single ladies, God already cut him loose but you’re still trying to hold on to him. Let him go. He isn’t the one. God has said no in so many different ways and tones of voice and you’re still saying yes to that man. Put him on the altar of wood and sacrifice him to God. If God asks you to sacrifice him, God will give you something better. But God is observing you to see if you are obedient; to see if you trust Him; and to see if God means more to you than anyone or anything. Stop being afraid to be alone with just God. God wants your attention. It’s idolatry to continue to stay and revere that man of whom God disapproves. Let him go. Stop being disobedient and let him go. Trust God. Dr.J. 

“Your Husband To Be Will Be” by Dr. Jené Walker

Single ladies, don’t lose hope. Don’t give up. And definitely don’t settle for someone with whom you’re unequally yoked. God is raising up a surrendered man of God for you right now in Jesus’s name. Veils are being removed from his eyes now so that he can see you. Marine, succubus, and lustful spirits influencing him had to flee and return back to hell. His coming for you will not be delayed. We cut off every demonic assignment to keep him from you in the name of Jesus. You will have a man of God who loves you like Christ loves the church. You just need to continue to put God first. Preparation for Your Husband:

1) Submit to God now because if you can’t submit to God, you won’t submit to your husband in everything.

2) Your husband is on the way and he will be the head of you. You will know him because he will understand the principles in God’s Word and so must you. Study and let the Holy Spirit heal and transform you now.

3) Learn now what it means to respect and honor a man of God.

4) Get your spiritual and your physical house in order.

5) Get in the Word and let the Word get in you so deeply now that when he comes, he won’t have to clean and wash you so hard in the Word. But be so content in Christ that even if he never comes, you are happy with Jesus alone [Now this is deep; this is not for the babes in Christ].

See, my faith defies facts and my spirit rejects statistics. Yours should too. God is bigger than facts and statistics. So don’t receive another lie from the enemy. Let God work on you now and no matter what, don’t lose hope.  Jené Elaine Walker


“What Ever Happened to Walking in Kingdom Power and Authority?” by Dr.J.

What ever happened to walking in this kind of power and authority? The healing, casting out demons deliverance, preaching to those we presume aren’t the elect and them being saved, and raising the dead from the dead kind of power… Oh I know what happened. 

1) We’re more ministry focused than mission focused. 

2) Our faith has been shaken so much so that we reserve that kind of power and authority to those who walked with Jesus or with a Damascus Road experience. 

3) We’ve mistaken the enemy’s limited authority in the air and in the world for authority over believers when he has none. 

4) We want the world. We’ve made this place our home. New Jerusalem? What’s that? “Let’s gain this world and lose our souls,” we say with our actions. 

5) We just don’t believe it’s possible or true. We are clueless about a third realm even though God elevated us there right next to Jesus. 

How about we start to live in such a surreal spiritual surrendered state that the Holy Spirit can speak to us and say, “Lay hands on her legs now,” and fill us with Holy Ghost power to heal. 

He can say to us, “Her, over there. She has an impure spirit. Do deliverance work now.” And the power of the Holy Spirit fills us to cast out impure spirits in her. And we will not be afraid when the strongman or ruling spirit speaks to us and says he isn’t leaving [We still have believers who don’t believe in demons with as much deliverance work that Jesus did during his ministry…].

How about when we pass through the stores in the mall, people will rush to the aisles so our shadow might fall on them and heal and bless and deliver them because of the power of the Holy Ghost that fills us. What ever happened to walking in this kind of power and authority? Dr.J. 

Acts‬ ‭5:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.”


“Devil Stay in Your Place-Sheol” by Dr.J.

When the enemy messes with your head about your pursuit of Christ instead of your pursuit of the things of this world, you have something for Satan. Tell Satan, 
“That’s why you got expelled from heaven for your pride and desire for more than God. Your vain beauty, your love of your own wisdom caused you to be cast down to Sheol. You became so corrupt and evil that you desired to be higher than God, to make yourself like God. As if! 

Yes, Eve suffered from the lust of the eyes and you were able to deceive her, entice her, and plot against her, but I’ve learned my lesson from her and from you. The veils have been removed from my eyes. I desire God more than fame, wealth, money, a husband, or a promotion. I’m pursuing God. Because of my faithfulness, yes I will be rewarded; but my heart is pure and I want God more than this old word. What would it profit me to gain the things of this world and lose my soul like you? Eternal damnation? No thank you Satan. You’re not even loyal to your own evil minions. I’m good Satan. I’m subject to God. I resist you. Now devil, be gone.” 

Don’t even flirt with temptation. Put your worldly desires in check. I have to check them daily. I say, “Lord keep me rooted in Your Word. Lord keep me connected with Your Spirit. Keep me grounded. The temptation to have all in this world and to be all in this world and to fall back in love with this world again is enticing. Purge me Jesus. Clean me up. Get it out of me. Again. Today.” Don’t let the enemy catch you slipping. Dr.J. 

“Husband, Lead Your Wife” by Dr.Jené Walker

Husband how will you lead your wife? Will you wash her in the Word of God? Will you model integrity? Will you teach her honesty? Will you show her how to love? Will you teach her how to manage her resources? Do you require the family to tithe? Study the Word of God? Pray? You are the head. You are the leader and although your wife will be held accountable for her own actions, you will be held accountable for her if you lead her astray. If united you two stand, make sure you’re united and standing on the principles in the Word of God. Or will you fall together?  Jené Elaine Walker

Acts 5:1-11 “But there was a certain man named Ananias who, with his wife, Sapphira, sold some property.  He brought part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount. With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest. Then Peter said, ‘Ananias, why have you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit, and you kept some of the money for yourself.  The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!’ As soon as Ananias heard these words, he fell to the floor and died. Everyone who heard about it was terrified.  Then some young men got up, wrapped him in a sheet, and took him out and buried him. About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. Peter asked her, ‘Was this the price you and your husband received for your land?’ ‘Yes,’ she replied, ‘that was the price.’ And Peter said, ‘How could the two of you even think of conspiring to test the Spirit of the Lord like this? The young men who buried your husband are just outside the door, and they will carry you out, too.’ Instantly, she fell to the floor and died. When the young men came in and saw that she was dead, they carried her out and buried her beside her husband. Great fear gripped the entire church and everyone else who heard what had happened.”