Category Archives: Singles’ Ministry

The 40-Day Challenge for Single Wives and Married Wives Course ™

Do you want this?

☑️To be free from “thirst” and begin to attract the love you desire

☑️To vacation quarterly on exotic islands with your husband

☑️To attract a man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love you

☑️To strengthen your relationship with God to the point that your husband begins to appreciate the amazing spiritual transformation in you

☑️To win your husband over to Jesus because of the change in you

☑️To balance being a phenomenal wife and mother while running an online financial business

☑️To make money for your household while you sleep…

Those are some of the testimonies of the wives who said, “Yes!” to The 40-Day Challenge for Single and Married Wives Course™! ARE YOU READY TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE? I have a solution for you!

You don’t want to miss this course which begins April 10, 2019! You take the course at your own pace! You have lifetime access! Sign up for this course with me, Dr. Jené Walker, The Leader’s Coach today! I will coach you through the entire process via video! Sign up! Like right now! Your life will NEVER be the same!

Click here to enroll today:

“The Way He Looks at Me” by Dr. Jené Walker

I see God in Him by the way his stare penetrates my heart. With each moment he looks at me, his eyes are sending love messages to my soul. He appreciates me for who I am and who I am not. He sees me more deeply than my physical features. He prophesies my thoughts and desires without my ever saying one Word…How? Because his ears are pressed into the heart of Jehovah. God told him things that no one knows but me and God. He could never make me whole but he can speak to my spirit and God will use him to keep me whole. His eyes speak to me in silent spiritual psalms. He looks at me in awe of who God created me to be. He kisses my imperfections with the strength of his love. Though imperfect and flawed himself, he has a love that has been perfected through trials, tribulations, and fire. He has been through the unspeakable and unthinkable but looks at me knowing that he has made it to his sanctuary, finally. Together we tear down demonic forces to protect our love, our family, and the kingdom of God. Together we demonstrate the love of Yeshua through our love for each other but also our love for God’s people. We infiltrate cultural mountains, being used together to shift things back into kingdom order. And as we fight, he glances over at me and I see God in him through his glances.

We’re sending love to our husbands in the spiritual realm tonight – where ever they are I pray that they sense an overwhelming presence of God’s love.

He will know how to love you single wife. Trust God.

To order our featured Worth Far More Than Rubies tee, go to!


“How Do I Look?” by Dr. Jené Walker

How do you look single wife? Describe your appearance. See, it isn’t about your complexion, your hair style, your choice of clothing, your bank account, your title at work, your looks, or your shape. Although to the extinct possible, we should take care of ourselves and walk in the fullness of our purpose in this season. However, the “look” you want to have in this season, is the look that shows that you’ve been in the presence of Jehovah. This isn’t a look that you can “beat” on because that will wear off or wash off at night. This isn’t a look that you were born with. This look can only be accomplished by being in the presence of Jehovah continually and persistently. Period.

How can I get this look – the look that will draw my husband to me? STAY on your face in the presence of Jehovah. Study His Word. Fulfill your assignment and walk worthy of your calling. Let Holy Spirit transform your life. Let Holy Spirit change you, improve you, and purge you of the dross that is unnecessary in your life. Let Jehovah purify your heart. Let Jehovah Rapha heal you of your hurt and brokenness because if not, instead of the glory and glow of Jehovah on your life, there will be a residue of heaviness and depression and oppression on your life. And which spirits will those spirits attract? Abusive spirits. Domineering spirits. Cheating spirits. We will never go back to those spirits again but we must be HEALED and WHOLE so that we don’t draw them to us.

Spend time in the presence of Jehovah. People will begin to tell you, “You are so beautiful. There is just something about you.” They will say, “You’re glowing” and it has nothing to do with being with child. But about the glory of Jehovah you carry on the inside of you. This glow than can only be achieved by being in the presence of God is what will draw him to you this season.

Do you know your worth? You are worth far more than rubies. Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tee today at! Orders are coming in! Have you gotten yours? Shirts are in stock now! I truly appreciate your supporting my ministry and business!



“An Ephesians 5 Husband” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 5:25-32 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Who wants an Ephesians 5 man?God, through Apostle Paul, has given us the characteristics of a husband here in Ephesians Chapter 5. It is up to us to adhere to His instructions and wait until Jehovah manifests this man for us.

Ephesians 5 Husbands do the following:

1. Husbands love us as Yeshua loves the church. He gives up himself for us, makes a sacrifice for us, dies to himself and his desires for us. That is love.

2. Husbands make us holy, cleansing us by washing us with the water through the word. Know the Word for yourself. We are not your teachers. You already know the Word and have a relationship through your own study and prayer time. Then, as the head of us, you are able to cleanse us by washing with water through the word. When we are in error, you are the example and you clean us up. When we need guidance you use the word to steer us in the right direction. To wash us with water through the word he has to know the Word.

3. Husbands must present us to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any blemish but holy and blameless. As a result of his washing us, he must regularly assess his washing to see if we are without stain and holy. Jehovah will not only hold us accountable for ourselves but our husbands are our covering and they help to hold us accountable. They have to be holy and blameless to be the models for us.

4. Husbands must love us as they love their own bodies. This is sacrificial love too. They will take time to wash their cars and shine em up really good. Whatever they would think to do for themselves (feed, care for, provide for, treat, etc.), they do it for us. He thinks of us when he thinks of himself. That’s why it is imperative that we wait for Jehovah to send us a “whole” and healed man. We are members of our husband’s body. He who loves himself loves his wife and he who hates and mistreats his wife has already done it to himself.

5. Husbands leave their father and mother and cling to and be united as one with us. No family member should be able to interfere, meddle, or come between us and our husbands.

Wives, we must submit to our husbands in EVERYTHING and respect them. Those are the commands Yeshua gives to us. When you know your worth, you can submit! Order our “Worth Far More Than Rubies” tee now at!


“I’m a Grown Woman!” by Dr. Jené Walker

Instructions for Christian Households
Ephesians 5:21-24 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”

“I’m a grown woman! I do what I want to do. I’m independent. I’m a boss. I make my own money. I make it happen for me and mines (for emphasis).” Have you made any of these comments? If so, it’s ok. We can repent now. Jehovah is transforming our entire lives right now in this moment. But we must have a reverent fear of Yeshua that keeps us from foolishness. “I can’t say that. I can’t do that. I can’t be that way. Yeshua sees me and knows my heart.” That’s where Jehovah wants us. See in order to submit to our husbands in “EVERYTHING” we have to be totally submitted to Yeshua. What else can humble us enough to submit to a mere mortal, a man?

I’ve been ministering to married couples for years and this is a huge obstacle to innumerable wives. The main issue is that first we marry men Jehovah never told us to marry! That’s why we’re waiting single wives. But the next issue wives have is that we’ve never learned “how” to submit. The world has taught “all the women who’re independent to throw our hands up at them.” The world has taught us who runs the world -girls. The world has taught us that our private parts act as kryptonite. Really? If that were true every woman would have a husband under her spell! Foolishness. This is it single wives, our season of submission; our season to undo everything the world has done to our spirit. This is our season to become foolish so we can become wise.

What are you willing to give up in your flesh in order to submit to Yeshua in your spirit? Is your spirit quiet now? Do you respect authority now? Do you show honor now? Let’s allow Jehovah to teach us how to submit. The husband is the head of his wife. We have to be submitted to Jehovah to choose the “head” for us. I’m not doing this on my own again. I refuse. I’m waiting on Jehovah. Grown women submit to and revere Yeshua.

Single wives, make sure you study Ephesians Chapter 5 for a few more days. Read the entire chapter once a day. We’re breaking it down in the group. Feel free to use your own study methods to really dissect it and get it in your spirit.

“Be Daughters of the Light” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 5:8-14 “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said:
“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

Single wives, I charge us all to live as daughters of light! How do we know if we’re living as daughters of light? By our fruit: goodness, righteousness, and truth. Are my works (actions, things I say and do each day, deeds) “good” works? Am I walking in righteousness (obedience, holiness, following the instructions in the Word)? Am I walking in truth (the opposite of the realities of this world; spiritual wisdom, the Word of God revealed by the Spirit of God; what is right and just)? This time and season in our lives should be a time for us to seek Jehovah for that which pleases Him. “Lord what do You want for my life and from my life?” Where do You want me live? What career do You want me in? How do You want me to impact the kingdom? Whom do You want me to marry? Where would I be most effective in the fivefold ministry? I want to please You Lord. Living for me, doing what I want to do, being a boss and making me happy, hasn’t made me happy yet. How can I please You?”

In this season, we have to be careful of what we’re talking about, even if it’s wrong and we’re right when we’re discussing it. Jehovah says not to even mention what the disobedient do in secret. He tells us to stay away from the fruitless deeds of darkness. So no more, “Girl let me tell you about…” Let the light in us expose the darkness, not our gossiping lips and tongues. When we illuminate others, then they too will illuminate others. It’s time for us to wake up sleepers. There is so much more to life than this life. It’s the after life that we’re working toward. Make sure you read Ephesians Chapter 5 every day this week – the same chapter over and over for 7 consecutive days.

“Vow Not to Tarry in Sexual Immorality” by Dr. Jené Walker

Single men and women of God who have professed, “I will never marry (like we assume of Paul) or I will never marry again,” must also profess to live a life of celibacy. God said it isn’t meant for man to be alone and that woman was created to be a suitable help mate. He designed marriage to perpetuate the kingdom of God through the family.
If we think we can use God’s grace as a license to sleep with a man and wake up and ask for forgiveness when in our hearts we know we will sleep with him again tonight, how are we sincerely repentant? Do we believe that God doesn’t know that when we say we will never marry that we plan to sleep with a couple of women to satisfy our needs every now and then (or just let them perform sexual acts on you-sin)? It is better to marry than to perish with passion.
We can’t continue to say “God knows our hearts” when what’s in our hearts is selfishness, lust, greed, and a desire to sin perpetually. Surrender selfish desires to God today. Let God fill your void and fulfill your needs.
1 John 3:9-10 NIV “No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.”

“Jehovah Must Be First” by Dr. Jené Walker

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Holy Spirit is dealing with me about this scripture and my heart. So I’m personally digging into this Word today and really dissecting it word by word and phrase by phrase. Then, I will let Holy Spirit speak to me, counsel me, guide and direct me, and purge me. If we desire ANYTHING more than we desire Him and His kingdom, it will NOT work. If it’s a platform, recognition, love and companionship from a man, money, a house or ANYTHING, it will NOT work. Jehovah wants us to check our hearts daily, moment by moment. What are the desires of our hearts? In the succession of things we desire, is God first in rank, the greatest influence in our hearts, or is He the chief thing? If not, it will NOT work. Be encouraged though, because when God shows us the motives of our hearts, if we surrender those things and our hearts to Him, He is faithful and just to fix our hearts. We need to let Him fix it now in our single season because it may be that our priorities or a lack thereof are are holding us back from our blessings. Jené Walker



“Stay Away from Talking Serpents” by Dr. Jené Walker

Your identity is established through Yeshua! Beware feminist spirits which try to lure you into the realm of independence of Jehovah! Your circle needs to be tight and right and equally yoked. Pay attention to your spirit and what it rejects. You can’t receive any and everything from any and everyone – even those who are in leadership but are still babes in Christ. Some people come to you or your timeline like talking serpents to make you desire to know more than God; to make you go beyond the text to philosophies and arguments and logic and worldly movements. Know who you are and whose you are which is revealed in the Word and by the Spirit of God! All other ground is sinking sand.

Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tees now at! You will be blessed by your purchases and your support!

“Friends With Benefits? No Thank You.” by Dr. Jené Walker

Friends with benefits? How does it benefit a single wife to be a man’s friend while he has the benefit of coming and going to me and other women as he pleases; using me for my body and all my other assets while I fall deeply in love pretending to benefit from his friendship; giving me the benefit of 6 minutes of painful pleasure which leaves me empty on the inside; giving me the benefit of infections, smells, and diseases; and him getting the upgrade that comes with linking up with a suitable helper while I’m still not getting washed in the water of the Word. What is the benefit of mind games? What benefits are included with late night visits and no public confessions of his feelings for me? What does it benefit a woman to gain a man and lose her soul? And don’t be deceived single wives. It’s only fun or cute for a minute because if we’re believers, we aren’t wired to take this position forever. He created us to be wives.
Friends with benefits? No thank you. I will wait for the benefits of becoming a wife.  Jené Walker

For the audio message, click here: Friends With Benefits? No Thank You.

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