Why Are You Fasting (Fasting Calendar Included) by Dr.J. 2016 Daniel Fast Post 5

If you are fasting with us January 3 through January 23, 2016 ask yourself and reflect on two questions as we prepare to write the vision and prayer requests God has given us or pray for His vision for 2016:
“(1) Why am I fasting? and
(2) What do I want to accomplish with this fast?
Technically, you should be fasting for focus and commitment to a project or for an answer to prayer” (The Daniel Fast for Spiritual Breakthrough, Elmer Towns).

God knows the motives of our hearts. Our motives for this fast should be spiritual. We want to know God’s vision for our lives and more immediately for the 2016 New Year. The vision God gave me for our fast this year is “We Are At War: Fight Harder.” We have been losing daily spiritual battles and that is coming to an end as a result of this fast. We want to know how to fight in the spirit realm so that we can live our lives victoriously on earth before our final victory when Jesus returns. We want to be able to discern God’s best for our lives and we’re willing to surrender our will to His.

Please search for Fasting Diet plans for the Daniel Fast as there are tons already developed. Make sure that your doctor approves of this fast and your diet before you begin. Since our fast is for spiritual growth, I developed a calendar (see attached) that emphasizes and highlights our Bible study and reflection more than it does our diet. I have created two calendars. One is color coded and the other is not. The attached calendar is color coded. (If you would like a PDF emailed version, please comment in the appropriate box after this blog and I will email it to you.)

The 21-day fasting calendar includes the following components:

  1. The fasting day from 1 to 21
  2. Morning and Evening Prayer, Devotion, Worship
  3. The focus Fruit of Spirit for the entire week
  4. Journal Writing with a Reflection Question
  5. Bible Reading with specific chapters of focus
  6. Memory Verses to say aloud

Fasting Day from 1 to 21
Our fast begins on January 3 through January 23, 2016. Each day of the 21-day fast is noted on the calendar from 1 to 21 as well as the dates for each day. On Day 1, you will eat that day; however, you will not eat after 6:00pm. On Day 21, you will not resume your regular diet until after 6:00pm when the fast ends. NOTE: Do not eat anything heavy on after your fast ends as 6:00pm as it can make your stomach unsettled.

Morning and Evening Prayer, Devotion, Worship
Make sure you set your clocks earlier to wake up and make time for quiet time in the evenings for prayer. Look at your vision (project) and/or prayer requests for this fast. Make sure you intercede on behalf of family, your church, and the world. In your devotional time, study the prescribed scriptures. You need enough time to take notes, highlight and reflect. Also, select the worship music for your morning and evening worship. Say sweet words of adoration aloud to God and what you believe and expect Him to do during this fast. Finally, be still and quiet to meditate and listen to hear what God has to say.

Focus Fruit of the Spirit
In order to stop losing daily spiritual battles, we have to learn how to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:25 (KJV) states, “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” In order to survive battles in the spiritual realm, we have to walk in the Spirit. Evidence that we walk in the spirit is shown in the spiritual fruit we bear. The Holy Spirit gave me one focus fruit of the spirit for each week: Week 1- Self-control; Week 2- Faith; and, Week 3- Peace. Our reflection questions will address each of the focus fruit. By the end of the fast, you will see growth in these areas. The Holy Spirit will do His part in us during this fast.

Journal Writing with a Reflection Question
Keep a journal for this fast. Write the year and dates so that you can look back on your vision and notes. I still  have mine from my first fast in 2010. Each day (or evening) you are to reflect on the day’s events, more specifically your spirit and intimacy with God. Did you hear from Him? Were you battling? How did you respond? Then, truly reflect on and answer the reflection questions thoroughly. The Holy Spirit gave me questions for each day of the fast beginning on Day 2 through Day 21. Answer the questions in your journal at the end of your daily reflection.

Bible Reading with Specific Chapters of Focus
Read the passages identified on the Sunday of each week for the entire week. For example, January 3-January 7 we will read James Chapter 4, Daniel Chapters 1 and 10 each day of the week. Read all of each chapter, each day of the week for a total of seven times for each chapter. Take notes, highlight, pray and ask God for Revelation about each chapter. The Holy Spirit may reveal something different or deeper to you each day you read the chapter. Your study will all make sense by the end of the fast but you will get unbelievable revelation throughout. The scriptures are related to our overall theme of spiritual warfare and the fruit of the spirit.

Memory Verses to Say Aloud
One of the weapons of spiritual warfare is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. We need to be able to speak the Word of God aloud during warfare without having to search for our mobile devices or Bibles. We have to have the Word hidden in our hearts so that we may not sin against God. We have to use the Word against the devil just as Jesus did during His fast. Memorize two verses each week. Say the two verses aloud each morning, throughout the day, and in the evening for seven days. During the second week, you may recite the two for week two and week one so that you won’t forget the previous verses. (That always helps me.) By the end of the fast, you will have six scriptures memorized. If you already know these six, please read them any way with our study, but you may select others to replace the ones you know. They should be related to warfare, self-control, faith, or peace.

Please do not go into this fast halfheartedly. When you make a commitment to 21-days, we have to go all the way with God unless your health is in jeopardy. Believe it, so many with health issues have been given spiritual and physical strength from God during this fast.

I have spent a considerable amount of time with God in preparing this for you and I pray that it truly blesses you. Share this information with a friend. We know the power of two or more together on one accord. Please follow my blog each day for more information about the fast. God bless you and I love you with God’s love. Dr.J.


#‎Fast2016DrJ‬ ‪#‎WeAreatWarFightHarder‬

336 thoughts on “Why Are You Fasting (Fasting Calendar Included) by Dr.J. 2016 Daniel Fast Post 5”

  1. Greetings,

    Thank you for a very informative and clear posting. Your post helped clarify somethings for me. Things I have felt were missing on as I am doing the Daniel Fast. I am very thankful I came across your blog post.

    Please send me the pdf calendar.

    May God’s hand continue to guide and strengthen your path.

    Thank you!


      1. OMG…if been having this strong urge to fast for the past 2 months. And this came to to out of the blue today. Can I have this emailed to me as well?


  2. Hi Jene. I have a desire to fast and upon researching i came across this post. Please share with me the pdf version of this.


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