“A Man of God or a Man Totally Surrendered to God?” by Dr.Jené Walker

Ladies, he can be man of God but still not be totally surrendered to God. He can do church, know the Word, fast and pray but still not be willing to live a life totally surrendered to God. He can be a grown man but still not fully grown in Christ. He can be a good man but still not be a God man, one who is sold out for God.

It will take total surrender to God to help him stay committed to you. Total surrender to God makes him love you like Jesus loves, unconditionally. Total surrender to God helps him stay put when the going gets tough. Total surrender gives him discernment about warfare when the enemy attacks the entity of your union- because the devil will attack your relationship over and over and over again.

Total surrender to God helps him to die to his flesh moment by moment and bring it under subjection when divers temptations come. Then, one woman can be satisfying to him. And when she isn’t any more, instead of seeking satisfaction elsewhere, he will go to God in prayer to help him. He will allow God to fill his void. Total surrender helps him to remain celibate and exercise the fruit of the spirit self-control until he marries you.

Total surrender helps him understand the Godhead and his own headship within the family. Then, he can wash his wife in the Word of God. Then, he can be a provider and leader. Ladies, you and your children need him to be totally surrendered to God. Intercede now on his behalf. With God, all things are possible. Jené Elaine Walker