“Flesh Versus Spirit” by Dr.J.

When your flesh gets weak, get in the spirit immediately. When you operate in the spirit, you do, say, and think spiritual things. You allow the spirit to lead you away from the flesh and into the presence of God. Your actions are based on God’s principles in the spirit. The flesh will have you doing, saying, and thinking what the world prescribes. You don’t have to succumb to the flesh. 

Don’t linger in the flesh today. Be led by God’s Holy Spirit.
In the flesh, you can’t receive the miracles God is about to do in your life because flesh doesn’t understand spiritual things. When you feel your faith wavering, you are in the flesh. Get in the spirit. 

In the flesh you begin to believe that “this is all life has to offer” and “I guess this is it for my life.” In the spirit you are able to be content where God has you but you have faith that your greater, your due season, your new thing is coming. Get in the spirit. 

The flesh makes you feel depressed, sad, lonely, anxious, and say “O woe is me.” When you operate in the spirit, you have a steadfast mind and therefore you have the peace of God. When you begin to feel anxious or any fleshly feeling, you pray and thank God for what you have and tell Him what you need. Then His peace that surpasses all understanding transcends your being. Get in the spirit. 

The flesh makes you think that if you shop, drink, light up, sex up, or shoot up you will feel better and be satisfied. In the spirit, your desire is to please God. In the spirit you know and understand that your body is God’s temple. In the spirit you know that God and sin cannot indwell you at the same time. You never want to be void of God when you’re in the spirit. Get in the spirit. 

The flesh will have you paranoid thinking everyone is out to get you. The flesh will have you on the defense. The flesh will have you seeking revenge. The spirit rests in the Vindicator. In the spirit you know you wrestle not against flesh and blood. In the spirit you pray for those who mistreat you. Get in the spirit. 

The flesh makes you think you have the power to make something happen for yourself. The flesh makes you chase paper, degrees, and worldly knowledge. The flesh has you hustling for everything except God. The spirit knows you set your mind on things above, heavenly things. In the spirit, you humble yourself and allow God to elevate you. Get in the spirit. Dr.J. #fleshversusspirit

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