Tag Archives: Ephesians 5

He Who Finds a Wife, Will He Find a Good Thing and Receive Favor? by Dr.Jené Walker

Proverbs 18:22 NIV “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.”

Reflection Question: Are you already a wife in your spirit now?

What are the wifely qualities and characteristics we currently possess? Are we saved women of God? Do we have a quiet spirit (1 Peter 3)? Are we modest in our dress and hairstyles (1 Peter 3)? Do we know how to be “subject” to God because if we don’t how can we be subject to your own husband (1 Peter 3, Ephesians 5)? Is God the head of our lives (Ephesians 5)? Are we respectful toward others, especially men (Ephesians 5)? Do we now delight ourselves in the Lord (Psalm 37:4) because when we’re married we are supposed to delight ourselves in our husbands, “notices him and prefer him and treat him with loving concern, treasuring him, honoring him, and holding him dear” (Ephesians 5 AMP)?

According to King Lemuel’s mother and modern day mothers too, an excellent wife is hard to find. It is difficult to find a wife in whom a husband’s heart can trust. Are we trustworthy, giving, kind, industrious, strong, a good steward of our money, wise, faithful, a good steward of our time (or idle), noble, and honorable (Proverbs 31)?

Some of us think that God needs help in our man’s search for us (I’ve been guilty before), but God doesn’t. God will equip man with all He needs to find us. God will give man a glimpse, through supernatural binoculars, of the favor man can have when he discovers us. God will show man how good it will be when he finds us. God will even set up and supernaturally arrange the discovery place. We don’t have to try to be in a certain location so our husbands can find us. We don’t have to speed up God’s discovery process. All we have to do is be in a wifely state of being when God allows him to find us. All we have to do is be married to God until our husbands come.

Are you already a wife in your spirit? Are you ready to be found by the one who will seek? God has allowed me to see first hand and, even more so lately, second hand  that marriage is not a joke. The enemy forges more attacks against the entity of marriage and the family that singles can’t even begin to fathom. If you’re not ready for war, stay single. If you’re not equally yoked with that man with THE MAN as the one who can wash you in the word (that means he is in just as deep with God or more than you), he isn’t the one. If you are vindictive and go “tic for tac,” stay single. If you know that God called you to the ministry of marriage, let God work on you now. Be faithful to God. If this is a difficult task, imagine how difficult it will be to be faithful in allowing the Holy Spirit to help you possess these wifely qualities.  Jené Elaine Walker