Tag Archives: God of judgment

“You Can Have This Old World” by Dr.J.

Exactly what is it about this world that you love so much and for which you are willing to lose your soul? 

Is it the illicit sex which threatens our very earthly existence with incurable diseases and deadly diseases? Is it a man who won’t commit who has multiple partners in the same area code that we choose over God? Or maybe it’s the desire for money, fame, and worldly promotion that we choose over an eternal life with God? Possibly, it’s our lust for the same sex that God has judged so harshly before in two cities etched in the historical crevices of our spirits? Maybe it’s the wars, killing, senseless violence and injustice that cause us to choose the world as our dwelling place? Is it the government or the educational system whereby Satan has strategically set up spirits of oppression and sabotage to annihilate specific people? Clubbing? Parties? Vacationing? Slaving on a job? What is it that you stand to gain here in a dying world?

I don’t know what it is about this world for some of us. I just know that for me, there is nothing or no one here to make me lose my soul.  Wake up people of God. Our God is as much a God of judgment as He is One of love. Truly accept Jesus now before it’s too late. Dr.J.