“Jesus, I Repent” by Dr.J.

“We have to repent because we put faith in what we have instead of Who we have.” Pastor George C. Miller III

What is my focus Lord? Refocus me if I don’t have a laser like focus on You. My faith is in You alone and not my limited ability. I humble myself in Your presence always God! 

If I have made a job, money, or resources my focus and not You, I repent.

If I have made a person more important that You, I repent.

If I have made the idea of something more important than You, I repent. 

I don’t place the blame for my current circumstances on anyone God and especially not You Lord. I’m just checking to make sure all back doors are closed now so the enemy can’t creep in again with a “simple suggestion” to deceive me. Forgive me Lord! 

Have you allowed the enemy to seduce you in any area? He is subtle and you may not even know you were seduced. Search your heart too. Repent now. 

‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭21:1 “Now Satan entered the scene and seduced David into taking a census of Israel.”

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