“Fight Those Lust Demons” by Dr.J.

It’s Friday night and someone is extremely frustrated. You’re playing sad love songs or sexy sex songs. You’re sipping. You’re thinking some sexual thoughts. You’re watching a steamy movie. You’re mad because you are alone yet again. You’re having an extended flesh moment. Fight. 

I’ve heard so many opinions and perspectives about how to deal with being in this predicament but I don’t have opinions. I can only deal in the spirit. So we have to fight. We have to kill those feelings. We can’t dwell on our desires, lusts, needs, and emotions. We will be wrecked all night long if we do. If you’re dwelling on it, you’ll end up dabbling in it. 

Get all that stuff out of your spirit now. Change the atmosphere right now. Fight the lust demons right now. Fight the lustful thoughts out of your head right now. Put on some worship music – even if you don’t feel like it. (The same way our kids have to clean, do homework and follow the rules whether they want to or not). See you don’t have to like it to obey. Start giving God praise that you’re not living in sexual sin. Get out of your flesh and get into that place of peace and rest. Go on to sleep. Dr.J. 

“The Sooner We Die, the Better” by Dr.J.

When you’ve lived half your life thinking you’re in control of it and being led by your flesh and your will, it is a huge paradigm shift to begin to live in God’s will. If I knew at age 14 what I know now about the perfect will of God, oh how my life would be different. 

To totally surrender every area of your life to God after you’ve lived how you’ve wanted for half your life takes the power of the Holy Spirit. It hurts! It takes dying to your flesh moment by moment. It takes denying yourself the things of the world. 

Your flesh says, “If I want that person, I could have her.” Your spirit says, “God, if You don’t want him for me, I don’t want him.” Your flesh says, “Lust, sex, alcohol and excessive eating are available to me if I want it.” Your spirit says, “Even though these things are available, my body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body. God will do away with it all.” Your flesh says, “I will work where I want to work, do what I want to do, and live how I want to live and then I will die.” Your spirit says, “No one who is of God keeps on sinning because the seed of God and sin can’t reside in the same temple.” 

It is a daily spiritual battle to surrender and die to the pleasures of this world.  The enemy has us thinking that it is a loss to live for Christ but we know that to live is Christ. If you have children, teach them now to live for Christ. Teach them now that they can’t do any and everything they please. Teach them now that their lives are not their own. Because listen, after living in and of the world for 30 plus years, and then deciding to die, the struggle to be transformed is real. And that’s 💯. 

The sooner we die to flesh the better. The sooner we die to our desires and our will the better. The sooner we die to a mediocre spiritual life the better. It isn’t easy to change now, but the safest place to be is stripped of everything worldly and at the mercy and in the will of God. We don’t know the day or the hour. To die is supposed to be gain; will it be? Dr.J. 

“Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks” by Dr.J. 

God has given us instructions through Paul’s letters to the church of Thessalonica: 

  1.  Rejoice Always 
  2. Pray Continually and  
  3. Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Wow! I had to repent when I studied this again today. If we would only implement these three instructions throughout the day, daily. We forfeit so much peace because we don’t do these three things. 

Can you imagine rejoicing “always?” Always? I’ve had some situations to occur during which rejoicing was the farthest weapon from my mind. But oh what if we do think of rejoicing at the onset of the attack? It demonstrates our complete faith and trust in God. It is a rendering of praises to God because we know what God can do. Rejoice always. 

How do we pray continually? I don’t know about you but I’m always in a state of prayer or communication with God. Even in my flesh moments I will just say “Lord help me. Lord help me. Help me Jesus. I need You Holy Spirit.” On my most spiritual days I’m walking in Walmart praying. I pray while waiting on the movie to start. I walk in the post office just thanking Him. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate prayer but just constant communication with God. We consult God before any and every decision. And although we will still miss the mark in our flawed human state, we have a relationship with a God who will rescue us in our time of trouble. Pray continually. 

Now Lord, we need you right here. Give thanks in ALL circumstances. Lord did you say ALL to brother Paul? Ok yes Holy Spirit- ALL. So if our money is running really low, give thanks? If our spouse is walking out on us, give thanks? If our name is being scandalized, give thanks? If our friends have deserted us, give thanks? If we are jobless, homeless, and hungry, give thanks? If we are suffering with a disease, give thanks? Yes? Then believers, in ALL things we must give thanks. Why? We know that even if God didn’t cause what happened to us, God CAN cause it to work together for our good. We give thanks because we are privileged to suffer as our Lord and Savior suffered for us. We give thanks just because God is all powerful. We do all three of these things because it is God’s will for our lives in Christ Jesus. Dr.J. 

“Reel Me In” by Dr.J.

Did you get off track? That’s ok. 

Holy Spirit reel us back in. We’ve gotten on a flesh track and we need to get back to the spirit. We’ve lingered in the flesh long enough. Holy Spirit convict us, correct us, reveal to us the error of our ways and get us back on track. We’ve been questioning God in our heads and hearts. We’ve allowed the spirit of depression to come on us through open portals of doubt and dismay. We’ve focused our minds on our issues instead of casting down thoughts that didn’t align with the Word. Now we’re all of track. Reel us back in now in the name of Jesus. Dr.J. 

“Heart Check” by Dr.J.

So when they stared at you and gossiped about you, you made subliminal or blatant remarks about them in social media? When they talked down to you and treated you like you were less than a man, you cussed them out? See, how we respond to the vessels (people) being used by the devil to come against us shows where WE are spiritually. We ALL have room to grow, don’t we? We will take matters into our own hands and mouths in a heartbeat, won’t we? So we aren’t that different from our attackers, are we? No- not if we don’t let God handle them for us. It’s hard in the flesh- I KNOW. But there are so many Psalms to pray to help us through our attacks. Let God handle His people. There isn’t any need for ALL of us to get in trouble for being under demonic influence. The battle is spiritual. Never repay evil for evil. Romans Chapter 12 helps me tremendously. Attacks are good! They show US where WE need to grow and improve spiritually. The true test is to love our attackers. Where do we stand in love? Dr.J.