“Faithful Over a Few” by Dr. Jené Walker

We think that because we don’t have any money, that we don’t have to know why we don’t have any. Jehovah says to be faithful over a few things. Even if we lived from check to check during the entire 2017 year, we should know where our money went. We’re just spending and not even managing or paying attention to what we’re doing with it. That is bad stewardship. Even if we don’t have but $1.00 left after paying our bills, we need an excel spreadsheet or a good old composition notebook on which we record every dime we spend. God says pay attention to everything He has given us in this season. Be better stewards over the little now. It won’t take long. You won’t have to wait long. You will begin to multiply sooner than you can imagine by taking this “simple” FAITH step.

In a clean fresh notepad, write January 2018 at the top. Write the amount of your check at the top. Then list every monthly bill (including tithes/offering and savings) and the amounts. What do you have left? If you have $500.00 left after every bill is paid, then allocate the $500 ($350 for groceries; $100 gas; $50 spending). Put those amounts in three envelopes. On those envelopes, write dates and keep receipts for each grocery trip, gas trip, and entertainment/eating out trip.

To begin to pay off debt, write each debt on the back of your January 2018 page. Start with the SMALLEST debt to the largest. So if you have four debtors do this:
1. Macy’s 750.00;
2. Dillard’s 1200.
3. Lowe’s 4,207.
4. Visa 11,200.

After your bills, gas, groceries and you have $50.00 left. You can either have spending money or you can take $30 of that and put it on your lowest debt (Macy’s). So you pay Macy’s out of your monthly bills and then you add an extra $30 each month (and anything extra that you get like overtime, gifts, etc.) until you pay off Macy’s. Then, you take the monthly amount you paid on Macy’s plus the $30 and all extra money and start working on Dillard’s. You cannot, however, charge anything else or you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Shout, “Multiply! Increase! I’m Debt Free in the name of Yeshua!”

This is just one simple way to get started! In our Taking It All Back group, we will spend about five months on finances (wealth) alone! We are working on living according to kingdom principles, including our finances! You can share your methods in the comment box below!


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