Tag Archives: God

“Do It- Even If You Don’t Feel Like It” by Dr. Jené Walker

Emotions can be dream, goal, and promise killers. Some of us are already looking at 2019 like, “Really?” Don’t look at 2019, look at yourself in the mirror. Then, tell yourself, “I don’t care what you ‘feel like.’ You are going to pursue the kingdom and the promises in it like you never have before.”

So get back up. It’s the 9th day and I know that some of us have already gotten in a pity party position on the sofa. Get up and do it until you see the manifestation. Do. Not. Give. Up! I can see past the pity party. I see you smiling in the Spirit. I see blushing and dimples as the promises began to manifest right before your very eyes – the marriage, the increase, the promotions, the homes, the expansion, the release, the businesses, the nonprofits, the ministries, the schools. I see you saying, “I’m so glad I ‘did it’ even when I didn’t feel like it.” Don’t let anything you “think” you’re missing make you miss what is already yours. Time is winding up. I know you sense the time drawing near for our Savior Yeshua. Dominate this earth until He gets here. Now let’s go!

“Don’t Leave Anything On the List” by Dr. Jené Walker

Have you written your goals for the week? As I seek God this morning, nothing will stop me from completing the tasks that He gives me each day this week. I was reading an article about how millionaire entrepreneur Keyshia Kaoir, owner of Kaoir Fitness, Kaoir Hair, and Kaoir Cosmetics, stays focused. She said that every single day she makes a To Do List and she does not end the day until she finishes everything on that list! It sounds simple, but how many of us have tried that and have not been able to do every task? It takes discipline. It takes determination. It takes planning. It takes having goals for the week. And when you have this mindset at the beginning of each week, you will dominate. You’ve already written your goals for the 2019 year. You’ve taken those goals and broken them down by the quarter. Now look at the quarter and break it down by month and each week of the month. You have a new opportunity to dominate. Seize everything that belongs to you. Your millions are awaiting you. Don’t leave anything on the table or anything on the list. And just watch! God will give those who watch and wait something to see! Now let’s go!

“God is Your Cheerleader” by Dr. Jené Walker

People, even friends and family, will withhold their praise from you for various reasons. They will support people in other towns, cities, states, and countries doing the EXACT same thing you do and won’t support you. People are fickle like that. So if you wait around on people to applaud you or affirm you, you will NEVER consistently walk out your purpose. They will clap with you one day and pretend they don’t see you the next. When God affirms you – “This is my daughter, in whom I am well pleased” – then you have to believe what He says and move forward in that. Some of us have been stuck and stagnant because we look for the applause. You better start that business, do your ministry, apply for that promotion, buy that mansion God showed you, get that luxury car, takeover that region. It’s time for you to dominate. Don’t wait for another person to tell you “good job.” God has spoken. Now let’s go!

“Fresh Winds Blowing” by Dr. Jené Walker

I felt the pull and it was so strong yesterday. I started prophesying it at church. Then God had me to blow and usher the winds. Now you can ride with the winds if you believe or you can fight against it if you don’t agree or you can let them pass you by if you don’t believe. But I have caught this wind. It’s fresh because it has to be to blow what’s old and dead and stale out of our lives this season. It’s fresh because God is doing something new; can’t you perceive it? It’s fresh because we need a new start for where God is taking us. What He is doing is different from anything He has done in our lives before. It doesn’t line up with rules or the world’s standards. It’s God. It’s blowing in our direction right now. The pull is strong. Get ready for the shift. Now let’s go!

“Tell Yourself the Truth” by Dr. Jené Walker

Tell yourself the truth. “I’m destined for greater.” Monitor every word you speak to, about, and inside your “self.” You have to make a spiritual decision not to tell yourself another negative word. I challenge you to jot down what you tell yourself today and assess whether or not you’re speaking “life” or “death.” We can’t figure out why we’re stuck. We have talked ourselves out of moving forward. “I’m not good enough. I’m not smart enough. I don’t have enough. I can’t make it. I don’t feel good. I don’t feel like it. I can’t get up. No one will accept me. People may reject my ideas. No one will buy it. People don’t have money to support me.” Stop it now! Start telling yourself the truth – God’s Word. If God said it, that settles it. You are destined for greater. He foreknew you, formed you before you were formed. He established a great purpose for you. But you just have to tell yourself the truth! Now let’s go!

“Pulled by Purpose” by Dr. Jené Walker

Use what you have. It’s time to show up. Push past your feelings, your circumstances, the naysayers, and negative thoughts and move. You feel it on the inside. You ask, “Is there more than life to this?” But “feelings” will have you sleep on yourself. “Feelings” will make you complacent. “Feelings” will cause you to give up. “Feelings” fluctuate but your action toward your purpose cannot. This is real. Your dreams are real. Your goals are real. It’s time for you to realize them all. We can’t dart in and out of purpose this season. You have what you need inside of you. Don’t put this all on God. You’ve got to show up and show out. Now Let’s go!

“Bow Out Now” by Dr. Jené Walker

The signs are there. They have always been there. You know if this “thing” is just physical. You know if it’s “shallow.” You know if it’s just a superficial attraction. But what often holds us here in this kind of situation is an extremely strong desire for “some” type of attention or “any” kind of affection. We’re prolonging the inevitable and delaying the real blessings Jehovah has for us. I know it gets difficult in the flesh. I know the desire for companionship can be overwhelmingly strong at times. I know what it’s like to experience a four year drought just to have the “wrong man” to be the first candidate after the drought. It’s tempting. To just have someone, anyone but don’t. It isn’t a good feeling when the physical attraction wears off and the idea of you just isn’t that interesting any more, and the phone calls die down and the texts subside. And you find out that your heart means nothing to a man who was never created for you in the first place. Bow out gracefully NOW and trust God’s timing.

“Two Are Better Than One” by Dr. Jené Walker

Imagine how much your worth increases when you partner with other powerful kingdom women. The enemy has tried to keep us operating in silos because he knows how powerful we are together. “Two are better than one.” “When two or more are gathered in His name, I am in the midst.” “Walk with the wise and become wise.” “Iron sharpens iron.” When you know your worth queen, you can bring another queen with you on this journey of love, business, ministry, education, and prosperity. It’s time to break down barriers and walls of jealousy, competition, and covetousness and take our finances, ministries, businesses, and marriages to the next dimension.

Have you gotten your Worth Far More Than Rubies shirt yet? The book is coming out and the Worth Far More Than Rubies group is in full effect. You don’t want to miss joining this movement.

Order your shirt today at http://www.drjarmory.com. Get it in white, gray, yellow, and pink. Show the world that you know how valuable you are!

“Missed Out” by Dr. Jené Walker

So many will regret that they couldn’t see you “for you” when they had the chance. I remember a situation in which I had all this love to give. I just wanted to be a blessing. Holy Spirit would have me sow, and my giving spirit would have me bless and “help.” But I saw the doubt. I saw the questioning of my motives. I saw the paranoia. I saw the “side eyes.” And then I saw when my time was up for sowing and blessing and giving to one who couldn’t fully receive all I had to give. And now those who can see “me” are reaping my love and my gifts. And they missed out on a real one. Our personal insecurities and issues can block us from discerning when God has strategically placed someone in our lives to bless us. Don’t miss out on your blessing.

“So You Want an Increase?” by Dr. Jené Walker

You want to multiply? Multiply your seed. You want an increase? Plant more. Sow more. Some of us have fists that are so tight that we can’t receive a blessing because we refuse to give. Get you some good ground and sow. Don’t stare at the ground. Don’t worry about what the ground is doing. Don’t try to figure out where the seed went in the ground. You just sow and watch God provide the increase. It is a spiritual LAW. You WILL reap a harvest. Stop trying to seed watch. In due season, and sometimes in the same year you sow, you will get AT LEAST a tenfold blessings but we’re claiming 100 fold in our Taking It All Back VIP Inner Circle. There is a period between sowing and seeing the harvest but it will come forth. God cannot and will not lie.

Now, sowing time is good. Sowing love and encouragement is what I do daily through the power of Holy Spirit so I know it’s good. But I’m encouraging you to sow money. I remember when I sowed my first $2.5k seed – I jumped from like no more than $500.00 all the way to $2.5k – Jesuuuuuus I was sick. I literally thought I was going to throw up. I was thinking, “Lord, I made a mistake. You clearly didn’t ask me to give something that I barely have for myself (and my son).” I remember wanting that $2.5k to drop from the sky back to me. After all, His Word says that He will open up the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing that we don’t have room enough to receive. So, I watched that seed and waited. But for the seed to be acceptable to God, the heart has to be willing. 2 Corinthians 8:12 says, “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.” So when Holy Spirit prompts you to sow money, stop grieving Him with your unbelief and unwillingness and open up your heart and hands and sow.

When someone has a new baby, do you bless her? When someone has a business, do you sow? When someone has a powerful ministry, preaching and teaching and it’s blessing your whole life, do you sow? When someone graduates, do you bless him? When someone’s lights are off do you bless her? When someone is poor, needy and hungry do you bless him with money or food? When Holy Spirit says, “Sow $2.5k in her life?” Are you obedient? When I can’t explain in the natural how my bills are paid, I know it comes from the seeds… So you want increase? Then, sow!



TAB 2It’s about to go DOWN on February 1, 2018! We are finishing up unlocking Dimension 1 “Evaluate and Shift Your Mindset” and we are about to unlock a LOST law in the world and unfortunately in the kingdom too! The law of HONOR!

Ultimately queens, why haven’t we gotten the love we desire – even in our marriages we’re unfulfilled. To whom do you give honor? Who have you dishonored? Wives do you honor your husbands? Mother and Father-in-law? Authority? Do you honor the custodian on the job with an anointing so strong that it overtakes your office when he cleans it? Until we unlock this dimension and adopt a “new code of honor” according to kingdom principles. We will remain “stuck.” #takingitallback #adoptanewcodeofhonor
My God these women (me too lol) are about to be UNLOCKED. Join right now here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=54TBFFD7B7E6L