Tag Archives: new thing

“Is It Really Your Year?” by Dr.J. 

The devil just said, “You’ve been claiming it’s your year for six years.”

Let me tell you how the spiritual realm works. You’ve prayed and fasted and walked in obedience for six years. Each year really was your year. How? Because God said, “Yes” and started working on your behalf in the spiritual realm the first year you professed it. He was orchestrating events and encounters. He was setting up meetings for you. He was arranging the economy. He was causing things to work together. God had a set time, an appointed time for the blessing to manifest. Every year, every obstacle, every blessing, every situation, every person who came and left or came and stayed, and every circumstance was moving you forward to manifestation. Don’t let the devil trick you. It has been your year every year that you claimed it because God has been working and blessing you behind the scenes. It is time for manifestation now. Dr.J. 

“Unraveling” by Dr.J.

Do things feel like they are unraveling in your life? They are. They have to. This is the season of exposure. God is exposing every demon in your life, every natural enemy being used by the enemy, and every sin in your life that needs to be purged. Let things unravel so God can put you back together again. With the rebirth, resetting, and resurrection God is orchestrating in your life, your latter seasons will never ever be like the former. Don’t be anxious. Don’t fear the enemy warring against you. And don’t try to hold on to anything or anyone who God has undone and exposed. When things are exposed, ask God, “Now what’s next?” Rebirth. Reset. Resurrect. Dr.J.