Tag Archives: winning daily spiritual battles

“Change Connections, Change Seasons” by Dr. Jené Walker

One of the things that has caused us to be stuck in a spiritual time capsule, unable to unlock the blessings of Jehovah is the company we keep. We are stuck in a season of drought, no productivity and lack because we refuse to walk away from people. And God has revealed to us that the people around us are not supposed to be connected to us but we refuse to cut ties.

Ungodly counsel is advice from those who appear to speak truth but have a spirit of divination and wickedness. It obviously isn’t always obvious. You won’t listen to your spirit. And you’re stuck. Being in the path of or on the same course or journey with sinners will keep you in a season beyond your time. Remaining, tarrying, abiding and dwelling in a situation with those who boast, scorn, mock and act foolishly will keep you from a season of blessings.

Blessed is the man who cuts ties with these people. The opposite is true. A change in seasons will happen when a change in connections happens.

Psalms‬ ‭1:1-6‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”

“The Battle is Real” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” There is an invisible battle in the spiritual realm that we can’t see. We just need to ask God for revelation so that we can “see” what’s happening in the spiritual realm.

The fight for your marriage is REAL! Do you think it’s unintentional that there are so many divorces and marital issues? The fight for your sanity and not to lose your mind is REAL! Do you think it’s just “YOU” causing you to be up, down, in, out, and on a rollercoaster? The fight for your finances is REAL! Do you think that the spirit of poverty in our family lineages won’t have to be broken and cut off and demolished with violent spiritual force? It’s real. Satan has a strategic army. We have to ask God to help us to use our weapons to fight the rulers of the darkness spiritually. We can’t win a spiritual war with flesh. God open our hearts, minds, and EYES to receive what you’re showing us in Jesus’s name. The devil is after something all right – to ultimately destroy us. But he has no power over our power through Yeshua.

“Be Discreet” by Dr. Jené Walker

Be led by Holy Spirit about when to share your history. Esther 2:10-11 says “Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.”

Queens, we must learn discretion in this season. The enemy will use our desire to be transparent or “real” and even our desire to be accepted to cause us to prematurely release information about ourselves. Jehovah has the power to give people dreams and visions just to get information to them that He wants them to know. Holy Spirit will tell us when we are to release information about our past and our history (financial situation, credit scores, rape, molestation, incest, diseases, sicknesses, addictions, number of men we’ve been with, number of marriages, jail stint, personal issues with children, job issues, etc.) as a testimony or otherwise. If we are blabbing everything about ourselves in the first five minutes of talking to someone without being led by Holy Spirit, we could possibly be dealing with a spirit of rejection. Queens, Holy Spirit wants us to use discernment about when to share the intimate details of our lives. You are valuable. You are worth far more than rubies. You don’t have to say any and everything to be accepted. There is an appropriate time (Kairos) and place for release. Premature release can shift purpose and position. If Esther had spoken too soon about her nationality, it could have prevented her from becoming Queen. Know your worth. Listen closely to what Holy Spirit prompts you to say.

The anticipated 2017 Fall/Winter Collection of Dr.J. Armory is here! You can’t go wrong with either of these selections. Place your orders now! Queens who have already gotten yours, thanks so much for supporting the ministry and business God gave me! You are blessed now! Shop at  https://goo.gl/1oA2Wn!

“I Win!” by Dr. Jené Walker

As a man thinks so is he. Queens, what are YOU thinking? I have to fight to think about things that are true – not true based on the world’s reality but true based on the Spirit and Word of God. If I allow myself to think on things that are not aligned with Jehovah’s Word, I find my faith getting shaky. I have to constantly remind myself in every battle these profound two words, “I win!” Yeshua won the war but He gave us spiritual weapons to employ in every spiritual battle that we face in the earth. So we still have to fight. When we fight using spiritual weapons, we win. Get those lying and negative thoughts out of your head right now. Cast them down to the pit of hell and think winning thoughts. “I am victory. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. It’s not too late for me. I am at the peak of my gifts. I am a prosperous business woman. I am a virtuous wife. I am a queen. I win!” Y’all when I tell you the fight is real. I mean the attacks are intensifying but so is our faith! Shout, “I win!”

The anticipated 2017 Fall/Winter Collection of Dr.J. Armory is here! You can place your orders now! God bless you for being a blessing to me! Shop at https://goo.gl/1oA2Wn!

“No Explanation Necessary” by Dr. Jené Walker

When God sends your husband, you’ll know. You won’t have to debate it, argue it, or explain it. What is understood by you and Holy Spirit can’t be explained to people operating by the flesh. Protect your union. Don’t let the outside world penetrate your bond. You know what God told you – and that’s enough. Love like God says for us to love. Feel. Love. Even when you don’t feel love. I decree and declare that God ordained love bonds will not be broken in the name of Yeshua. And if you’re still waiting, Trust. God.

“You Can’t; Jehovah Can” by Dr. Jené Walker

As much as he hurts you, keeps embarrassing you, and puts you in compromising positions, nothing you can do or say can change him until he surrenders himself to God. Pray over him. Pray without ceasing. Tell Jehovah what you want and need from him. Cover him in the blood of Yeshua. Rebuke spirits that are coming for him – sabotage, python (to suffocate, wear down, make heavy, torment, irritate), marine (from the water, spirits that seduce sexually), women who don’t really want him but because you have him they allow themselves to be used by the devil to irritate and torture you (sometimes men can be or pretend to be blind to the motives of worldly women); lustful; lust of the eyes, pride of life; spirit of pride and arrogance; greed (more than one woman, befriending multiple women, exes, or children’s moms) and any other spirits he may be dealing with from childhood. Bind substance and drug abuse and addiction. Bind sexual addictions. Speak affirmations over his life. Submit to him. But only God can break him all the way down if he doesn’t straighten up (ask Paul). Seek God for guidance and for peace. He will tell you what to do. I decree and declare God’s blessings over you right now. Be encouraged. With Yeshua (Jesus) all things are possible.

“Close the Door” by Dr. Jené Walker

I had a dream recently that I left my house door open for a brief moment and walked in the den. I turned around and just that quickly, a male intruder was rushing through the door. Holy Spirit said to me make sure all doors are closed shut.

Ephesians 4:27 AMPC “Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].” If you leave a door slightly open and walk away, before the door closes, the devil can stick his foot in the door to stop it from closing. Thus, he can gain a foothold in your life. Your adversary the devil prowls around looking for an opportunity to come back in.

Make sure that you close all spiritual doors, passageways, and portals. Someone believes that because the door is only slightly open that there is no pending danger. “I’m not going to allow it/him all the way back in.” Danger! Has Jehovah told you to leave someone or something alone? Has he said no more drinking, smoking, or having sex? Adultery? You know what it is for you. Bind the devil. Cast him out. Demolish him and close that door all the way, permanently.

“I’m a Movement By Myself” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (AMP) “Two are better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their labor; for if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and does not have another to lift him up. Again, if two lie down together, then they keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? And though one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Are you a force against the kingdom of darkness by yourself? Jehovah wants to know that in your singleness and even as a married wife that you are maximizing your own kingdom assignment. We can’t become so engrossed in him that we forget our calling and election in the kingdom. That’s the test. Who are you other than “wife?” Who are you in the fivefold ministry? What is your calling in the kingdom! Grow in that. Develop in that. Work hard in that. We can get so caught up in everything else that we aren’t “going ye therefore” as God charged and commanded each of us to do. I’m a movement, a force all by myself. So when Jehovah sends my husband, oh my goodness! We are unstoppable for the kingdom twogether. Yes. Two are better than one. But how can you be the best “one” you can be for the kingdom? Jehovah will take care of the “two!” You have to be obedient as an individual believer and movement for the kingdom. Let’s go!

“We Are Victory” by Dr. Jené Walker

My future never changed. God has a set plan for my life and yours too. My vision was blurry. The lies can come so strongly and frequently that you can start to believe them if you let them penetrate your heart and mind. I have to fight moment by moment. The devil has pulled out all the “stops” against the warriors in the kingdom in this season. He comes at our minds to remind us of our past, our mistakes, our flaws, what the people say, our insecurities… Stop that devil dead in his schemes. Render him powerless in your mind and in your life. Pull down those spiritual blessings that you already own and tear him and his kingdom down. When he comes at you, say it aloud, “I win!” Your victory is continual. No matter which area he attacks. You win. I win. I can see clearly now. We are victory.

“You are Still a Queen” by Dr. Jené Walker

Your status of queen doesn’t fluctuate based on your single or marital status. Single? Married? Divorced? In limbo? You’re still a queen. Your status of queen isn’t tainted by what you’ve done in your past even up to this morning. You’re still a queen. He isn’t being very good to you right now. You’ve been spat on, urinated on, used up, and abused. You’re still a queen. He cheated on you with multiple women and gave you an awful incurable disease or you got it passed down from your mom. It doesn’t matter. You’re still a queen. Raped by your own father or another family member? Still a queen. Molested by the same sex? You’re still a queen. Barely escaped a homosexual relationship? You’re still a queen. You’re still wallowing in the pig’s pen and haven’t decided if you want to come out yet? You’re still a queen. Don’t say, “But she doesn’t know what I did.” Holy Spirit knows and He says it doesn’t matter. You’re still a queen. And guess what? You’re worthy of royal treatment NOW through Yeshua (Jesus). Hold your head up. Adjust your crown. And know your worth. You’re worth far more than rubies. You are virtuous. You my beautiful sister are a queen.

Queen Collection coming soon at www.drjarmory.com!