Tag Archives: reason

“When I Was a Child, I Reasoned as a Child” by Dr. Jené Walker

Reasoning is the root cause of a person’s actions. When a man reasons as a child, he may reason that the highest degrees from the best institutions and the best positions in the largest corporations and the fanciest cars and the largest church are the standards of success. God, however, will shame the wise and promote and elevate a man without any of those things. A man who reasons as a child may view justice from a child’s perspective, which is the world’s perspective. The Word of God says that vengeance is the Lord’s. But a man who reasons as a child my want to take vengeance in his own hands and get revenge on another who has hurt him. A man who reasons as a child may feel justified in sleeping with a woman and not marrying her because of the previous hurt and loss he experienced when he was married before. His mind tells him to protect himself from hurt even at the risk of devastating her life. A man who reasons as a child may be justified in having multiple women because he feels like he gets something different from each woman – each woman brings something different to the table that he needs.  A man who reasons as a child may be justified in buying cars and boats that the family can’t afford in order to fill a void from which he wasn’t healed in his childhood. If a man reasons as a child, his decision making will be impeded by his spiritual immaturity. Thank God for His word that says, come now, let us reason together. So no matter what our past sins are, our past words, thoughts, and reasoning, God can make us whiter than snow right now. He can make us brand new right now. Men of God, if you are willing to put away childish things, Holy Spirit will begin a work in you right now that he will complete and perfect. Come now. He’s waiting on you. We just have to decide to get past elementary teachings and spiritual milk. We shouldn’t have to still preach about adultery, fornication, drunkenness, and lying. It is time for us to focus on more advanced teachings – kingdom dominion, laying on of hands, prophecy and spiritual wisdom. Come now. Jehovah is tired of our sacrifices and not our obedience. Come now. Jehovah is weary of our flesh wars and pretensions. Single wives, begin to intercede for our husbands now to become spiritually mature and put away childish things. Jené Walker

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Audio Message: “A Man Who Put Away Childish Things”

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