“Marriage Arrangements and Agreements are Over” by Dr.Jené Walker

It’s over. Making agreements and arrangements to replace commitment, passion, and love in marriages is over. Sleeping separately means thinking, living, deciding, working, spending, accumulating debt, loving, contracting, and making lust separately. That is the opposite of uniting and becoming one. That is the opposite of God’s intentions for marriage.

Separation while joined in marriage causes a breach penetrable by Satan himself and all his assigned workers of iniquity. Keep your bedroom pure and undefiled. Stop bringing any and every evil lustful spirit and the consequences for your indiscretions back to your sacred marriage bed.

You’re stronger and better twogether. You’re stronger than your temptations and weaknesses through Christ who transforms you. Stop living under the oppressive and antichrist terms of marital agreements and arrangements and turn your heart, love, passion, and desires back toward God and toward your own spouse. It’s over. Making agreements and arrangements to replace commitment, passion, and love in marriages is over.  Jené Elaine Walker

“Why is My Life in Disarray?” by Dr.J.

Clutter, bills and finances, and disorder and disarray that we vowed to get straight and keep straight…we have to let God fix it now. When we really look at every aspect of our lives in which there is chaos and disarray, we can conclude that it is a relationship deficiency.

Why am I still overspending? 
Why are my bills still past due and out of order? 
Why am I still not managing my time? 
Why am I still too tired to cook and clean and take care of the household? 
Why am I still an unorganized mess? 
Why am I overwhelmed? 
Why? Why? Why?

Don’t panic. Pray. Let God heal you in your areas of weakness. Get closer to God. Take time to study and read His Word. Pray. The closer we are to Him, every area of our lives begins to improve. We begin to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. We listen to and follow the counsel of the Spirit. When God becomes the priority then everything else begins to fall into place. God even brings order to our disorderly lives. Reflect on this today. Dr.J.