“Healed People Heal People” by Dr.J.

Most of us are dealing with the residue of molestation, rape, incest, sexually transmitted diseases, abuse- physical and emotional, insecurity and low self-esteem, rejection, abandonment, illnesses, barrenness, deceptive relationships, extra marital affairs, issues of singleness, or mess in our marriages. And most of us look at other people in judgment and treat them indifferently when we have no idea of all the demons with which they’re fighting. 

Hurt people don’t have to hurt people. But healed people should heal people. How do your stares heal? How do your harsh and judgmental words heal? How does your pretending to be perfect help your own healing? How do you win if I lose? Dr.J.

“Russian Roulette” by Dr.J.

Singles and some married- stop playing Russian Roulette with our bodies. The risks are too great. The wrong bullet is going to go in the wrong chamber and the results could be deadly. Ladies keep your chambers unloaded and men keep your bullets locked away in Jesus’s name. And some married men are pulling the trigger in same sex chambers. Our lustful desires have us spinning from person to person and things are getting out of control. The spirit of perversion is lurking right next to lust. The enemy created this lethal game of chance but we don’t have to keep playing it. Worse than contracting or dying from a disease (death by shooting) is eternal death. Game over right now in Jesus’s name. Dr.J.