“Go to War” by Dr.J.

When was the last time you went to war for your child? Oh I don’t mean a flesh war because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. I mean spiritual war. Lay hands, pray aloud, speak confessions aloud (God’s word adding your child’s name), Bible study…Do your own words line up with the Word of God about your children? 
Do we receive everything we hear and see about our children? What the teachers say, doctors say, counselors say, psychiatrists say, people say, streets say, behaviors say, attitudes say, hairstyles say? What does God say about your child? Protect your ear gates and your child’s ear gates. We can afford to step up our war game for our children…we can’t afford not to. Satan is coming hard for them in the spiritual and natural realm. This may require us checking our own mouth gates.  It’s time to go to war for our children. The war may begin internally with you. Dr.J. 

“No Days Off” by Dr.J.

“Everything was going so smoothly. I mean things were perfect and then all of a sudden, all hell broke loose.”

That’s an issue. If we don’t recognize that there is always an invisible spiritual battle, we will be caught off guard when the attack manifests. You may “think” things are smooth and perfect but the enemy is always prowling around, plotting and scheming…always. What is “all of sudden” to you was being planned “all along” by the devil. We can’t afford to be deceived. We have to pray without ceasing. We have to say daily confessions. We have to read and study God’s Word daily. No days off believers because the devil doesn’t take vacations. Dr.J.