“Stay Off!” by Dr. Jené Walker

Emotions will have us texting and posting some craziness. Emotions will have us leaving when God wanted us to stay. Emotions will have us doubting the dream and vision we know God gave us. Emotions will have us questioning God’s ability to equip someone like us. Emotions will have us rushing toward a premature divorce or marriage. Emotions will have us crying our eyes out about situations over which we know God has control. Emotions will have us cussing instead of blessing and praying. Emotions will have us awake instead of asleep. Emotions will have us spending instead of sowing. Emotions will have us about to lose our minds-happy, lonely, sad, mad, depressed, joyful, lustful. We have to recognize the spirits attached to emotions. If it doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit, then we don’t receive it. Stay off the emotion rollercoaster.

Prayer: We want to be rooted in the stability of You, Lord. God help us to be content and emotional stable regardless of the rollercoaster circumstances of life and love.”