Tag Archives: Faith

“Put a Demand On Your Prosperity” by Dr. Jené Walker

God said He would. He said it was a part of His plan for you. Anything else that we may be going through financially is not in God’s plan. If we’re struggling, living check to check, unable to fund His purpose in our lives, that’s not the plan. Begin to inquire of Him. Begin to seek Him specifically about the plan. “God if it’s anything we’re doing to cause ourselves to miss Your plan to prosper us, please show us. We want to be alignment with Your plan of prosperity in our lives! Amen!”

“Stay Off!” by Dr. Jené Walker

Emotions will have us texting and posting some craziness. Emotions will have us leaving when God wanted us to stay. Emotions will have us doubting the dream and vision we know God gave us. Emotions will have us questioning God’s ability to equip someone like us. Emotions will have us rushing toward a premature divorce or marriage. Emotions will have us crying our eyes out about situations over which we know God has control. Emotions will have us cussing instead of blessing and praying. Emotions will have us awake instead of asleep. Emotions will have us spending instead of sowing. Emotions will have us about to lose our minds-happy, lonely, sad, mad, depressed, joyful, lustful. We have to recognize the spirits attached to emotions. If it doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit, then we don’t receive it. Stay off the emotion rollercoaster.

Prayer: We want to be rooted in the stability of You, Lord. God help us to be content and emotional stable regardless of the rollercoaster circumstances of life and love.”

“I Win!” by Dr. Jené Walker

As a man thinks so is he. Queens, what are YOU thinking? I have to fight to think about things that are true – not true based on the world’s reality but true based on the Spirit and Word of God. If I allow myself to think on things that are not aligned with Jehovah’s Word, I find my faith getting shaky. I have to constantly remind myself in every battle these profound two words, “I win!” Yeshua won the war but He gave us spiritual weapons to employ in every spiritual battle that we face in the earth. So we still have to fight. When we fight using spiritual weapons, we win. Get those lying and negative thoughts out of your head right now. Cast them down to the pit of hell and think winning thoughts. “I am victory. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. It’s not too late for me. I am at the peak of my gifts. I am a prosperous business woman. I am a virtuous wife. I am a queen. I win!” Y’all when I tell you the fight is real. I mean the attacks are intensifying but so is our faith! Shout, “I win!”

The anticipated 2017 Fall/Winter Collection of Dr.J. Armory is here! You can place your orders now! God bless you for being a blessing to me! Shop at https://goo.gl/1oA2Wn!

“No Explanation Necessary” by Dr. Jené Walker

When God sends your husband, you’ll know. You won’t have to debate it, argue it, or explain it. What is understood by you and Holy Spirit can’t be explained to people operating by the flesh. Protect your union. Don’t let the outside world penetrate your bond. You know what God told you – and that’s enough. Love like God says for us to love. Feel. Love. Even when you don’t feel love. I decree and declare that God ordained love bonds will not be broken in the name of Yeshua. And if you’re still waiting, Trust. God.

“My Husband’s Promotion” by Dr. Jené Walker

Wives, how many of you know and believe in your spirit that your husband has/will have a powerful calling and assignment on his life? In order to be the wife of a husband in a high place or position, we need certain characteristics – submission and a quiet spirit to name a couple. Also, our main role is to “help” so we must begin to decree and declare confessions over His life now to protect his purpose in the kingdom as well as our own.

1. I decree and declare that my husband will be totally surrendered to Jehovah God and in relationship with Yeshua.
2. I decree and declare that my husband will be led by Holy Spirit in his decisions about himself, me, and our family.
3. I decree and declare that my husband has a spirit of excellence within him which causes him to be pre-eminent among other men. My husband distinguishes himself because of the God on the inside of him.
4. I decree and declare that no corruption or negligence can be found in my husband.
5. I decree and declare that my husband is trustworthy and will be elevated in position in the cultural mountain over which he has influence.
6. I decree and declare that I am equipped as a wife to have the mandate of partnering with a man who Jehovah places in a high position. I am equipped to handle his work load and the people he will have to come in contact with. I can handle the responsibility of having a safe haven for him when he comes home from superintending the kingdom all day. I am prepared to support the causes for which he fights. I am equipped to partner with him in kingdom work.

A wife who knows her worth, knows that her husband needs her help to truly maximize his capacity in his mandate. Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tee today in gray, white, pink and yellow. Go to www.drjarmory.com!



“I Wear the Crown” by Dr. Jené Walker

James 1:12 “Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive [the victor’s] crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him.”

I know it’s hard. You don’t have to tell me. But I know God’s Word is true. We have to fight for our faith. We can have the blessings if we can be patient under trial, stand up under temptation, and stand the test and be approved. Hold your head up high. Walk upright in the Lord. You wear the crown beautiful one. I don’t know about you, but money, cars, houses, a spouse, and nothing else in this world can sustain me during the vicious spiritual attacks that I experience. Only God can keep me sane. I need the spiritual blessings. I’m going to endure the trials. I’m going to bear it all. I’m going to get my crown. Are you? 

Shop www.drjarmory.com now!


“Your Worth is in Yeshua” by Dr. Jené Walker

The devil still tries to make you look in the natural for things to validate your worth. If we continue to look at our lives and our credentials and our looks and our status for worth, the enemy will always be able to make us feel unworthy. There will always be someone else whose life appears to be better than yours. There will always be a prettier woman. There will always be someone with a higher or deeper status than us. The devil knows what to get us to focus on to keep us oppressed and depressed. The enemy keeps reminding you that you have a disease and he lies and tells you that no one will want you with that disease. So you feel unworthy. You begin to do things to get and keep a man that are beneath you. You begin to debase yourself to get a man to love you and want you because “you” don’t even value you. He tells you that because you’ve been raped or molested or someone performed homosexual acts on you that you’re irreparably damaged goods. He tells you that because your money is low and your credit is bad that you’re a liability. Let’s expose every lie of the devil right now. Rebuke the devil and send every lie back to hell. Our worth isn’t determined by what happened to us, what we did, or what we have. Because we are in Yeshua (Christ Jesus), we are worthy. We are worthy to be praised because we fear Jehovah. Our husbands and children will call us blessed. We are worthy to be cherished and valued and loved. You are worth far more than rubies no matter what your current circumstances are. But you’ve got to know your worth for yourself!

Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tee today at www.drjarmory.com! Orders are coming in! Have you gotten yours? Shirts are in stock now! I truly appreciate your supporting my ministry and business!

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“Know Your Worth” by Dr. Jené Walker

He won’t see your worth until you do. Will it be too late? Sometimes, devaluing you goes past the point of no return; it does irreparable damage to the relationship. But the moment you grasp in your belly how valuable and worthy you are, your whole life will change. Hold on to Yeshua (Jesus). He wants to tell you something so sweet and special about you, something that will change your self-perception forever. Won’t you listen so that you can get the revelation? You are worth far more than rubies.


The devil still tries to make you look in the natural for things to validate your worth. If we continue to look at our lives and our credentials and our looks and our status for worth, the enemy can always make us feel unworthy. There will always be someone else whose life appears to be better than yours. There will always be a prettier woman. There will always be someone with a higher or deeper status that us. The devil knows what to get us to focus on to keep us oppressed. The enemy keeps reminding you that you have a disease and he lies and tells you no one will want you with that disease. So you feel unworthy. You begin to do things to get and keep a man that are beneath you. You begin to debase yourself to get him to love you and want you because you don’t even value you. He tells you that because you’ve been raped or molested or someone performed homosexual acts on you that you’re irreparably damaged goods. He tells you that because your money is low and your credit is bad that you’re a liability. Let’s expose every lie of the devil right now. Rebuke the devil and send every lie back to hell. Our worth isn’t determined by what happened to us, what we did, or what we have. Because we are in Yeshua (Christ Jesus), we are worthy. We are worthy to be praised because we fear Jehovah. We are worthy to be cherished and valued and loved. You are worth far more than rubies. But you’ve got to know your worth for yourself!

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Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tee today at www.drjarmory.com! Orders are coming in! Have you gotten yours? Shirts are in stock now! I truly appreciate your supporting my ministry and business!

Check out our Saltiness & Glow Collection!



“An Ephesians 5 Husband” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 5:25-32 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Who wants an Ephesians 5 man?God, through Apostle Paul, has given us the characteristics of a husband here in Ephesians Chapter 5. It is up to us to adhere to His instructions and wait until Jehovah manifests this man for us.

Ephesians 5 Husbands do the following:

1. Husbands love us as Yeshua loves the church. He gives up himself for us, makes a sacrifice for us, dies to himself and his desires for us. That is love.

2. Husbands make us holy, cleansing us by washing us with the water through the word. Know the Word for yourself. We are not your teachers. You already know the Word and have a relationship through your own study and prayer time. Then, as the head of us, you are able to cleanse us by washing with water through the word. When we are in error, you are the example and you clean us up. When we need guidance you use the word to steer us in the right direction. To wash us with water through the word he has to know the Word.

3. Husbands must present us to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any blemish but holy and blameless. As a result of his washing us, he must regularly assess his washing to see if we are without stain and holy. Jehovah will not only hold us accountable for ourselves but our husbands are our covering and they help to hold us accountable. They have to be holy and blameless to be the models for us.

4. Husbands must love us as they love their own bodies. This is sacrificial love too. They will take time to wash their cars and shine em up really good. Whatever they would think to do for themselves (feed, care for, provide for, treat, etc.), they do it for us. He thinks of us when he thinks of himself. That’s why it is imperative that we wait for Jehovah to send us a “whole” and healed man. We are members of our husband’s body. He who loves himself loves his wife and he who hates and mistreats his wife has already done it to himself.

5. Husbands leave their father and mother and cling to and be united as one with us. No family member should be able to interfere, meddle, or come between us and our husbands.

Wives, we must submit to our husbands in EVERYTHING and respect them. Those are the commands Yeshua gives to us. When you know your worth, you can submit! Order our “Worth Far More Than Rubies” tee now at www.drjarmory.com!


“Will You Still Have Faith with No Pats on the Back?” by Dr. Jené Walker

Some of us start to doubt ourselves and even doubt Jehovah because we don’t see any natural accolades. “I must not be doing something right! Can I get a congratulations or something?” Kill that flesh. This season is to humble you.

Deuteronomy‬ ‭8:2‬ ‭AMP‬‬ “And you shall remember [always] all the ways which the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, so that He might humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart (mind), whether you would keep His commandments or not.”

This is the only way for you to know the motives of your own heart. Do you “need” credit? Likes? Followers? Recognition? Why? We have to be “good” with the reward that comes from our Father. You know you’re in His will. He has confirmed it for you over and over again. You don’t need acceptance or validation from man even though it feels good to the flesh. The mind governed by the flesh is death. Stay in the Spirit. Have faith in Yeshua that He led you in the wilderness season, void of human praise for a purpose. Have faith that He will make your name great for His glory. That’s who should get the glory any way, right?