Tag Archives: meditate

“Instructions to a King: Stay Sober” by Dr. Jené Walker

A Nazarite was one who was dedicated to God from birth. As a result, he was not to drink any wine or any other fermented drink along with other requirements. The reason a Nazarite couldn’t drink alcohol was he took a vow of purity. Proverbs 31 is a famously known for the subject, “the virtuous woman.” We typically skip over the introduction of this prophecy which is a mother’s instructions to her son, King Lemuel. The Hebrew meaning of King Lemuel’s name means, “for God.” His mother the queen wanted her son King Lemuel’s life and his reign and his marriage to the virtuous woman to be in alignment with God’s will for his life. One thing she emphasized in her instructions to her son was for him to stay away from wine and liquor. She wanted her son to have the stamina of a true king. Wine and liquor can open a man up to other kinds of spirits that may cause him to fall into sin. When Noah got drunk, he exposed himself and his sons saw him naked. If we’re honest, drunkenness has caused some of us to be in some precarious situations too. King Lemuel’s mother says in Proverbs 31 that drunkenness can cause a king to forget the very laws he imposed. Drunkenness can cause a king to pervert the justice of all the afflicted. How can one reign and rule when he isn’t in his right mind?

The short-term effects of alcohol use are “slurring of speech, drowsiness, emotional changes, sleep disruption, and the lowering of body temperature. The long-term effects of alcohol use are nausea and vomiting, loss of bladder and bowel control, black outs after which a drinker does not remember what happened while he or she was drinking, temporary loss of consciousness, and ultimately a coma and death.” As if the physical effects are not enough, the portals of a man with a spirit of addiction are open to so many types of demonic oppression that can only be closed through the deliverance and healing of Yeshua. A king must be free of addiction and oppression to rule and reign effectively.

A king is one who has lordship and sovereignty in a specific sphere of influence. Every man of Jehovah who believes in Yeshua and who is ruled by Holy Spirit is a king on the earth right now. It is time to establish your kingdom. It is time to rule in your domain. But a king must be alert and of sober mind lest he is caught off guard by the enemy, the devil. A king has to be sober to open his mouth for the speechless. A king must be sober to judge righteously and make fair decisions. A king must be sober to plead the cause of the poor and needy. A king must be sober to lead his children who are joint heirs in his kingdom. A king must be sober to lead and love his wife. A king must be sober to lead the family into kingdom dominion and wealth. A king must be sober to hear what the instructions from Holy Spirit. A king must be sober to give wise counsel. A king must stay sober to make royal decrees.

Men of God, Jehovah is calling you back to your throne. Adjust your crowns and rule. Adjust your crowns and reign. Hold your head up high so your crown won’t topple. The king in you is crying to come out. That’s why you’ve been tormented in your spirit. That’s why you’ve been depressed. That’s why you’ve been in a state of confusion. Your robe is tattered and battered and torn and so are you. Your jewels are barely in their rightful position but neither are you. But God says for you to come as you are any way. You can’t stay in a position beneath your assignment any longer. Holy Spirit is speaking to the king in you. God is about to make you a brand new king with a brand new robe. God is ready to give you a feast fit for a king in the presence of your oppressors. Won’t you walk in your anointing, Proverbs 31 king? Won’t you answer your call today? Jené Walker



“Strategic Spiritual Warfare Plan” by Dr.J.

Strategic Spiritual Warfare Plan

Your main focus in life daily has to be on Jesus and getting to heaven. God knows when He is not our main priority. He knows when we have made earthly institutions our primary focus and men our primary focus (including a spouse) and earthly possessions our primary focus. To do so is idolatry… God wants you to turn your heart completely all the way to Him. Pray for your spouse and children. Respect your spouse and children. Love your spouse and children. But do not make their issues your focus. God is your focus and you have a focused prayer life which includes prayer for your spouse and your children. But your primary focus right now is getting closer to Him. 

The plan:

1) pray and meditate – listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit to guide you moment by moment  

2) praise and worship God

3) a concentrated Bible study plan daily to address your specific needs for warfare

4) engage the enemy in spiritual warfare in which you speak confessions of God’s Word over yourself, your spouse, your children and your home daily

5) fast-go a few days with no sweets and meat for example (as led by the Holy Spirit)

6) tithe and make sure you bless others as led by the spirit 

When you seriously add this plan as a daily regimen and integral part of your spiritual life, it leaves no room for stress or worry. Every time you grow weary for a moment, implement one or more of these steps above. You’re going to have to pray without ceasing but you cannot focus on your problems…

If we can’t even follow a daily regimen consistently, how can we expect someone else to be consistent in everything they do for us? Dr.J.