“Who Is Willing To Stay Off the Bottle?” by Dr. Jené Walker

There is a commandment in Ephesians 5:18 that says, “DO NOT GET DRUNK ON WINE!” Who is willing to give up the bottle? I’m not going to push, pressure, or nag. You already know if this is confirmation because Holy Spirit has been on your behind about leaving alcohol alone period. You can justify your drinking with the Word if you want to but you know if Holy Spirit has told you to stay off the bottle completely. You can say drinking is not a sin but if Jehovah said “Stop!” You heard Him – just like I did.

Ephesians 5:15 “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, 20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Jehovah really wants us to reflect on our godly character in this season. He admonishes us to be careful in how we live. When you see the word “then,” in this scripture, it lets you know that this statement is related to a previous thought. If you’re going to be the light and you want Yeshua’s light to shine on you, be careful how you live then. We can’t continue to live in a state of “sleeping.” Every day that we live is an opportunity for us to make wise, spiritual decisions that are determined by the Spirit of Jehovah. There are some evil and corrupt things happening single wives and we can’t be affiliated with it or exposed to it. We need Holy Spirit to help lead us and guide us. And in order to know what His perfect will is for our lives, we have to present our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice, HOLY and ACCEPTABLE. That’s our reasonable service. Then we will know His perfect will. How do we know WHAT Jehovah wants us to do and WHO He wants us with if we’re drunk?

Drunkenness leads to debauchery – “bad or immoral behavior that involves sex, drugs, alcohol, seduction from duty, allegiance, or virtue; indulgence in sensual pleasures; scandalous activities involving sex, alcohol, or drugs without inhibition.” Drunkenness seduces you away from your post (assignment), your spiritual duty. It’s the reason some of us have gotten into bed with some of these dudes and far worse, right? And the world will have us thinking that it’s ok to “blame it on the alcohol.” Always measure what the world says against the standard in the Word of Jehovah.

I used to love my red wine on the weekends and Jehovah shut me down completely- almost four years strong!) down. [That’s another post]. What will happen is you will become dependent on the wine over your dependency on Him. You begin to think that you “need your wine” to “wind down.” You’ve made wine an idol now.  So, He wants to know right now. Are you willing to give up what is pleasurable (idolatrous and deadly) to your flesh to live totally surrendered for Him?

What if the reason we haven’t carried our spiritual baby full term is we keep contaminating our temple?

We’re asking Him for a lot and we don’t want to sacrifice much. Hello somebody? “Well dang, what CAN I do,” you whispered. Holy Spirit says, “Giving up your flesh is your REASONABLE sacrifice. This is what you CAN do: speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Now, who is willing to stay off the bottle? If it’s a fight for you, you already know…

“Read the Bible” by Dr. Jené Walker

Maybe this doesn’t apply to you, but it did to me – for a long time. I thank Jehovah for grace.

“We read everything to our children except the Bible. Sometimes we are busy saving the world and others and neglect to minister to our own children. Some of us pray but don’t read the Word. Some of us think it is enough to tell our children about Jesus. We spend what we consider quality time with them, but if we aren’t teaching the principles of the Word, there is no quality. We do movies and dinner and skating and sleepovers and cookouts and bank trips. They are with us everywhere we go. But are we explicitly reading the Word of God aloud to them? Begin now. Here is a regimen we can use:
1. Pray aloud.
2. Read a Bible passage aloud.
3. Discuss the meaning of the passage from both perspectives.
4. Speak confessions, declarations, and renunciations of specific evil spirits aloud.
5. Pray aloud again.
We take the time to do everything else. Do this. Our children’s lives depend on it. For our children to get the Word from church or overhearing adult conversations isn’t enough. It isn’t too late.”

Excerpt From: Dr. Jené “Dr. J.” Elaine Walker. “Meditations for a Surrendered Life.” www.meditationsforasurrenderedlife.com/buy

