Tag Archives: Messiah

“So You Want an Increase?” by Dr. Jené Walker

You want to multiply? Multiply your seed. You want an increase? Plant more. Sow more. Some of us have fists that are so tight that we can’t receive a blessing because we refuse to give. Get you some good ground and sow. Don’t stare at the ground. Don’t worry about what the ground is doing. Don’t try to figure out where the seed went in the ground. You just sow and watch God provide the increase. It is a spiritual LAW. You WILL reap a harvest. Stop trying to seed watch. In due season, and sometimes in the same year you sow, you will get AT LEAST a tenfold blessings but we’re claiming 100 fold in our Taking It All Back VIP Inner Circle. There is a period between sowing and seeing the harvest but it will come forth. God cannot and will not lie.

Now, sowing time is good. Sowing love and encouragement is what I do daily through the power of Holy Spirit so I know it’s good. But I’m encouraging you to sow money. I remember when I sowed my first $2.5k seed – I jumped from like no more than $500.00 all the way to $2.5k – Jesuuuuuus I was sick. I literally thought I was going to throw up. I was thinking, “Lord, I made a mistake. You clearly didn’t ask me to give something that I barely have for myself (and my son).” I remember wanting that $2.5k to drop from the sky back to me. After all, His Word says that He will open up the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing that we don’t have room enough to receive. So, I watched that seed and waited. But for the seed to be acceptable to God, the heart has to be willing. 2 Corinthians 8:12 says, “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.” So when Holy Spirit prompts you to sow money, stop grieving Him with your unbelief and unwillingness and open up your heart and hands and sow.

When someone has a new baby, do you bless her? When someone has a business, do you sow? When someone has a powerful ministry, preaching and teaching and it’s blessing your whole life, do you sow? When someone graduates, do you bless him? When someone’s lights are off do you bless her? When someone is poor, needy and hungry do you bless him with money or food? When Holy Spirit says, “Sow $2.5k in her life?” Are you obedient? When I can’t explain in the natural how my bills are paid, I know it comes from the seeds… So you want increase? Then, sow!



TAB 2It’s about to go DOWN on February 1, 2018! We are finishing up unlocking Dimension 1 “Evaluate and Shift Your Mindset” and we are about to unlock a LOST law in the world and unfortunately in the kingdom too! The law of HONOR!

Ultimately queens, why haven’t we gotten the love we desire – even in our marriages we’re unfulfilled. To whom do you give honor? Who have you dishonored? Wives do you honor your husbands? Mother and Father-in-law? Authority? Do you honor the custodian on the job with an anointing so strong that it overtakes your office when he cleans it? Until we unlock this dimension and adopt a “new code of honor” according to kingdom principles. We will remain “stuck.” #takingitallback #adoptanewcodeofhonor
My God these women (me too lol) are about to be UNLOCKED. Join right now here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=54TBFFD7B7E6L

“Change Connections, Change Seasons” by Dr. Jené Walker

One of the things that has caused us to be stuck in a spiritual time capsule, unable to unlock the blessings of Jehovah is the company we keep. We are stuck in a season of drought, no productivity and lack because we refuse to walk away from people. And God has revealed to us that the people around us are not supposed to be connected to us but we refuse to cut ties.

Ungodly counsel is advice from those who appear to speak truth but have a spirit of divination and wickedness. It obviously isn’t always obvious. You won’t listen to your spirit. And you’re stuck. Being in the path of or on the same course or journey with sinners will keep you in a season beyond your time. Remaining, tarrying, abiding and dwelling in a situation with those who boast, scorn, mock and act foolishly will keep you from a season of blessings.

Blessed is the man who cuts ties with these people. The opposite is true. A change in seasons will happen when a change in connections happens.

Psalms‬ ‭1:1-6‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”

“The Battle is Real” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” There is an invisible battle in the spiritual realm that we can’t see. We just need to ask God for revelation so that we can “see” what’s happening in the spiritual realm.

The fight for your marriage is REAL! Do you think it’s unintentional that there are so many divorces and marital issues? The fight for your sanity and not to lose your mind is REAL! Do you think it’s just “YOU” causing you to be up, down, in, out, and on a rollercoaster? The fight for your finances is REAL! Do you think that the spirit of poverty in our family lineages won’t have to be broken and cut off and demolished with violent spiritual force? It’s real. Satan has a strategic army. We have to ask God to help us to use our weapons to fight the rulers of the darkness spiritually. We can’t win a spiritual war with flesh. God open our hearts, minds, and EYES to receive what you’re showing us in Jesus’s name. The devil is after something all right – to ultimately destroy us. But he has no power over our power through Yeshua.

“I Want to Know His Perfect Will” by Dr. Jené Walker

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].”

Have you ever said, “I don’t know what my purpose is. I don’t know Jehovah’s will for my life. I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing. Why am I here?” This Word right here always blesses me because it tells us how to find out.

When we stop trying to be like the world; when we stop fashioning our lives after them; when we learn to be holy because Jehovah is holy; when we stop focusing on money more than Jehovah and seek the kingdom and His righteousness first; when we stop hustling for the world more than we hustle for the kingdom, then the next step is to be transformed.
It isn’t too late. We can change right now with the help of Holy Spirit. We do not have to stay like this. All we have to do is renew our minds daily. We’ve been thinking the way we have for YEARS. We’ve been brainwashed and influenced by propaganda to want the things that we want and do the things that we do and believe what we believe. The way to renew our minds is to think fresh, right thoughts that align with the Word of God. We change our attitude by protecting our eye gates, ear gates, and mouth gates. We can’t let any and everything “in” or “out.” Change our thinking by thinking what God says to think.
Now we can prove for ourselves what God put us here for. Who we are supposed to be with in marriage; who we are supposed to allow in our space and circle; who we are in the fivefold ministry; who we are in the kingdom; the business we’re supposed to be in; the ministry we should have; where we should live, bank, buy.

Don’t you want to know His good and perfect and acceptable will for your life? I’m tired of getting it wrong. I’m tired of not knowing His will. I’m tired of being with the wrong man. We can’t live the same and think the same way the world does and expect to get a different outcome. It’s time for a mind renewal.

“Will the Real Israel Stand Up?” by Dr. Jené Walker

Research the history of the earliest maps of Africa and observe how the map was changed by man over time. Originally (literally), Israel was part of Africa. Over time a canal was built to separate it from Africa as well as the name “The Middle East” given to that area. Why? To physically, visually, and mentally extract “Middle Eastern” countries from the continent of Africa. Psychological warfare. The deception is so strong. The whitewashing and manipulation is so strong just to keep us from knowing who the chosen people of God really are. Israel isn’t Israel. We’ve poured millions and millions into that nation, deceived that it is the chosen nation of God. Research the origin (DNA) of the Ashkenazi and the Sephardic Jews – no bloodline lineage to the Hebrew Israelites. Israel has not been restored yet as the world said occurred in 1948. What does the Bible say? When will we awaken?

Revelation‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

“Take note! I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie–behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and learn and acknowledge that I have loved you. [Isa. 43:4; 49:23; 60:14.]”


“How Far Are You Willing to Go?” by Dr. Jené Walker

What are we willing to do to stand out in a crowd? To be relevant in a world infiltrated by idolatry? To be number one? To be the prettiest and the sexiest? We will go from showing a little cleavage to showing nipples through a see-through shirt to posing in the nude to posing pornographically in the nude because we can’t compete in a world infiltrated by lust, pornography and perversion. We will get progressively more lewd just to be seen because the next woman will always be willing to do more and show more.

Do we conform to the patterns of this world? Do we allow the world to define what’s fashionable and what’s “in” or what’s the style? Or do we rebel against everything the world prescribes?

You are beautiful with your neckline and shoulders showing. You are just as beautiful wearing a turtleneck. We can’t ignore that there is something going on within us when as a “believer” of Yeshua and a daughter of the King we don’t feel Holy Spirit tugging at our heart strings to cover up, to stop saying and doing extreme things to get likes, views, and followers, and to get out of his bed because he isn’t our husband.

You were created to stand out without all the extra. You have something in you that the women in the world don’t have. Listen to me beautiful, it doesn’t take all that for real. God alone sets you apart. His glory is on you and that’s enough. Our relevancy in the world is irrelevant in the kingdom. Rebel! Be different! Be holy! Because God says so!

Order your shirt today at www.drjarmory.com!

“Your Father is Rich” by Dr. Jené Walker

Powerful woman of God, the Father is asking you today, “What can I do for you?” We serve an awesome and amazing God. He is a generous God. He is a loving God. He loves His daughters. You’ve been walking in faith and obedience. You’ve been walking in love. You are content in your current circumstances. You’ve been taking more and steps in His direction. He wants to know what can He do for you.

Joshua 15:18-19 “ 18 One day when she came to Othniel, she urged him to ask her father for a field. When she got off her donkey, Caleb asked her, “What can I do for you?” 19 She replied, “Do me a special favor. Since you have given me land in the Negev, give me also springs of water.” So Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs.

God the Father knows your heart. He just wants you to learn how to delight yourself in Him. When you do that, and you ask him, “Father, do me a special favor. You have given me life; you have given me spiritual blessings, you have given me health and strength, but will you also give me ______________?” God will bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask or think. He will give you the upper and lower springs. You are worth far more than rubies to Him. He values you. God values what you bring to the kingdom. Don’t be afraid to ask the Father for more – not because you aren’t content with what you have, not because you’re materialistic, and not because you have a gold digging spirit. But because you have more to do in the kingdom. You want to bless more. You want to give more. You want to conquer more territory for the kingdom. You want to build more for the poor. Ask the Father. He wants to bless you.

My sister Dionne is absolutely gorgeous in her yellow Worth Far More Than Rubies Tee! She is rocking it with a light short sleeves cover. OMG! She is a lady who knows her worth. Order yours today in gray, white, pink and yellow at www.drjarmory.com.


Order your shirt now at http://www.drjarmory.com! Know your worth!

“The Way He Looks at Me” by Dr. Jené Walker

I see God in Him by the way his stare penetrates my heart. With each moment he looks at me, his eyes are sending love messages to my soul. He appreciates me for who I am and who I am not. He sees me more deeply than my physical features. He prophesies my thoughts and desires without my ever saying one Word…How? Because his ears are pressed into the heart of Jehovah. God told him things that no one knows but me and God. He could never make me whole but he can speak to my spirit and God will use him to keep me whole. His eyes speak to me in silent spiritual psalms. He looks at me in awe of who God created me to be. He kisses my imperfections with the strength of his love. Though imperfect and flawed himself, he has a love that has been perfected through trials, tribulations, and fire. He has been through the unspeakable and unthinkable but looks at me knowing that he has made it to his sanctuary, finally. Together we tear down demonic forces to protect our love, our family, and the kingdom of God. Together we demonstrate the love of Yeshua through our love for each other but also our love for God’s people. We infiltrate cultural mountains, being used together to shift things back into kingdom order. And as we fight, he glances over at me and I see God in him through his glances.

We’re sending love to our husbands in the spiritual realm tonight – where ever they are I pray that they sense an overwhelming presence of God’s love.

He will know how to love you single wife. Trust God.

To order our featured Worth Far More Than Rubies tee, go to www.drjarmory.com!


“You Are a Warrior” by Dr. Jené Walker

The enemy wants to literally kill you. You can feel it when he uses other women to come for you to annihilate you with their words or in their attempts to take your husband. We can feel it in retrospect when we think about the abusive relationships we survived. We can feel it in every attack against our finances, living from check to check or no check at all. In spite of every attack, the devil is powerless. But you have to fight mighty woman of God. You are a warrior. Push. Keep going. Keep pressing. Do. Not. Give. Up. Fight.

Are you a woman who knows your worth? If so, you will love our signature “Worth Far More Than Rubies” tee! Go to www.drjarmory.com to order yours now!


“Your Worth is in Yeshua” by Dr. Jené Walker

The devil still tries to make you look in the natural for things to validate your worth. If we continue to look at our lives and our credentials and our looks and our status for worth, the enemy will always be able to make us feel unworthy. There will always be someone else whose life appears to be better than yours. There will always be a prettier woman. There will always be someone with a higher or deeper status than us. The devil knows what to get us to focus on to keep us oppressed and depressed. The enemy keeps reminding you that you have a disease and he lies and tells you that no one will want you with that disease. So you feel unworthy. You begin to do things to get and keep a man that are beneath you. You begin to debase yourself to get a man to love you and want you because “you” don’t even value you. He tells you that because you’ve been raped or molested or someone performed homosexual acts on you that you’re irreparably damaged goods. He tells you that because your money is low and your credit is bad that you’re a liability. Let’s expose every lie of the devil right now. Rebuke the devil and send every lie back to hell. Our worth isn’t determined by what happened to us, what we did, or what we have. Because we are in Yeshua (Christ Jesus), we are worthy. We are worthy to be praised because we fear Jehovah. Our husbands and children will call us blessed. We are worthy to be cherished and valued and loved. You are worth far more than rubies no matter what your current circumstances are. But you’ve got to know your worth for yourself!

Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tee today at www.drjarmory.com! Orders are coming in! Have you gotten yours? Shirts are in stock now! I truly appreciate your supporting my ministry and business!

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