“Will You Still Have Faith with No Pats on the Back?” by Dr. Jené Walker

Some of us start to doubt ourselves and even doubt Jehovah because we don’t see any natural accolades. “I must not be doing something right! Can I get a congratulations or something?” Kill that flesh. This season is to humble you.

Deuteronomy‬ ‭8:2‬ ‭AMP‬‬ “And you shall remember [always] all the ways which the LORD your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, so that He might humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart (mind), whether you would keep His commandments or not.”

This is the only way for you to know the motives of your own heart. Do you “need” credit? Likes? Followers? Recognition? Why? We have to be “good” with the reward that comes from our Father. You know you’re in His will. He has confirmed it for you over and over again. You don’t need acceptance or validation from man even though it feels good to the flesh. The mind governed by the flesh is death. Stay in the Spirit. Have faith in Yeshua that He led you in the wilderness season, void of human praise for a purpose. Have faith that He will make your name great for His glory. That’s who should get the glory any way, right?

“We Need Relentless Faith” by Dr. Jené Walker

This season’s trials, tribulations, judgments, and prophesy unfolding is going to push your faith to a point that feels like its “limit.” But that’s just it. There are no limits in relentless faith. Money looks really short in the natural. Jehovah owns every resource you need. Yeshua can tell you to go to the most unlikely places for you to get money to pay what you owe. Jesus replied, “But we don’t want to cause trouble. So go cast a line into the lake and pull out the first fish you hook. Open its mouth, and you will find a coin. Use it to pay your taxes and mine.” A fish’s mouth? Yes. Even though Yeshua gave up his wealth so that through His poverty we can be rich, He could still access resources through Jehovah the Father. We have the same access to the resources we need. We just need to ask Jehovah the Father, through Yeshua where to go get the money.

We’re still looking at the five loaves and two fish instead of the access that our Father has to all the bread and fish in the earth. After Yeshua fed the multitude, the disciples STILL didn’t get it. They forgot to take some bread and fish for themselves after the feast with the multitudes. When the disciples reached the other side of the sea, they realized that they had forgotten to bring bread and began to discuss it among themselves. Yeshua said, “You men of little faith.” Let’s stop talking about the bread we don’t have. We have unrelenting faith all the way up to and beyond the eviction notice; all the way to and beyond the bankruptcy; all the way up to and beyond the pink slip. Relentless faith never ends and it shouldn’t because Jehovah’s resources never ends. He can send for another man’s donkey because He has use of it. He owns it all. Tell Him what you need and wait with expectancy for Him to do it. If there are lessons that have to be learned, learn them with relentless faith. If there are tests that you have to go through, pass them with relentless faith. If there are losses that you have to suffer, suffer them with relentless faith. You will be tested and tried until you feel like you will bleed this season but Jehovah desires our bold and relentless faith. Worrying won’t add one hair on your head. We may as well trust Him with everything in us to the point of no return.

“Jehovah Must Be First” by Dr. Jené Walker

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Holy Spirit is dealing with me about this scripture and my heart. So I’m personally digging into this Word today and really dissecting it word by word and phrase by phrase. Then, I will let Holy Spirit speak to me, counsel me, guide and direct me, and purge me. If we desire ANYTHING more than we desire Him and His kingdom, it will NOT work. If it’s a platform, recognition, love and companionship from a man, money, a house or ANYTHING, it will NOT work. Jehovah wants us to check our hearts daily, moment by moment. What are the desires of our hearts? In the succession of things we desire, is God first in rank, the greatest influence in our hearts, or is He the chief thing? If not, it will NOT work. Be encouraged though, because when God shows us the motives of our hearts, if we surrender those things and our hearts to Him, He is faithful and just to fix our hearts. We need to let Him fix it now in our single season because it may be that our priorities or a lack thereof are are holding us back from our blessings. Jené Walker