Tag Archives: Businesswoman

You Are the Return On Your Investment by Dr. Jené Walker

Leaders, invest in yourself and in your business. No one knows better than you your areas of need. You can develop your own personalized and individualized educational plan. How was your last evaluation? How was your last self assessment? What are the weakest areas of your business? Sales? Social Media marketing? Content creation? Money management? Identify your needs and design your own customized Professional Growth Plan.

You are the only one holding you back.

Today was an amazingly productive day! I started out with a coaching call and my coach empowered me like no other! Then I met with two business consultants and we started strategic planning for my business. This evening, I have sessions with two coaches about two different aspects of my business.

Professional learning shouldn’t be something mandated by someone else for you. Every leader needs to map out her own growth plan. Assess yourself based on standards! Your income can be your standard. The number of clients or sales can be your standard. We have to be perpetual learners and execute what we learn.

“Work at It With All Your Heart” by Jené Walker

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

So you don’t feel like it today, huh? You’ve been dealing with some difficult clients and customers. You have your own personal issues going on. You have your own business and you don’t really have to answer to anyone – except God. God says today that even if you’re your own boss, we have a sovereign God to whom we have to give an account. He wants us to acknowledge Him as the Owner and Operator of our businesses. He wants us to have a spirit of excellence as if He were doing our evaluation each day because…He is. Work hard at it. Whatever you do, work as if all your effort is exerted for God Himself. It’s a heart thing. Approach work wholeheartedly today.
Be on time.
Be prepared.
Be organized.
Be in order.
Be efficient.
Be a good steward.
Be of good cheer.
Be loving toward His people, even the difficult ones.
Be respectful of people’s time and money.
Be fair.
Be just.
Be obedient to God’s Word.
Work at it today.
God will reward you. Jené Elaine Walker