Tag Archives: intimacy

“His Sex Drive is Your Gift” by Dr. Jené Walker

“Your husband’s sex drive is God’s gift to you.” Wives, sex is such a powerful tool and an even more powerful weapon. Jehovah never intended for us to use sex as a kingdom or spiritual weapon. The devil came in and corrupted its meaning and its use. Think about how the enemy uses sex in our marriages or how he uses us to use sex against our husbands. I know it must be extremely difficult to surrender your body and emotions to a man who has been insensitive, who refuses to take out the trash or help with the children, or who isn’t affectionate. But instead of rebelling; instead of withholding; and instead of withdrawing, you must learn how to engage in spiritual warfare. What are the confessions that you speak over him daily so that Jehovah can transform his life? How do you refuel and surrender to Jehovah so that He can fix what’s wrong in YOU? When do you go to the altar to pray for Jehovah to help you surrender to your husband sexually? When was the last time you fasted for your husband and marriage and sex life?

The devil will use us wives to withhold sex because he knows what a powerful tool it is in kingdom marriages. He will also use spirits of lust, adultery, masturbation, pornography and all other forms of sexual immorality to infiltrate our marriages with irreparable damage – if we let him. In kingdom, God ordained marriages and in God ordained sexual activities with your spouse, the sexual connection not only binds you to your husband and secures your oneness with him; not only does it feel amazing, but it is also a form of worship to Jehovah.

Think about all this power you have within you wives as you’ve been studying the Word of God with me; you’ve been praying; you’re about to do a 30-day fast. And do you think that when you connect with your husband sexually (which is also a connection spiritually) that your spirits aren’t impacting him? No. Sex won’t be the panacea for all your marital ills but the lack of sex is extremely frustrating to your husband and detrimental to your marriage. His sex drive has been tormenting you because other things aren’t going the way you want them to. Pray about this. Add this issue to your fasting prayer list. Your husband’s sex drive is a gift to you from Jehovah because in whole and healed marriages, sex can be the most powerful way to connect. When you have sex, use that as an opportunity to literally say aloud some of the confessions that Jehovah has given us. “Talking dirty” invites demons in your bedroom. And you wonder why you’re arguing or can’t communicate or can’t agree. What are you saying to each other and is it godly? Speaking powerful confessions over him while you are connected in the ultimate way invites the power of Holy Spirit to transform him and your marriage. His sex drive? Honey so many women are praying for what you have. You just have to pray and ask God how to manage the blessing with which you’ve been given.