Tag Archives: reign

“King, What Has Crippled You?” by Dr. Jené Walker

King, what has crippled you? At no fault of your own, did something happen to you that changed the course of your life and crippled you? Were you born to a mother who was addicted to crack, drugs or alcohol and it changed the course of your life? It impacted your entire educational journey. You were labeled from the moment they read your files. They tested you and of course they said that you were eligible for special education because you processed things more slowly than your peers the same age as you. This crippled you because your perception of yourself was that you would never be able to read eloquently or speak articulately so you lost your crown. Or maybe it was that you were given up for adoption and passed along from foster care to foster care. Unimaginable things happened to you and those things crippled you from ever being able to trust people. You still wake up in cold sweats from nightmares about the things that you suffered through then. Maybe you literally became crippled from some physical ailment or being dropped or being burned or being abused. And because of your disability, you cowered away from some of the positions and other blessings God had for you with your name on it. Jehovah wants you to know that there is still a crown for you. You are restored now. Everything that the locusts stole from you will be given back to you in this season. Shift your perception of yourself and recognize who you are in Yeshua now. Remember who you truly are – royalty.

Women of God are praying for you persistently this season until something breaks free in the atmosphere for you to get what is legally yours. The. Crown. King. Jené Walker