Tag Archives: kingdom

“You Reign” by Dr. Jené Walker

There is no competition or vying for position in the kingdom. Each queen has her own throne. Each queen has her own metron. Each queen has territory to conquer. I can share my ideas with you and you with me and we can copy each other if Holy Spirit so leads. And guess what? Both of us will still reign in her own right. There is a need for a plethora of ministries, businesses, schools and more. Each of us has a sphere of influence. Your people may not be my people. There are millions of unchurched people who need what we have. The enemy already tears us down without us doing it to each other. It’s his mission to wreak havoc in our lives specifically. There will always be enmity between queens and Satan. Stay in position. And when you get in position. Bring another queen up and another and another. And if she gets there before you do, support her until your due season.

“King, What Has Crippled You?” by Dr. Jené Walker

King, what has crippled you? At no fault of your own, did something happen to you that changed the course of your life and crippled you? Were you born to a mother who was addicted to crack, drugs or alcohol and it changed the course of your life? It impacted your entire educational journey. You were labeled from the moment they read your files. They tested you and of course they said that you were eligible for special education because you processed things more slowly than your peers the same age as you. This crippled you because your perception of yourself was that you would never be able to read eloquently or speak articulately so you lost your crown. Or maybe it was that you were given up for adoption and passed along from foster care to foster care. Unimaginable things happened to you and those things crippled you from ever being able to trust people. You still wake up in cold sweats from nightmares about the things that you suffered through then. Maybe you literally became crippled from some physical ailment or being dropped or being burned or being abused. And because of your disability, you cowered away from some of the positions and other blessings God had for you with your name on it. Jehovah wants you to know that there is still a crown for you. You are restored now. Everything that the locusts stole from you will be given back to you in this season. Shift your perception of yourself and recognize who you are in Yeshua now. Remember who you truly are – royalty.

Women of God are praying for you persistently this season until something breaks free in the atmosphere for you to get what is legally yours. The. Crown. King. Jené Walker


“Stop Fussing Over Grandma’s Dishes” by Dr. Jené Walker

Stop talking about the kids in the family and start interceding for them every morning in prayer at 6:00am. Stop talking about the infirmities and sicknesses your great grandmother, grandmother, and mother had and start walking in righteousness so you can have to power to destroy the spirit of infirmity in each generation. Take a look at adultery in the family. Why is adultery a sin that everyone in the family line commits? Stop the generational sin. Cut it off at the root. Where is the family prayer line? We get on everyone else’s prayer line. Who is going to start one for the family – not only when something bad happens, but the family will pray on a regular basis together. Is everybody broke and struggling in the family? Break the spirit of poverty through prayer and spiritual warfare and financial training and information. We do not have to accept the curses in our families. Why do you think the devil wreaks so much havoc in families? To keep us separated and at odds with each other that’s why! Even if you aren’t released to connect with a specific family member every day, aren’t you released to pray for them every day until yokes are destroyed? How about this? How many preachers are in your family? Do they even speak to each other? Pray together? Strategize for warfare together? It’s time kingdom families. Who has been hurt by incest, molestation, or rape in the family? It’s time for those loved ones to get loosed from that mess! The devil can’t keep them oppressed! Which sexually transmitted diseases run rampant, passed down in the family that no one wants to talk about to get free? Come on somebody. We are taking back the blessings and breaking the curses from our ancestors. Say it everyday. You know what they are.

Do a spiritual assessment of your family. You be the one to get the plan started. We get together once a year for fun and foolery but don’t we want more?  How can we be ok with some of the family thriving and the rest barely surviving? Your whole family is royalty. Speak it over them daily. Stop fighting over grandma’s dishes and start saving for land and territory for the family to build an estate for the family in grandma’s name!

“Every Believer is a Preacher” by Dr. Jené Walker

2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:8-11‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

In this world there will be troubles but Jesus overcame the world. Be encouraged but be vigilant. Because we live in perilous times, it is imperative that our salvation is assured. It is imperative that we are engaging the enemy in warfare. It is imperative that we are witnessing about Yeshua, the Messiah. We don’t have much time. It is time to come out of sin. It is time to make sure our parents, spouses, children, friends and the world have accepted Yeshua crucified, buried, and resurrected. Time is up for sugarcoated sin messages. If we love God and His people more than our need to be liked, loved, and accepted then we will preach repentance of sin and acceptance of Yeshua. Believers we are vessels. There is a sense of urgency. Witness. Witness. Witness. Evangelize like never before. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Preach. Every believer preach. Jené Elaine Walker 

“Forget Those Things that are Behind You” Dr.J.

I refuse to keep looking back at those things that are behind me. The year is almost at an end. Do we have regrets? Absolutely. Have we messed up? Royally. Have we said and done hurtful things about and to others? Yes! Did we continue to sin and fall short of the glory of God? Too many times to count. Did we miss God and hook up with the wrong people? Countless times. But God! We made it through. We will not live in regret. We will not continue to condemn ourselves. The goal for us is the kingdom of heaven. What do we do between now and the return of Jesus Christ? Preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Keep pressing in the presence of God. Look back right now, one more time, just to say goodbye to the things that are behind you. We’re moving forward in the things of God and the things and people He has for us. Believe it. Something and someone new is on the horizon. Dr.J. 

“Kingdom Marriage Takeover” by Dr.J.

I was driving and God gave me a vision of hundreds of thousands of kingdom married couples converging at a single point. The point seemed like a stadium sized auditorium. The couples were learning warfare strategies for preserving kingdom marriages and perpetuating the kingdom of God. My Jesus! I have chill bumps. 

The couples were trained by powerful five-fold ministry leaders who specialize in spiritual military combat. When the couples implemented the military warfare tactics as well as trained other couples operating in every walk of life, millions of marriages were saved. Every couple had a platform. Positive marriage pictures and videos with military tactics being taught all over the world saturated the Internet. Kingdom marriages took over social media, churches, communities, jobs, the world. Every post was a message to teach that the “kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The marriage in and of itself acted as salt and light to win souls for Christ. 

Men and women were freed from the spirit of homosexuality, adultery, and lust because every married couple refused to compromise their kingdom marriage and there was no one with whom indiscretions could take place. More kingdom marriages would take place because millions were free from the spirit of homosexuality and adultery and lust and pornography and every manner of sexual immorality. 

Because of the revival in kingdom marriages, children and entire families turned from sin and were saved. As a result of the awakening in kingdom marriages, schools, government, churches, and all other institutions were transformed. 

If you’re up now and if you’re fasting in this upcoming season, I’m compelling you to go hard for kingdom marriages. I’m even praying for heterosexual marriages that came together wrongfully to get a grace reprieve and a covering from God (There will still be consequences any time we disobey the voice and instructions of God). There is a sense of urgency. What a vision! Thank You Holy Spirit. Kingdom married spouses, are you maximizing your kingdom authority? My God look at what will happen when you do. Dr.J. 

“There is No Competition” by Dr.J.

“How many unbelievers did you reach today? 7? Aw man! I only reached 5. I’m going to one up you tomorrow!” What strategies do you use to witness? Who is your target audience? How do you articulate who Jesus is daily? How can I make my witness more authentic? Which territory will you cover? How can we reach more territory? I’m new in ministry, can you mentor me? The Holy Spirit led me to minister about ____. What about you? I don’t feel as comfortable addressing these biblical principles; can you help me? I get nervous when I have to ____; can you help me? How do you align everything you do with the message, “the kingdom of heaven is at hand?” We’re stronger together. Period. So we have to stop allowing the quarrels within us and the external enemy to separate us. Forgive offenses, heal inwardly, and team up for the kingdom. It’s much too serious and urgent in the world for competitiveness, suspicion, and envy IN THE BODY. We aren’t ignorant of the devil’s devices. Let’s pray for each other. Let’s love each other. Let’s help each other. Flaws and all. Let’s compete for soul winning “together” – friendly, loving, kingdom-minded competition only IN THE BODY. Dr.J.