Tag Archives: sister

“You Reign” by Dr. Jené Walker

There is no competition or vying for position in the kingdom. Each queen has her own throne. Each queen has her own metron. Each queen has territory to conquer. I can share my ideas with you and you with me and we can copy each other if Holy Spirit so leads. And guess what? Both of us will still reign in her own right. There is a need for a plethora of ministries, businesses, schools and more. Each of us has a sphere of influence. Your people may not be my people. There are millions of unchurched people who need what we have. The enemy already tears us down without us doing it to each other. It’s his mission to wreak havoc in our lives specifically. There will always be enmity between queens and Satan. Stay in position. And when you get in position. Bring another queen up and another and another. And if she gets there before you do, support her until your due season.

“Am I My Sister’s Keeper?” by Dr. Jené Walker

Because I’ve gone through and have done some ugly things in my past, Jehovah has kept me humble. My past keeps me non judgmental. My past keeps me rooted in the fact that all I am or could ever be is because of grace. Now I should easily be able to extend grace to my sisters right? Who am I to be so critical about where she is in her life right now when I was just there three years ago? Sisters need a sister with a big heart. Love. Transparency. Correction in love. The truth from the Word of God and not our opinions. Can we be honest with ourselves and think about what we’ve been through and what we’ve done for a moment? Yes, I’m a queen. Yes, I’m regal. But I’m also real and I love God and His people. “Life for me ain’t no crystal stair.” And I have a testimony to share. Don’t you?

I don’t want to judge you sister. I just want to love you. Correction by the Word and Holy Spirit is good for us. It’s what brought me out of my mess. I’m every woman. I bet you can’t shock me. No matter what, you are a queen! Shop our new queen collection at https://goo.gl/1oA2Wn!


