Tag Archives: Warfare

“Bow Out Now” by Dr. Jené Walker

The signs are there. They have always been there. You know if this “thing” is just physical. You know if it’s “shallow.” You know if it’s just a superficial attraction. But what often holds us here in this kind of situation is an extremely strong desire for “some” type of attention or “any” kind of affection. We’re prolonging the inevitable and delaying the real blessings Jehovah has for us. I know it gets difficult in the flesh. I know the desire for companionship can be overwhelmingly strong at times. I know what it’s like to experience a four year drought just to have the “wrong man” to be the first candidate after the drought. It’s tempting. To just have someone, anyone but don’t. It isn’t a good feeling when the physical attraction wears off and the idea of you just isn’t that interesting any more, and the phone calls die down and the texts subside. And you find out that your heart means nothing to a man who was never created for you in the first place. Bow out gracefully NOW and trust God’s timing.

“The Battle is Real” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” There is an invisible battle in the spiritual realm that we can’t see. We just need to ask God for revelation so that we can “see” what’s happening in the spiritual realm.

The fight for your marriage is REAL! Do you think it’s unintentional that there are so many divorces and marital issues? The fight for your sanity and not to lose your mind is REAL! Do you think it’s just “YOU” causing you to be up, down, in, out, and on a rollercoaster? The fight for your finances is REAL! Do you think that the spirit of poverty in our family lineages won’t have to be broken and cut off and demolished with violent spiritual force? It’s real. Satan has a strategic army. We have to ask God to help us to use our weapons to fight the rulers of the darkness spiritually. We can’t win a spiritual war with flesh. God open our hearts, minds, and EYES to receive what you’re showing us in Jesus’s name. The devil is after something all right – to ultimately destroy us. But he has no power over our power through Yeshua.

“I Win!” by Dr. Jené Walker

As a man thinks so is he. Queens, what are YOU thinking? I have to fight to think about things that are true – not true based on the world’s reality but true based on the Spirit and Word of God. If I allow myself to think on things that are not aligned with Jehovah’s Word, I find my faith getting shaky. I have to constantly remind myself in every battle these profound two words, “I win!” Yeshua won the war but He gave us spiritual weapons to employ in every spiritual battle that we face in the earth. So we still have to fight. When we fight using spiritual weapons, we win. Get those lying and negative thoughts out of your head right now. Cast them down to the pit of hell and think winning thoughts. “I am victory. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. It’s not too late for me. I am at the peak of my gifts. I am a prosperous business woman. I am a virtuous wife. I am a queen. I win!” Y’all when I tell you the fight is real. I mean the attacks are intensifying but so is our faith! Shout, “I win!”

The anticipated 2017 Fall/Winter Collection of Dr.J. Armory is here! You can place your orders now! God bless you for being a blessing to me! Shop at https://goo.gl/1oA2Wn!

“No Explanation Necessary” by Dr. Jené Walker

When God sends your husband, you’ll know. You won’t have to debate it, argue it, or explain it. What is understood by you and Holy Spirit can’t be explained to people operating by the flesh. Protect your union. Don’t let the outside world penetrate your bond. You know what God told you – and that’s enough. Love like God says for us to love. Feel. Love. Even when you don’t feel love. I decree and declare that God ordained love bonds will not be broken in the name of Yeshua. And if you’re still waiting, Trust. God.

“Close the Door” by Dr. Jené Walker

I had a dream recently that I left my house door open for a brief moment and walked in the den. I turned around and just that quickly, a male intruder was rushing through the door. Holy Spirit said to me make sure all doors are closed shut.

Ephesians 4:27 AMPC “Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].” If you leave a door slightly open and walk away, before the door closes, the devil can stick his foot in the door to stop it from closing. Thus, he can gain a foothold in your life. Your adversary the devil prowls around looking for an opportunity to come back in.

Make sure that you close all spiritual doors, passageways, and portals. Someone believes that because the door is only slightly open that there is no pending danger. “I’m not going to allow it/him all the way back in.” Danger! Has Jehovah told you to leave someone or something alone? Has he said no more drinking, smoking, or having sex? Adultery? You know what it is for you. Bind the devil. Cast him out. Demolish him and close that door all the way, permanently.

“We Are Victory” by Dr. Jené Walker

My future never changed. God has a set plan for my life and yours too. My vision was blurry. The lies can come so strongly and frequently that you can start to believe them if you let them penetrate your heart and mind. I have to fight moment by moment. The devil has pulled out all the “stops” against the warriors in the kingdom in this season. He comes at our minds to remind us of our past, our mistakes, our flaws, what the people say, our insecurities… Stop that devil dead in his schemes. Render him powerless in your mind and in your life. Pull down those spiritual blessings that you already own and tear him and his kingdom down. When he comes at you, say it aloud, “I win!” Your victory is continual. No matter which area he attacks. You win. I win. I can see clearly now. We are victory.

“How Quickly Can You Discern?” by Dr. Jené Walker

What sets you apart from every other woman in the earth realm? What makes you so worthy? What makes you so special? Why are you necessary in the kingdom and in your home? I will tell you. You have the ability to discern which situations require you to intercede “quickly.”

1 Samuel 25:117-18 “Now therefore, know and consider what you will do, for harm is determined against our master and against all his household. For he is such a scoundrel that one cannot speak to him.’ Then Abigail made haste and took two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already dressed, five seahs of roasted grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and loaded them on donkeys.”

You know how to distinguish between the need for the model prayer versus the need for you to lay before Jehovah, cry out, confess His Word back to Him, and wait for Him to speak. You, like Abigail know when to make haste and load that donkey up with goods! Woman of God, there is nothing like having a spirit of discernment and the gift of spiritual wisdom.

Abigail was married to a man whose name meant “fool.” He did something so foolish that it was going to impact her and her household and could ultimately result in their deaths. She didn’t consult with her husband. She didn’t declare a fast. She didn’t go in the prayer closet. The Word says that Abigail made haste and went to make an offering in order to keep the peace for her household. Her actions not only saved her household (except “fool” – Please read the entire chapter again! It is empowering!) but also it saved the king from making an irrational decision.

Beautiful woman of God, are you prepared to make decisions in the spirit that will save your earthly king? Are you praying and fasting and studying and listening and hearing from Jehovah NOW so that when the time arises you can pray quickly as you load up that donkey with goods. You will be able to act quickly because you will be assured that you’re hearing from Holy Spirit in your decisions. See you will have already learned to recognize the difference between His voice and your flesh. Have you ever had to keep your family, your king from devastation? In what spirit did you intercede? Was it in lowliness and humility and meekness and with a quiet spirit? Or did you “drag him” because he was about to mess up not only your household but also in the kingdom? Listen to me you powerhouse you, you have so many gifts on the inside of you. You can change the trajectory of your entire marriage or your entire single season. You, my love, are worth far more than rubies.

Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tee today at http://www.drjarmory.com! I can’t thank you enough for the influx of orders this weekend. I’m so grateful. I am decreeing and declaring that our cups runneth over in THIS season. You just have to be obedient in your finances and have bold and relentless faith.

Shop Now!

“The Devil Can’t Have Your Marriage” by Dr. Jené Walker

It has been hellish I know. The fire has been hot in your marriage and I’m not talking about passion. The attacks have had you on the brink of break up, but if Jehovah Himself ordained you, He’ll sustain you. Be encouraged. But better yet, be vigilant and militant about your marriage. The gates of hell will not, shall not prevail against your God ordained marriage. You’re on the verge of the sweet spot- a place where the two of you are on one accord, swinging at the same enemy at the same time, praying and going to war for each other, connecting sexually to connect spiritually. Hold on. It’s coming. But fight while you’re holding. The devil can’t have your marriage period.

“Get In Shape for Battle” by Dr. Jené Walker

The mantle of your assignment as wife will bring new dimensions in glory but also in combat. You have to be prepared now. Holy Spirit is your physical trainer now. What is your current spiritual workout regimen? We can’t afford to gain the weight of the world. Read the Word of God and study it every day. Ask Holy Spirit to speak so that you get revelation about the Word. Exercise your spiritual weapons now. When the spirit of depression comes, which muscles will you flex? Psychological warfare? Mental battles in your mind? People being used? Loneliness? Flesh wars are not acceptable at the next level. Are you fighting in the spirit or the flesh now? It’s time. We must workout daily and nightly in order to win the daily battles that we face now but also to prepare for the next level of warfare when God connects us with our husbands in this season. Do you see the warfare taking place in the world right now? We do not live in a vacuum. Everything happening in the world is connected to the spiritual realm. The battles will impact our marriages too. Our marriage is established to impact the spiritual realm. It’s all connected. Get in shape for battle. Everything you’re experiencing now is part of your militaristic training for combat in your marriage.

“Keep Your Mouth Closed” by Dr. Jené Walker

Women of God, I can’t stress it enough – We have to learn to keep our private lives private. Holy Spirit Himself should be the only One who can speak into us about our husbands. Blessed is the woman who walks NOT in the counsel of the ungodly…Her delight is in the law of the Word and she does meditate on it both day and night. Get your counsel from the Word of God. Family, friends, and even mentors don’t mean any harm, but sometimes their counsel is NOT godly. I’m speaking from experience. I have had people who are saved “pouring” into my spirit from their flesh. Because I didn’t guard my heart, I allowed my decisions to be influenced by their flesh. When our husbands mess up (because they will in some way), we will get over it in one hour but the people we confide in will harbor resentment and bitterness over time. 

Holy Spirit will comfort us and guide us in what to do regarding our husbands. Even our most spiritual friends or mentors will still mentor us based on their schema and their paradigm. We can’t afford that. Learn now to hear from Holy Spirit for yourself. Learn now to depend on Holy Spirit for direction. Learn now to guard your hearts. Learn now to “eat the meat and leave the bones” – but be careful. Sometimes bones are embedded and hidden in the meat and we end up getting choked. Do not discuss your husband’s issues and your problems with any and everyone. Some people shouldn’t have access to your sacred covenant. Do not speak negatively over husband, describing what he did out loud in the atmosphere. Some of us can say some “damning” death confessions over our men and we put it in the atmosphere for demons to chew on and act on. Shhhhh. We have to learn now to be silent before HIM and him. Cherish the privacy of your marriage. Your husband is your best friend. When you can’t talk to him about himself, go to God about him in prayer and the heavenlies in warfare. Jené Elaine Walker