“Marriage Arrangements and Agreements are Over” by Dr.Jené Walker

It’s over. Making agreements and arrangements to replace commitment, passion, and love in marriages is over. Sleeping separately means thinking, living, deciding, working, spending, accumulating debt, loving, contracting, and making lust separately. That is the opposite of uniting and becoming one. That is the opposite of God’s intentions for marriage.

Separation while joined in marriage causes a breach penetrable by Satan himself and all his assigned workers of iniquity. Keep your bedroom pure and undefiled. Stop bringing any and every evil lustful spirit and the consequences for your indiscretions back to your sacred marriage bed.

You’re stronger and better twogether. You’re stronger than your temptations and weaknesses through Christ who transforms you. Stop living under the oppressive and antichrist terms of marital agreements and arrangements and turn your heart, love, passion, and desires back toward God and toward your own spouse. It’s over. Making agreements and arrangements to replace commitment, passion, and love in marriages is over.  Jené Elaine Walker

“Why is My Life in Disarray?” by Dr.J.

Clutter, bills and finances, and disorder and disarray that we vowed to get straight and keep straight…we have to let God fix it now. When we really look at every aspect of our lives in which there is chaos and disarray, we can conclude that it is a relationship deficiency.

Why am I still overspending? 
Why are my bills still past due and out of order? 
Why am I still not managing my time? 
Why am I still too tired to cook and clean and take care of the household? 
Why am I still an unorganized mess? 
Why am I overwhelmed? 
Why? Why? Why?

Don’t panic. Pray. Let God heal you in your areas of weakness. Get closer to God. Take time to study and read His Word. Pray. The closer we are to Him, every area of our lives begins to improve. We begin to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. We listen to and follow the counsel of the Spirit. When God becomes the priority then everything else begins to fall into place. God even brings order to our disorderly lives. Reflect on this today. Dr.J.

“Healed People Heal People” by Dr.J.

Most of us are dealing with the residue of molestation, rape, incest, sexually transmitted diseases, abuse- physical and emotional, insecurity and low self-esteem, rejection, abandonment, illnesses, barrenness, deceptive relationships, extra marital affairs, issues of singleness, or mess in our marriages. And most of us look at other people in judgment and treat them indifferently when we have no idea of all the demons with which they’re fighting. 

Hurt people don’t have to hurt people. But healed people should heal people. How do your stares heal? How do your harsh and judgmental words heal? How does your pretending to be perfect help your own healing? How do you win if I lose? Dr.J.

“Russian Roulette” by Dr.J.

Singles and some married- stop playing Russian Roulette with our bodies. The risks are too great. The wrong bullet is going to go in the wrong chamber and the results could be deadly. Ladies keep your chambers unloaded and men keep your bullets locked away in Jesus’s name. And some married men are pulling the trigger in same sex chambers. Our lustful desires have us spinning from person to person and things are getting out of control. The spirit of perversion is lurking right next to lust. The enemy created this lethal game of chance but we don’t have to keep playing it. Worse than contracting or dying from a disease (death by shooting) is eternal death. Game over right now in Jesus’s name. Dr.J.

“You’re a New Creature” by Dr.J.

Some people remember you for what you did or what you did to them or what you did with them. You can’t make people change their minds about you. But don’t worry. God already forgave you and you’re a new creature to Him. Don’t worry about those who won’t stop worrying about and condemning 

you. Keep pressing toward the mark. Dr.J.

“Tragedy as a Trajectory for the Devil’s Agenda” by Dr.J.

Are we pushing Satan’s agenda in our response to tragic events? Are we spiritually conscious of the devil’s devices? Can tragic events be used as distractions? Which flag will we raise, which color will we post, which memes will we use to saturate timelines? Who are the fence straddlers? Who are the lukewarm believers? Where are the false prophet and teachers who will capitalize on tragedy to push their agenda, which is synonymous with the devil’s. 

Observe. When tragedy is heightened, all these things are made manifest. God is showing you some things. Will you open your eyes? Keep the veils off and observe in your spirit. Satan’s tricks are subtle but blatant nonetheless. It is very difficult to discern in your flesh. Pray and observe before you choose a position on situations that are unfolding during these end times. Pray and ask for the gift of the sons of Issachar – to be able to understand the signs of the time. Watch how believers get in a frenzy from tragedy to tragedy. Observe how we won’t take a stand for Jesus. Pray about how “love prevails,” even when we cause what we “love” to supersede what God’s Word says and to reject everything God stands for – light. Just be quiet and pray and observe. Or has the enemy already distracted you with his sneaky subtleties? Dr.J. 

“You Can Have This Old World” by Dr.J.

Exactly what is it about this world that you love so much and for which you are willing to lose your soul? 

Is it the illicit sex which threatens our very earthly existence with incurable diseases and deadly diseases? Is it a man who won’t commit who has multiple partners in the same area code that we choose over God? Or maybe it’s the desire for money, fame, and worldly promotion that we choose over an eternal life with God? Possibly, it’s our lust for the same sex that God has judged so harshly before in two cities etched in the historical crevices of our spirits? Maybe it’s the wars, killing, senseless violence and injustice that cause us to choose the world as our dwelling place? Is it the government or the educational system whereby Satan has strategically set up spirits of oppression and sabotage to annihilate specific people? Clubbing? Parties? Vacationing? Slaving on a job? What is it that you stand to gain here in a dying world?

I don’t know what it is about this world for some of us. I just know that for me, there is nothing or no one here to make me lose my soul.  Wake up people of God. Our God is as much a God of judgment as He is One of love. Truly accept Jesus now before it’s too late. Dr.J.

“Go Slowly” by Dr.J.

Take this season of relationships (i.e., intimate, friendships, work, business, all other relationships) slowly. You’ve been operating in your flesh in your relationships. You’ve jumped in head first and gotten several concussions. You’ve allowed all kinds of people in your personal space and gotten in theirs…too quickly. The Holy Spirit says slow down. Be led by the Spirit. God hasn’t instructed you to give your soul in exchange for love. Giving away everything that you have with the wrong motives in your heart (to receive love in return) is not of God. You want love so badly that you’re trying to buy it with your time, space, money, body, and any other resource you have.

Slow down. Let God lead you every step of the way in these relationships this season. Some may only be for a season. Some may only be to teach you, agitate you, and help get you to the next spiritual level. Some are straight from the enemy. Every relationship won’t be for a lifetime. But in this lifetime, listen to the Holy Spirit about your relationships. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves as there are some wolves in sheep clothing in this world. Dr.J.

“Hit Rock Bottom? Go to the Rock that’s Higher Than You!” by Dr.J.

You may have hit rock bottom but you landed on God, the Rock of our salvation. Just because you lowered your standards, God never did. God has something better for you. Dr.J. 

“Starbucks Revelation” by Dr.J.

I just activated the Starbucks app on my phone and added money to it a few days ago. I’ve only used it two times. When I went yesterday and pulled up my app, I had a message that said “Taste of Gold Status- Free Drink.” Revelation at Starbucks! Jesus! 

This morning when I was telling my sister about it, the Holy Spirit said, “Your favor doesn’t have to take a long time.” He said “And even if you haven’t received the full benefits of your rewards yet, God is giving you a taste of the Gold Status!” Favor! Can you receive that in your spirit? I did! Stay faithful. Stay obedient. God has platinum status favor for you. I’m already seeing manifestation of His favor in your lives. Thank You Holy Spirit! Dr.J.