“Stop Fussing Over Grandma’s Dishes” by Dr. Jené Walker

Stop talking about the kids in the family and start interceding for them every morning in prayer at 6:00am. Stop talking about the infirmities and sicknesses your great grandmother, grandmother, and mother had and start walking in righteousness so you can have to power to destroy the spirit of infirmity in each generation. Take a look at adultery in the family. Why is adultery a sin that everyone in the family line commits? Stop the generational sin. Cut it off at the root. Where is the family prayer line? We get on everyone else’s prayer line. Who is going to start one for the family – not only when something bad happens, but the family will pray on a regular basis together. Is everybody broke and struggling in the family? Break the spirit of poverty through prayer and spiritual warfare and financial training and information. We do not have to accept the curses in our families. Why do you think the devil wreaks so much havoc in families? To keep us separated and at odds with each other that’s why! Even if you aren’t released to connect with a specific family member every day, aren’t you released to pray for them every day until yokes are destroyed? How about this? How many preachers are in your family? Do they even speak to each other? Pray together? Strategize for warfare together? It’s time kingdom families. Who has been hurt by incest, molestation, or rape in the family? It’s time for those loved ones to get loosed from that mess! The devil can’t keep them oppressed! Which sexually transmitted diseases run rampant, passed down in the family that no one wants to talk about to get free? Come on somebody. We are taking back the blessings and breaking the curses from our ancestors. Say it everyday. You know what they are.

Do a spiritual assessment of your family. You be the one to get the plan started. We get together once a year for fun and foolery but don’t we want more?  How can we be ok with some of the family thriving and the rest barely surviving? Your whole family is royalty. Speak it over them daily. Stop fighting over grandma’s dishes and start saving for land and territory for the family to build an estate for the family in grandma’s name!

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