Tag Archives: Georgia Blogger

“Is It Time For a Detox?” by Dr. Jené Walker

Holy Spirit said, “Not in this season!” It may be time to go through the process of ridding your spirit of some foolishness again. Have you allowed any and everyone to speak into you? Have you held conversations with some spirits that have literally made your chest heavy? Do you feel bloated or a spirit of heaviness? Did you start worrying about things you were once confidence in? Do you pay attention to the signs your spirit is giving you? You can’t keep going like this. Theenemy wants to clog you up and weigh you down with spirits and spiritual attacks. How do you combat this? Change your spiritual diet. You absolutely can’t keep allowing certain spirits in your life. You need to cut it. You may have to take a period of time during which you refrain from certain conversations, people, and things. This season is too critical for you to continue to allow these toxins to build up in your life. It’s time for a spiritual detox! 

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“How Do I Look?” by Dr. Jené Walker

How do you look single wife? Describe your appearance. See, it isn’t about your complexion, your hair style, your choice of clothing, your bank account, your title at work, your looks, or your shape. Although to the extinct possible, we should take care of ourselves and walk in the fullness of our purpose in this season. However, the “look” you want to have in this season, is the look that shows that you’ve been in the presence of Jehovah. This isn’t a look that you can “beat” on because that will wear off or wash off at night. This isn’t a look that you were born with. This look can only be accomplished by being in the presence of Jehovah continually and persistently. Period.

How can I get this look – the look that will draw my husband to me? STAY on your face in the presence of Jehovah. Study His Word. Fulfill your assignment and walk worthy of your calling. Let Holy Spirit transform your life. Let Holy Spirit change you, improve you, and purge you of the dross that is unnecessary in your life. Let Jehovah purify your heart. Let Jehovah Rapha heal you of your hurt and brokenness because if not, instead of the glory and glow of Jehovah on your life, there will be a residue of heaviness and depression and oppression on your life. And which spirits will those spirits attract? Abusive spirits. Domineering spirits. Cheating spirits. We will never go back to those spirits again but we must be HEALED and WHOLE so that we don’t draw them to us.

Spend time in the presence of Jehovah. People will begin to tell you, “You are so beautiful. There is just something about you.” They will say, “You’re glowing” and it has nothing to do with being with child. But about the glory of Jehovah you carry on the inside of you. This glow than can only be achieved by being in the presence of God is what will draw him to you this season.

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“I’m a Grown Woman!” by Dr. Jené Walker

Instructions for Christian Households
Ephesians 5:21-24 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”

“I’m a grown woman! I do what I want to do. I’m independent. I’m a boss. I make my own money. I make it happen for me and mines (for emphasis).” Have you made any of these comments? If so, it’s ok. We can repent now. Jehovah is transforming our entire lives right now in this moment. But we must have a reverent fear of Yeshua that keeps us from foolishness. “I can’t say that. I can’t do that. I can’t be that way. Yeshua sees me and knows my heart.” That’s where Jehovah wants us. See in order to submit to our husbands in “EVERYTHING” we have to be totally submitted to Yeshua. What else can humble us enough to submit to a mere mortal, a man?

I’ve been ministering to married couples for years and this is a huge obstacle to innumerable wives. The main issue is that first we marry men Jehovah never told us to marry! That’s why we’re waiting single wives. But the next issue wives have is that we’ve never learned “how” to submit. The world has taught “all the women who’re independent to throw our hands up at them.” The world has taught us who runs the world -girls. The world has taught us that our private parts act as kryptonite. Really? If that were true every woman would have a husband under her spell! Foolishness. This is it single wives, our season of submission; our season to undo everything the world has done to our spirit. This is our season to become foolish so we can become wise.

What are you willing to give up in your flesh in order to submit to Yeshua in your spirit? Is your spirit quiet now? Do you respect authority now? Do you show honor now? Let’s allow Jehovah to teach us how to submit. The husband is the head of his wife. We have to be submitted to Jehovah to choose the “head” for us. I’m not doing this on my own again. I refuse. I’m waiting on Jehovah. Grown women submit to and revere Yeshua.

Single wives, make sure you study Ephesians Chapter 5 for a few more days. Read the entire chapter once a day. We’re breaking it down in the group. Feel free to use your own study methods to really dissect it and get it in your spirit.

“Stop Fussing Over Grandma’s Dishes” by Dr. Jené Walker

Stop talking about the kids in the family and start interceding for them every morning in prayer at 6:00am. Stop talking about the infirmities and sicknesses your great grandmother, grandmother, and mother had and start walking in righteousness so you can have to power to destroy the spirit of infirmity in each generation. Take a look at adultery in the family. Why is adultery a sin that everyone in the family line commits? Stop the generational sin. Cut it off at the root. Where is the family prayer line? We get on everyone else’s prayer line. Who is going to start one for the family – not only when something bad happens, but the family will pray on a regular basis together. Is everybody broke and struggling in the family? Break the spirit of poverty through prayer and spiritual warfare and financial training and information. We do not have to accept the curses in our families. Why do you think the devil wreaks so much havoc in families? To keep us separated and at odds with each other that’s why! Even if you aren’t released to connect with a specific family member every day, aren’t you released to pray for them every day until yokes are destroyed? How about this? How many preachers are in your family? Do they even speak to each other? Pray together? Strategize for warfare together? It’s time kingdom families. Who has been hurt by incest, molestation, or rape in the family? It’s time for those loved ones to get loosed from that mess! The devil can’t keep them oppressed! Which sexually transmitted diseases run rampant, passed down in the family that no one wants to talk about to get free? Come on somebody. We are taking back the blessings and breaking the curses from our ancestors. Say it everyday. You know what they are.

Do a spiritual assessment of your family. You be the one to get the plan started. We get together once a year for fun and foolery but don’t we want more?  How can we be ok with some of the family thriving and the rest barely surviving? Your whole family is royalty. Speak it over them daily. Stop fighting over grandma’s dishes and start saving for land and territory for the family to build an estate for the family in grandma’s name!