Tag Archives: bloggerlife

“Do the Work” by Dr. Jené Walker

Leaders, you should feel a constant pull toward your leadership purpose if you are truly called to lead.

The trials, tribulations and cares of this world aren’t enough to hold you back. However, you have allowed circumstances to sit you down temporarily; to distract you; and, to delay you.

But you can’t stop. Get up and do the work. The work, time and effort seem futile at times but do the work anyway.

You think, “No one is listening; no one is paying attention; no one is changing; no one is being influenced by my leadership.” But nothing could be farther from your truth. Keep doing the work.

Leadership is a difficult concept to conceptualize and to define. It’s something planted on the inside of you, pulling on your purpose; making you continue to try to make a difference; making you continue to build; and making you continue to help the people you were created to help. It’s not about the money but like a money magnet, you will attract wealth and money to you as you lead.

Do. Not. Stop. No matter what, do the work. The fruit of your labor will manifest. The transformation in your tribe will occur. The reward for your work will be awarded to you.

Yes, of course, seek God first. Take care of your family. Get your proper rest. But answer the call. Fulfill your purpose. Complete your assignment. Always do the work.

“The Blind Leading the Blind” by Dr. Jené Walker

I know you’ve heard the saying, “The blind leading the blind!” Leaders, you have to be whole and healed in order to effectively lead your people to a healthy place, toward the vision. I’ve seen leaders come in to the workplace or church and not even speak to or communicate with or meet with the people they lead. I’ve seen leaders shun the people who work for them, cut them off and not receive what they have to say. I’ve observed leaders allow toxic people to corrupt their organizations because they’re too stressed out to address it. If you’re not healthy, the organization won’t be healthy, your people won’t be healthy, and you won’t get them to that healthy place.

This is the season for reflection and transformation. Make the necessary changes in you. It’s time to move forward and move the vision forward. It’s time to get everything God has for us, including our healthy place.

“We Don’t Die; We Multiply” by Dr. Jené Walker

Don’t fall into the trap of the enemy in this season. You are not depressed. You are not going into more debt – you’re coming out. You may be alone but you are not lonely. You have transitioned through a change in seasons and come forth victorious. You have overcome every attack the enemy forged against you in 2017. You are more than a conqueror. You don’t have to overspend to overcompensate for you you think you are not. You are whole. You are amazing. You are royalty – kings and queens. You made it through the most trying times of your life because Jehovah is your everything. There is nothing lost in the kingdom because Jehovah restores and shows mercy on whom He wants to show mercy. You will not take any residue of rejection, depression, or oppression into the new season of 2018. You realize you are but a mist and that your life is not your own. Therefore, you are determined to live each day that you do have in the dominion, authority, and power that Jehovah gave to you. Your lot is not lack but your portion is increase and multiplication. Shut down every lying devil that contradicts what God says about you in His Word. We don’t die, we multiply! And brown people, awaken and watch God vindicate us in this season.

“Look Toward the Hills” by Dr. Jené Walker

Keep your head up queen! The hell I’ve been through is enough the make a queen lie down and give up. But God. He says get up queen! Regardless of who left you for someone else; regardless of your bank account or credit score or the lack thereof; regardless of any kind of sexually transmitted disease or illness; regardless of your living arrangements; regardless of the friends who abandoned you; regardless of career or business or ministry obstacles; regardless of any self-perceived or inflicted inadequacies- get up! If you would only trust God and move in His direction, He has something amazing for you.

I decree and declare that you are healed from your afflictions. Every demon assigned to oppress you and hold you down must flee in the name of Yeshua. Regardless of who or what you loss, God has already restored it in the name is Yeshua. Throw your head back and look toward the hills from whence comes your help. He is waiting for you!

“Fruit Examination” by Dr. Jené Walker

Queens, it is the season for us to examine our fruit. Do we produce royal fruit? Can God trust us to wear the crown? Do we carry ourselves like a queen? Do we engage in royal conversations? Are we willing to stop participating in sexual sin? Masturbation? Pornography? Adultery? Fornication? Lust? Do we have self-control? Is there even a hit of greed? Welfare or income tax fraud? Are our private conversations with family or girlfriends pure? Do we engage in nasty conversations? Make nasty jokes? I thank God that we can repent and thank Jehovah for His grace! We can surrender our struggles to Him and let Him come in and begin to transform our lives now. Let’s begin to express thankfulness to Jehovah out of our mouths. Let’s bless and not curse out of our mouths. Let’s build up and not tear down. Let’s exemplify queen behavior. We have to be willing to die to our flesh and our own fleshly desires. God has greater works He wants to do in, for and through us but we have to let Him get our hearts right. You are a queen. You’re worthy of the crown. You’re worth far more than rubies. You just have to carry yourself like you know this.

Queens are ordering these sweatshirts for the winter! Order yours today! Kristie got hers! Kings, get this shirt for your queen ASAP! Go to https://goo.gl/1oA2Wn to shop now!




“Change Connections, Change Seasons” by Dr. Jené Walker

One of the things that has caused us to be stuck in a spiritual time capsule, unable to unlock the blessings of Jehovah is the company we keep. We are stuck in a season of drought, no productivity and lack because we refuse to walk away from people. And God has revealed to us that the people around us are not supposed to be connected to us but we refuse to cut ties.

Ungodly counsel is advice from those who appear to speak truth but have a spirit of divination and wickedness. It obviously isn’t always obvious. You won’t listen to your spirit. And you’re stuck. Being in the path of or on the same course or journey with sinners will keep you in a season beyond your time. Remaining, tarrying, abiding and dwelling in a situation with those who boast, scorn, mock and act foolishly will keep you from a season of blessings.

Blessed is the man who cuts ties with these people. The opposite is true. A change in seasons will happen when a change in connections happens.

Psalms‬ ‭1:1-6‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”

“The Battle is Real” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” There is an invisible battle in the spiritual realm that we can’t see. We just need to ask God for revelation so that we can “see” what’s happening in the spiritual realm.

The fight for your marriage is REAL! Do you think it’s unintentional that there are so many divorces and marital issues? The fight for your sanity and not to lose your mind is REAL! Do you think it’s just “YOU” causing you to be up, down, in, out, and on a rollercoaster? The fight for your finances is REAL! Do you think that the spirit of poverty in our family lineages won’t have to be broken and cut off and demolished with violent spiritual force? It’s real. Satan has a strategic army. We have to ask God to help us to use our weapons to fight the rulers of the darkness spiritually. We can’t win a spiritual war with flesh. God open our hearts, minds, and EYES to receive what you’re showing us in Jesus’s name. The devil is after something all right – to ultimately destroy us. But he has no power over our power through Yeshua.

“I Win!” by Dr. Jené Walker

As a man thinks so is he. Queens, what are YOU thinking? I have to fight to think about things that are true – not true based on the world’s reality but true based on the Spirit and Word of God. If I allow myself to think on things that are not aligned with Jehovah’s Word, I find my faith getting shaky. I have to constantly remind myself in every battle these profound two words, “I win!” Yeshua won the war but He gave us spiritual weapons to employ in every spiritual battle that we face in the earth. So we still have to fight. When we fight using spiritual weapons, we win. Get those lying and negative thoughts out of your head right now. Cast them down to the pit of hell and think winning thoughts. “I am victory. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. It’s not too late for me. I am at the peak of my gifts. I am a prosperous business woman. I am a virtuous wife. I am a queen. I win!” Y’all when I tell you the fight is real. I mean the attacks are intensifying but so is our faith! Shout, “I win!”

The anticipated 2017 Fall/Winter Collection of Dr.J. Armory is here! You can place your orders now! God bless you for being a blessing to me! Shop at https://goo.gl/1oA2Wn!

“Can He Love and Lead You?” by Dr. Jené Walker

He may not have the grace. You have a calling and an assignment on your life. Period. You were created for a purpose. Those relationships haven’t worked out because the man Jehovah has for you has to have the “grace” to be able to love you and lead you. He won’t bless you with someone who isn’t created to complement your calling to fulfill in the earth. There is a man who is favored and graced to carry you as Jehovah carries him. The heavier your calling, the heavier his grace will be. Be discerning. You know what God has called you to do. You know what God told you you need in your husband. Stop trying to force a man who doesn’t have the grace to love you and lead you and wait on Jehovah.

Wives, if you’re married and the two of you aren’t working together toward your ministry as a couple, pray and seek Jehovah for guidance and direction. The two of you have a kingdom ministry. What is it? Maximize your purpose and maximize your love for each other.

You are a queen who always win! Shop at Dr. J. Armory!

“Who He Says You Are” by Dr. Jené Walker

Forget the lies. You’ve been doubting, questioning, and wondering if you are who you thought you were because you haven’t accessed the blessings. God says you are exactly who He says you are and the blessings are yours by faith. Keep working on the plan. Confess out of your mouth, “I have the resources I need in heavenly places and in the natural.” Confess, “I have people lined up who see my spirit and work ethic and are willing to bless me.” Confess, “I have a team that is on fire about my vision and are willing to help me.” Get that dream out of your head and onto paper. God is going make it leap off the paper. God loves you.

And brown people of God. You’ve been called every name in the books they wrote. Every name except the original name Jehovah gave you. Chosen. You’re special, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. God loves you. The Spirit of the Lord says forget the lies you’ve been told. Remember again who you are. Come out of oppression. You already have access to all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. We can no longer hide behind the enslavement and abuse we’ve experienced. We can no longer make excuses. It is time to awaken and birth what God has. You have to want for yourself what He wants to give you. You have to know who you are in him. Get up. Arise brown people of God. Arise and reposition yourself back to your rightful place in dominion.