Tag Archives: married

The 40-Day Challenge for Single Wives and Married Wives Course ™

Do you want this?

☑️To be free from “thirst” and begin to attract the love you desire

☑️To vacation quarterly on exotic islands with your husband

☑️To attract a man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love you

☑️To strengthen your relationship with God to the point that your husband begins to appreciate the amazing spiritual transformation in you

☑️To win your husband over to Jesus because of the change in you

☑️To balance being a phenomenal wife and mother while running an online financial business

☑️To make money for your household while you sleep…

Those are some of the testimonies of the wives who said, “Yes!” to The 40-Day Challenge for Single and Married Wives Course™! ARE YOU READY TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE? I have a solution for you!

You don’t want to miss this course which begins April 10, 2019! You take the course at your own pace! You have lifetime access! Sign up for this course with me, Dr. Jené Walker, The Leader’s Coach today! I will coach you through the entire process via video! Sign up! Like right now! Your life will NEVER be the same!

Click here to enroll today: https://unleashtheleader.teachable.com/purchase?product_id=1048551

“The Great Deceiver” by Dr. Jené Walker

The enemy is the great deceiver and he leads the whole world astray. I don’t know about you but I have been deceived before – over and over. I have thought a situation or relationship was one way but it turned out to be something totally different. I thought that the person I was with loved me but I was deceived. I thought the relationship was headed somewhere, but it wasn’t. I thought a person was trustworthy but she wasn’t. Single and Married Wives, we have to be proactive and not reactive. Meaning? We can’t wait until the enemy creeps in and leads us or our husbands astray. We have to ward off those deceptive demons now. The enemy already has women, scam artists, car salesmen, or dirty supervisors pegged out who can be used to deceive our husbands. We have to cover ourselves and them now.

Genesis 38:9-10 9 “But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.”

Confessions: Say these aloud daily until you feel the atmosphere shift.
1. I renounce the spirits of selfishness, greed, lust and duplicity in my husband. My husband will not tolerate spirits of duplicity and lying.
2. I renounce the spirits of irresponsibility in my husband which causes a man to abandon his seed, his own child, his own flesh and blood.
3. I renounce the spirit of manipulation in my husband which causes him to defile a woman’s body with no intentions of ever fulfilling his responsibility of marrying her. 4. I declare and decree that every dishonorable, deceptive, manipulative spirit be exposed in the name of Yeshua.
5. I cut off every misleading and undermining spirit working for Satanic intelligence in the name of Yeshua.
6. I declare and decree that my husband will fulfill all his responsibilities according to the kingdom of God and the principles in God’s Word.

Women of God, we have to know our worth! To purchase our signature “Worth Far More Than Rubies” tee, go to www.drjarmory.com!



“My Husband is a King” by Dr. Jené Walker

1 Peter 3:6 “…as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.”

This passage of scripture has always captured my spirit. What in the world could cause a wife to be afraid with “terror?” I have studied this word and can’t find any other references in the Bible of its use. Wow! We are considered Sarah’s daughters, with the capacity to call our husbands ‘lord’ if we do good and are not afraid with any terror. We look at “do good” quite often, especially since it’s referenced in Proverbs 31 also. But for this post, let’s explore terror. It’s such a strong word. Terror is extreme fear. What fears do we have that would prevent us from serving our husbands?

I bind the fear of him leaving.

I bind the fear of his death.

I bind the fear of him cheating.

I bind the fear of him not loving me.

I bind the fear of him not being a good steward.

I bind the fear of him not having wisdom.

I bind the fear of me not making him happy.

I bind the fear of other women taking him.

I bind the fear of not being able to fulfill my personal assignment.

Are there anything other things that cause you to fear? When you acknowledge it, bind it immediately.

The devil knows if he can cause us to fear that we won’t be willing to be good to or serve our husbands because something – sometimes subconsciously – will hold us back. I decree and declare that we are free today. We are free from terror in the name of Yeshua (Jesus). We are free to be good to and serve our husbands.

Women of God, you are worth far more than rubies! Order our signature tee at www.drjarmory.com!


“Your Worth is in Yeshua” by Dr. Jené Walker

The devil still tries to make you look in the natural for things to validate your worth. If we continue to look at our lives and our credentials and our looks and our status for worth, the enemy will always be able to make us feel unworthy. There will always be someone else whose life appears to be better than yours. There will always be a prettier woman. There will always be someone with a higher or deeper status than us. The devil knows what to get us to focus on to keep us oppressed and depressed. The enemy keeps reminding you that you have a disease and he lies and tells you that no one will want you with that disease. So you feel unworthy. You begin to do things to get and keep a man that are beneath you. You begin to debase yourself to get a man to love you and want you because “you” don’t even value you. He tells you that because you’ve been raped or molested or someone performed homosexual acts on you that you’re irreparably damaged goods. He tells you that because your money is low and your credit is bad that you’re a liability. Let’s expose every lie of the devil right now. Rebuke the devil and send every lie back to hell. Our worth isn’t determined by what happened to us, what we did, or what we have. Because we are in Yeshua (Christ Jesus), we are worthy. We are worthy to be praised because we fear Jehovah. Our husbands and children will call us blessed. We are worthy to be cherished and valued and loved. You are worth far more than rubies no matter what your current circumstances are. But you’ve got to know your worth for yourself!

Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tee today at www.drjarmory.com! Orders are coming in! Have you gotten yours? Shirts are in stock now! I truly appreciate your supporting my ministry and business!

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“An Ephesians 5 Husband” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 5:25-32 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Who wants an Ephesians 5 man?God, through Apostle Paul, has given us the characteristics of a husband here in Ephesians Chapter 5. It is up to us to adhere to His instructions and wait until Jehovah manifests this man for us.

Ephesians 5 Husbands do the following:

1. Husbands love us as Yeshua loves the church. He gives up himself for us, makes a sacrifice for us, dies to himself and his desires for us. That is love.

2. Husbands make us holy, cleansing us by washing us with the water through the word. Know the Word for yourself. We are not your teachers. You already know the Word and have a relationship through your own study and prayer time. Then, as the head of us, you are able to cleanse us by washing with water through the word. When we are in error, you are the example and you clean us up. When we need guidance you use the word to steer us in the right direction. To wash us with water through the word he has to know the Word.

3. Husbands must present us to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any blemish but holy and blameless. As a result of his washing us, he must regularly assess his washing to see if we are without stain and holy. Jehovah will not only hold us accountable for ourselves but our husbands are our covering and they help to hold us accountable. They have to be holy and blameless to be the models for us.

4. Husbands must love us as they love their own bodies. This is sacrificial love too. They will take time to wash their cars and shine em up really good. Whatever they would think to do for themselves (feed, care for, provide for, treat, etc.), they do it for us. He thinks of us when he thinks of himself. That’s why it is imperative that we wait for Jehovah to send us a “whole” and healed man. We are members of our husband’s body. He who loves himself loves his wife and he who hates and mistreats his wife has already done it to himself.

5. Husbands leave their father and mother and cling to and be united as one with us. No family member should be able to interfere, meddle, or come between us and our husbands.

Wives, we must submit to our husbands in EVERYTHING and respect them. Those are the commands Yeshua gives to us. When you know your worth, you can submit! Order our “Worth Far More Than Rubies” tee now at www.drjarmory.com!


“I’m a Grown Woman!” by Dr. Jené Walker

Instructions for Christian Households
Ephesians 5:21-24 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”

“I’m a grown woman! I do what I want to do. I’m independent. I’m a boss. I make my own money. I make it happen for me and mines (for emphasis).” Have you made any of these comments? If so, it’s ok. We can repent now. Jehovah is transforming our entire lives right now in this moment. But we must have a reverent fear of Yeshua that keeps us from foolishness. “I can’t say that. I can’t do that. I can’t be that way. Yeshua sees me and knows my heart.” That’s where Jehovah wants us. See in order to submit to our husbands in “EVERYTHING” we have to be totally submitted to Yeshua. What else can humble us enough to submit to a mere mortal, a man?

I’ve been ministering to married couples for years and this is a huge obstacle to innumerable wives. The main issue is that first we marry men Jehovah never told us to marry! That’s why we’re waiting single wives. But the next issue wives have is that we’ve never learned “how” to submit. The world has taught “all the women who’re independent to throw our hands up at them.” The world has taught us who runs the world -girls. The world has taught us that our private parts act as kryptonite. Really? If that were true every woman would have a husband under her spell! Foolishness. This is it single wives, our season of submission; our season to undo everything the world has done to our spirit. This is our season to become foolish so we can become wise.

What are you willing to give up in your flesh in order to submit to Yeshua in your spirit? Is your spirit quiet now? Do you respect authority now? Do you show honor now? Let’s allow Jehovah to teach us how to submit. The husband is the head of his wife. We have to be submitted to Jehovah to choose the “head” for us. I’m not doing this on my own again. I refuse. I’m waiting on Jehovah. Grown women submit to and revere Yeshua.

Single wives, make sure you study Ephesians Chapter 5 for a few more days. Read the entire chapter once a day. We’re breaking it down in the group. Feel free to use your own study methods to really dissect it and get it in your spirit.

“You Just Want To Be Seen” by Dr. Jené Walker

We were created to be suitable help mates, which may require us to operate behind the scenes at times or to operate in a season of hiddenness. Do you just have to be seen? Do you have to have your name in neon lights? Do you have to get the credit or the glory? We were created because Jehovah said that it wasn’t good for men to be alone.

Genesis 2:18-22 (NIV) “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’ Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.”

A help meet or helper in the Hebrew is `ezer or one who helps or aids. We are helpers, women of Jehovah! In some situations in marriage, men of Jehovah have another dimension that will attain when they find you. In those same situations, Jehovah may give you all the logistics and details needed to help your husband accomplish the vision Jehovah has given him. Are you humble enough to privately write out the plan, work out all the details Holy Spirit gives you, and develop the script that your husband executes in public? There will be times that we must be the mind that the Master uses behind the scenes that allows him to shine and Him to shine. But we won’t be able to do this is we’re the type right now who has to have accolades. If we’re the ones who have to have our names on the program, this will be challenging for us. If we’re the ones who “feel some kinda way” when our names aren’t called after we did all the work. It’s human (I hear you lol) but it’s flesh. Yeshua told us to die to our flesh. So if pride is an issue now, we have to be transparent, lay it on the altar and let Holy Spirit get that spirit out of us now.

It takes humility and love to allow someone to have the spotlight and shine. Holy Spirit has done a work in me in this area but if my flesh rears its ugly head, I start casting, rebuking, and renouncing the spirit of pride. To Jehovah be the glory in all things, not to Jené be the glory. And when we allow our husbands to shine, Jehovah still gets the glory. Someone will see His Spirit in us and say, “She is truly a virtuous wife touched by God Himself.” Humble yourselves in the presence of Jehovah and in due season, He will elevate you. 

Excerpt From: Dr. Jené “Dr. J.” Elaine Walker. “Meditations for a Surrendered Life.” Go to www.meditationsforasurrenderedlife.com/buy!

“Is He a Counterfeit or the Real Deal?” by Dr. Jené Walker 

The details aren’t our problem. Our sovereign, almighty, all powerful Jehovah will work out all the details. We don’t have time for that. We are supposed to be seeking Jehovah for our kingdom dominion and assignment. Jehovah will orchestrate the meeting with our husbands, the revelation to our husbands that we’re the ones, his preparation, and the geographical location. Don’t worry your pretty little heads about that. Seek Him first and His righteousness. While you wait on Jehovah, let Him prepare your heart and mind for ministry and marriage. Let Him get all the bitterness OUT because it kills marriages. Let Him get all the hurt OUT that destroys trust. Let Him get all the compromise OUT because that shakes fidelity at the core. Let Him get all the deception OUT that causes you to think the counterfeit is real which causes the heart to stray. Let Him get all the disobedience OUT that causes us not to submit to our own husbands in everything. We have work to do while we WAIT. Nonetheless, WAIT. Jené Walker

“Stop Settling

Lesson Scripture:

Psalm 37:4 (ESV) “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

“Love Lessons: Stop Settling”

We believe God for certain areas of our lives but for most of us, finances, healing, and love are difficult areas to completely trust God. Unfortunately, we tend to take these matters into our own hands. Holy Spirit began speaking to me about the area of love to encourage me to hold on and wait for Him. He will give us the desires of our hearts when we delight ourselves in Him first. To delight ourselves in Him means to be happy in Him. Delight (“anag” in Hebrew) means to be glad in anything. See, we want the desires, but we have to be glad in the state we’re currently in. So, when Jehovah connects us with our mates, our happiness isn’t contingent on them and their actions but on our ability to delight ourselves in Jehovah. When we get to the point that we delight ourselves in Jehovah, then we begin to trust Jehovah to give us our hearts’ desires. The closer our relationship with Jehovah, the closer our desires begin to align with His desires for our love lives. When it comes to love, if we don’t get aligned with kingdom marriage principles now, we will continue to connect with people that God didn’t ordain for us. We will continue to experience failed relationships. We will continue to look for love in the wrong places. We will continue to “settle” for ungodly mates.

Holy Spirit gave me a few quotes about relationships dealing with how we’ve been settling in this season.

You are a king, a queen. If they can’t see the royal & godly value in you, then they can’t share the throne with you. Their loss. One of the most important things we must perceive in this season is that we are special to God. He loves us so deeply. If we could only see our worth through the eyes of Yeshua, we would stop settling for people who can’t see our worth. Often times, their perception of us is distorted because of their skewed perception of God and themselves. They can’t see us clearly if they can’t see God clearly. We can’t be so desperate for love that we ignore the signs of their inability to see us through godly lenses. If we can’t commit to, honor, and revere God, where is the power to commit to and honor a “person?” Subject yourself to God first. In James chapter 4, verse 7, the Word says that if we are subject to God, we can resist the devil and he will flee. When we are subject to God, we are in total submission to His will and His Spirit. When our flesh begins to surface, we can clearly hear Holy Spirit speaking to us and guiding us in the way of the Spirit. When we are submitted to God, we are obedient to His Word. When we are subject to God, we honor authority and each other. If I didn’t have Holy Spirit compelling me strongly on the inside, I would have lost it on some people already. It is the power of Holy Spirit on the inside of us that helps us to honor another human being, especially when they aren’t doing right. It is difficult to submit to a person who is operating in their flesh, when we aren’t even submitted to God. That is the true test. Can we submit and honor a person when they are at their worst? Submission is one of the aspects that relationship sustainability requires. Are you totally submitted to God first?

He has been dangling carrots, but no karats – paying a bill, buying groceries, even paying rent but still no ring of commitment. We have stay in dead relationships with no future, no life, no real love, and no commitment for long enough. We are wasting time and delaying our true happiness. Do we trust God for true love? Can we be content in our single state? Women, we will stay in a relationship until the wheels fall off in hopes that mileage will get us the commitment and love we desire. It won’t. The spirits we’re dealing with in a man who won’t commit may vary from person to person such as brokenness, sexual immorality, and narcissism. But if we’re honest, for us to stay in a dead-end relationship indefinitely, we too are dealing with some spirits such as insecurity and dependency. A man who truly loves us and is willing to commit doesn’t dangle carrots – give us things or say things to make us believe he is going to commit. He commits. Get healed. Stop settling.

He has been putting a “wing & thing” on it but has yet to put a ring on it. God created you for more. Don’t settle. Some of us mistake love for a man buying us things or feeding us or sex. The meaning of true love is not based on the world’s standards but in the Word of God. A man finds a wife, not a woman to buy chicken and have sex with. A man finds a wife who is a “good thing.” And then that man finds favor with Jehovah. You’ve been hanging out with a man who is missing his favor because he hasn’t done right by you. You are a good thing, a suitable help make, and an agent for his upgrade.

Stop settling. How long will he halt & limp between two opinions? Either he wants you God’s way or not at all. Don’t settle. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Some men say they love you and want to marry you but their actions are noncommittal. Some will even tell us that they are noncommittal and we continue to settle for that ungodly stand he has taken. When they enemy whispers that maybe you’re asking for too much, that is a lie. You are not the one. You’re not asking for much. You’re not asking for anything that God didn’t promise you can have. Let’s put that lie to rest right now. Yes, you a submissive. Yes, you have a quiet spirit. Yes, you will honor your husband. But no, you are not the one who will stay in a relationship with a man who doesn’t know what he wants. You can make excuses and prolong the inevitable by saying you’re a good friend who wants to help him go to the next level… In the end, the answer is still the same. He doesn’t know if you’re the one. He doesn’t know if you’re worthy of being his wife. He doesn’t know if he will marry you. God has someone whose mind is made up about finding you.

Your body is a temple. If he doesn’t take you to the temple, he can’t tamper with your temple. We continue to put ourselves at physical and emotional and spiritual risk by sleeping with men or women who are not our spouses. Jehovah says in Romans 12 for us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service. Only then will we even know His perfect will for our lives. Sex was designed for marriage. And because of our sexual immorality, diseases of all types are continuing to spread. Marriages are continuing to end. We see sex as moments of pleasure but it can cause a lifetime of hurt and consequences when we defile the temple. If you’re not worthy of being his wife, he’s not worthy of defiling your temple, which is the temple of God. Don’t settle. Don’t sin.

If she wants you to compromise your standards now, she will want you to do it again. Take a stand. Don’t settle.
Men, the Word of God says in Proverbs 18, he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Be led by Holy Spirit about the woman you “find.” What are the characteristics of a “wife” according to the Word of God. Is she subject to God? Is her life aligned with the principles of the Word of God? Are you equally yoked? As the head of the household and the head of your wife, you need someone who will complement you and be an asset for you. She needs to be one who will promote your vision. She has to have an uncompromising spirit, unwilling to go against the Spirit of God. Your wife won’t ask you to compromise. Don’t settle.

Number one is not sufficient. God created you to be the only one. You know if you’re just one in the number. Stop settling. When God created Adam, he said it isn’t good for man to be alone. Then, he created Eve, a suitable helpmate. God’s intentions form the beginning were for a man to be with one woman. As I reflect on my studies, I think the first mention of a man with more than one wife was Lamech, after the fall of man. In the world in which we live, it has become the “norm” for us to operate out of order, misaligned with the Word of God. We have become accepting of being someone’s number or three or four person. The devil is a liar. That is not how God intended for relationships to be and we shouldn’t settle for that.

“Being a man’s second, third, or even fourth option is only cute for as long as we can pretend we are okay with it. Ladies, God didn’t create us to be okay with that. Feelings are deceptive. So that empowerment we think we feel as a result of being involved with someone who belongs to someone else is really pride and selfishness. That statement we make—I can’t help if she doesn’t satisfy him and he has to come to me”—is only cute in the flesh and for a moment. After a few months of being number two, three, or four, it isn’t cute any more. It really hurts when we’re all alone and our bodies aren’t enough to keep those men with us. It isn’t cute when we’re reaping all the pain we’ve sown. God has a number-one position reserved just for me and you. He wants us to start bearing the fruit of the Spirit (such as self-control) and stop producing fruits of discord, dissension, and sexual immorality. Let’s stop pretending we’re cool with being less than a man’s only one. If we would only trust God, each of us could have a spot of our own.”

Excerpt From: Dr. Jené “Dr. J.” Elaine Walker. “Meditations for a Surrendered Life.”

You are worthy of real (which shouldn’t be relative) love. Don’t settle. God says there’s more for you than that.
It doesn’t matter if you have a disease, been molested, raped, or a victim of incest, you are worthy of love. Yeshua loves us in spite of everything we’ve done and anything that has happened to us. He wants us to experience unconditional 1 Corinthians 13 love from our mates too. When you begin to realize your worth in Yeshua, you will wait on someone who sees your worth and who is willing to give you real love. Don’t settle.

“A Love for You” by Dr. Jené Walker

When you walk in faith, love, and obedience, don’t be shocked when God gives you the desires of your hearts. He rewards those who believe He exists and who diligently seeks Him. Don’t grow weary in well doing. Don’t look at how your situation appears in the natural. You have a past, a background, a current situation such as a bankrupt financial issue or a disease that the devil has told you no one will accept about you, renounce the lies of the devil in the name of Yeshua. Do you think that God can’t, no WON’T bless you with a love of your own? Don’t believe the lies of the enemies- statistics and facts and current situations don’t mean anything in the face of the sovereignty of God. Trust God for a love of your own. Someone asked me do I believe that everyone is meant to have someone. I said, “Do you believe that you were meant to have someone?” That’s what matters. Do you believe God can and will do it for you? I believe that God is cooking up something this season for His people. Receive it if you can. Jené Elaine Walker