Tag Archives: Messiah

“I Am Black and Beautiful” by Dr. Jené Walker


“She” is probably holding her head down in shame or embarrassment or insecurity because of her complexion. She says she is “lovely” but… Have you ever done that? Given yourself a compliment “but” took it right back?

Song of Solomon 1:5-6a
5 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
6 Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me:

Why do we do this? Do you struggle with accepting compliments or thanking Jehovah for the gifts you have without bringing up a flaw you have at the same time? If you can relate, would you agree that there is something on the inside that we need to get healed? We’ve been with ourselves for years so we know who we are and how we look. We should be delivered from our flaws even though they may be with us forever. The flaws are what they are and they make us who we are. But the question is, are the things about us truly “flaws” or are they unique traits that God designed to set us apart or keep us grounded? Society has influenced our opinions of ourselves so we need to get back to measuring ourselves by the true standard Yeshua and not the world’s standards.

Song of Solomon 1:15
15 Behold, you are beautiful, my love;
behold, you are beautiful;
your eyes are doves.

In verse 15, “he” begins to affirm his love with his words. “Behold,” he says. “Look at yourself my love,” he says. “You are beautiful. You are beautiful.” Your “husband” will affirm you over and over again. However, your insecurities about yourself will be dispelled and healed during your waiting season in the name of Yeshua. The goal during our wait is for us to allow Jehovah to reaffirm how beautiful we are. We now have an opportunity for Jehovah to work on us from now until completion. We are being sanctified daily if we’re truly walking with Yeshua. We will be whole when our husbands find us. We won’t “need” his affirmation but it will be nice when our husbands give it to us just because. Rest assuredly, the man totally surrendered to God will love you and cherish you and tell you that you are beautiful – repeatedly if need be.

“Is He a Counterfeit or the Real Deal?” by Dr. Jené Walker 

The details aren’t our problem. Our sovereign, almighty, all powerful Jehovah will work out all the details. We don’t have time for that. We are supposed to be seeking Jehovah for our kingdom dominion and assignment. Jehovah will orchestrate the meeting with our husbands, the revelation to our husbands that we’re the ones, his preparation, and the geographical location. Don’t worry your pretty little heads about that. Seek Him first and His righteousness. While you wait on Jehovah, let Him prepare your heart and mind for ministry and marriage. Let Him get all the bitterness OUT because it kills marriages. Let Him get all the hurt OUT that destroys trust. Let Him get all the compromise OUT because that shakes fidelity at the core. Let Him get all the deception OUT that causes you to think the counterfeit is real which causes the heart to stray. Let Him get all the disobedience OUT that causes us not to submit to our own husbands in everything. We have work to do while we WAIT. Nonetheless, WAIT. Jené Walker

“A Time of Restoration” by Dr. Jené Walker 

We are living in a season of increase but we have to truly believe that we can receive it. As a people, we’ve been through an extensive season of punishment for our transgressions and rebelliousness and it is difficult to imagine our season of restoration. The time is now. The time is now for increase so that we can take care of the needy and the poor and the prisoners. The time is now for increase to fund our initiatives to conquer more territory for the kingdom. In the midst of devastation – death of navy men, unjust court decisions, bombings in Manchester, and corruption in government, the body of Yeshua will receive increase. We have lived beneath kingdom standards long enough. The wealth of the wicked has been stored up for us. The time is now for increase, not for us to accumulate wealth for selfish gain and become as the wicked are but for us to use our wealth for kingdom advancement. 

“You’re Untouchable on the Highway” by Dr. Jené Walker

When we stay on the path of righteousness, the Highway, we are in a secret untouchable place hidden from our enemy the devil and protected in the Spirit from the attacks made by people under the influence of Satan! Those who are evil and unclean can’t even come near you on the Highway. But the thing about being on the Highway is that we must be holy because God is holy. Holiness doesn’t mean we’re perfect and flawless but our hearts are pure and unwilling to compromise for the world. We may be fools when it comes to worldly wisdom but when it comes to directions from the Word of God and instructions from Holy Spirit, we have wisdom and discernment. I’m living, walking, breathing, and operating on the Highway in this season and from now on. I can’t afford not to; can you?

“Keep That Fire Out of Your Lap” by Dr. Jené Walker

Put that fire OUT NOW! Get busy for the kingdom. Focus on Him. We have to get delivered from this idea that we are put on this earth for our own sensual sinful pleasures! NOT. Kill it. Cut it off at the root. We are here to perpetuate the kingdom of God and expand it and get it ready for His return. What are we doing wallowing in the muck and mire, doing any and everything like our omnipresent, omniscient Jehovah doesn’t see us. It makes Him sick to see us rebel against Him so. One moment of burning in our laps out of wedlock or with someone’s spouse can cause a lifetime of burning… It’s just not worth it. But we have to come to that conclusion through the conviction of Holy Spirit…and if we’re NOT convicted, that’s a whole other scary story…

“Stop Spending” by Dr. Jené Walker

NOTE: Make sure you listen to/view the video message for this installment.

Audio (Click Here): “Breaking Financial Curses”

Lesson Scripture: Proverbs 10:22 “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”

“Stop Spending”

Each believer gets to a “sick-and-tired” point in his life at different times. But t’is the season for all to be sick and tired of wasting money. “Stop Spending!” Holy Spirit said those two words to me so loudly that it scared me. Have you heard this same message from Holy Spirit or have you too suppressed His voice speaking about your spending habits? This season seek God first about your money, your budget, and the organization of your finances until seeking Him becomes the standard in your life. He will direct our spending and give us a blue print for our finances if we allow Him. We just have to die to our flesh every time the urge to splurge comes.

1) What helps me to control my spending now is knowing what my goals are. What are your goals that are aligned with God’s will for your life? Do you want to buy a house? Start a savings? Start a business? Increase your retirement? What has God called you to do? When you write the vision that God has given you in this season and begin to work toward it, you won’t be able to spend frivolously.

2) Knowing that bad stewardship is a sin has also helped me to make up my mind about improving my finances. I would wonder why I was struggling in certain areas and God showed me how this area was continuing to be an area of disobedience for me.

3) Having a budget helps tremendously. I just started using a Microsoft Excel Budget Template to help me organize my funds. I place how much I allot for each month, including my bills at the top of the spreadsheet in a cell. I add every bill and other expenses in a left column and deduct the amount for each expense in another column. The spreadsheet subtracts from the total monthly allocation. The remaining monthly allowance is then divided up in the following categories: For example, Gas – $30 a week for gas ($120 each month); Groceries – $100 a week for groceries ($400 each month); Hair/Hair Cut – $25 a week for hair ($100 each month); Tithes – $50 for tithes ($200 each month); and Savings – $100 ($100 each month) for savings. Put each of those amounts in an envelope and do not exceed the amounts in the envelopes. Fast from shopping outside of this budget for three months – no shopping for three months. At the end of three months, you should have $300 saved. Take $100 and shop but leave remaining $200 in savings. Continue this process.

4) Knowing I want to be blessed with increase this season helps me to improve in my finances. Holy Spirit said, “How will you manage a corporation’s budget if you can’t manage your own household budget?” There are levels to this. Take care of your business. List all your debt. Pay off lowest debt. Organize your bills. Make a budget. If we want increase, we have to be faithful over a few things.

Changing our mindset about money is a process. I’m walking it out even now as I type. I don’t want to sin on purpose and that is exactly what emotional spending is – sin. We look at our lives and wonder “why” is this not going right? We’re sinning in our finances. I’m tired of the cycle. I can’t live like that anymore. I want more for me and more for my son and more for the kingdom so I’m done. Are you? Only God can satisfy the void that we try to fill with shoes, clothes, hairdos, makeup, nails and jewelry. Self-control must be exercised in this season. Take one day at a time. But God says I will not increase you if you don’t manage your money better. I’m done with spending frivolously in Yeshua’s name.

Prayer: God someone is in debt so deep that we’re suffocating. There is no earthly way out. We need supernatural relief. We repent. Help us now Jehovah!

“Spirits Don’t Die, People Do” by Dr. Jené Walker

LeBron James’s home was vandalized by a person who spray painted a racial slur on the gate of his home. The spirit of racism doesn’t discriminate based on money, fame, or fortune. That spirit is used against the chosen people of God regardless of our economic status. It comes against us because of Yahweh’s affection toward and election of us. In an interview, James made a simple yet powerful statement that it is “tough being Black in America.”

“The Cavaliers star, [LeBron James], then brought up Emmett Till’s mother, and how she showed the mutilated body of the teenager killed in 1955 at his funeral so that she could ‘show the world what her son went through as far as a hate crime and being black in America.'” He implied that if he had to be the example to keep this conversation about racism going, then so be it.

The spirit of hate, racism, prejudice, discrimination, supremacy, and bigotry are alive and well in America – the nation responsible for the largest slave trade in history. We ignorantly believe that things have “changed” because we don’t understand spiritual things; and until we do, we won’t be able to receive the truth. Evil spirits don’t die; people do. And when people die, evil spirits find new available vessels to reside in. When Yeshua drove a legion of demons out of the man in the cemetery, those demons asked to go into the herd of swine. The herd of pigs ran off a cliff and drowned. The swine died, the demons did not.

If we are willing are unaware vessels because of pride, envy, or any other issues we have that gives the devil a foothold or a portal and entry point, we will be used to perpetuate the hate, racism, prejudice, discrimination, supremacy and bigotry that we saw during slavery and segregation and still see today.

When the chosen people of God get a revelatory glimpse of who we are, come out of sin and idolatry, an awakening will take place on the earth that will upset the world’s system. God is blowing His breath, prophets are speaking, when will we awaken? Signs in protest and movements large and small and even wars (until the war that Yeshua Himself wages) bring awareness but only spiritual weapons can be used to fight spiritual battles.

“From Underground to Kingdom Renowned” by Dr. Jené Walker

The side of the truck read, “From Underground to [Kingdom Renowned]” (it said world famous)

So many saints profess “we don’t want to be famous” (and some with false humility) and if that’s not your mandate that’s understandable. But why not? How many totally sold out for Jesus uncompromising famous people are there infiltrating the world’s systems with the gospel? For every worldly famous social media page, how many famous sold out for Christ pages with over 100,000,000 followers and likes? If there are over 100 million unchurched (unsaved) people in America (2010 Census), why not have more famous spiritual uncompromising influences who can impact media, government, news, business, entertainment, art, church, and families all over the world and country? How much more could Jesus be famous if more powerful and influential and uncompromising believers were famous? God will cause your name to be great on His own without your help…But only if that’s your mandate. Are you destined for greatness in the kingdom and settling for mediocre mission? Jené Elaine Walker 

“Fence Straddler” by Dr. Jené Walker

1 Kings 18:21 “And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.”

What is a fence straddler? I know the meaning very well. It describes me and my lifestyle about three years ago. I wanted to follow God and go into ministry, but I also wanted to be in an “all out” relationship with a man who wasn’t my husband. God wouldn’t allow me to be elevated spiritually and in some ways naturally until I decided between, “God or Baal?” I had one leg on the world’s side of the fence and one leg in the kingdom – fence straddler. God kept nudging me with forceful nudges to come out of sin. I mean the kind of nudges that I couldn’t just ignore. The nudges went beyond “heart tugs.”

Will you stay in sin until God has to give you a serious nudge or will you come out now? We stifle our own elevation with our rebellion. Will you go all in with God? He says if not, just go all in with Satan. He said for us to love Him with all our hearts, all our soul, and all our strength, withholding nothing… Jené Elaine Walker

“A Love for You” by Dr. Jené Walker

When you walk in faith, love, and obedience, don’t be shocked when God gives you the desires of your hearts. He rewards those who believe He exists and who diligently seeks Him. Don’t grow weary in well doing. Don’t look at how your situation appears in the natural. You have a past, a background, a current situation such as a bankrupt financial issue or a disease that the devil has told you no one will accept about you, renounce the lies of the devil in the name of Yeshua. Do you think that God can’t, no WON’T bless you with a love of your own? Don’t believe the lies of the enemies- statistics and facts and current situations don’t mean anything in the face of the sovereignty of God. Trust God for a love of your own. Someone asked me do I believe that everyone is meant to have someone. I said, “Do you believe that you were meant to have someone?” That’s what matters. Do you believe God can and will do it for you? I believe that God is cooking up something this season for His people. Receive it if you can. Jené Elaine Walker