Tag Archives: Purging

“Is It Time For a Detox?” by Dr. Jené Walker

Holy Spirit said, “Not in this season!” It may be time to go through the process of ridding your spirit of some foolishness again. Have you allowed any and everyone to speak into you? Have you held conversations with some spirits that have literally made your chest heavy? Do you feel bloated or a spirit of heaviness? Did you start worrying about things you were once confidence in? Do you pay attention to the signs your spirit is giving you? You can’t keep going like this. Theenemy wants to clog you up and weigh you down with spirits and spiritual attacks. How do you combat this? Change your spiritual diet. You absolutely can’t keep allowing certain spirits in your life. You need to cut it. You may have to take a period of time during which you refrain from certain conversations, people, and things. This season is too critical for you to continue to allow these toxins to build up in your life. It’s time for a spiritual detox! 

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“Playing the Victim” by Dr.J.

We have so many offenses that Jesus has had to cover in our lifetime and before we were even born. However, in our human proclivity to sin, we struggle covering the offenses of others. In my purging process (yesssss more stuff is in here), Holy Spirit showed me how I played the role of victim all too well. God said to me, “Do you trust me beloved?” I’m like, “Trust You? Yes I trust You. What does trust have to do with me being a victim of offenses? The enemy is always messing with me – using people!” Jesus! 

Holy Spirit revealed to me that if I trust God and that He is in control of my life, how can I be a victim? If it’s happening to me, God’s hand is on me so He is allowing it for my good. My God! Foster love in your offenses. If someone offends you, show him love. Foster love. Create an atmosphere of love. Is it discernment or suspicion? Love believes the best.

Have you ever made the mistake of repeating the offense? I don’t mean doing it back to them -that too- but I mean “saying it” to someone else. Do you have a circle of friends or coworkers or even your spouse to whom you repeat the offenses done to you and to/with whom you talk about your offenders? I had to holler when I read this scripture. Jesus! 

Proverbs‬ ‭17:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.”

‭‭We have to stop repeating the offenses, giving power to it, and causing dissension, conflict, and separation between and among people. 

“The ripping up of faults is the ripping out of love, and nothing tends more to the separating of friends, and setting them at variance, than the repeating of matters that have been in variance.” -Blue Letter Bible

Pray about offenses and offenders. Pray and ask God to show you your heart. Why am I offended? Why am I playing the victim when I’m clearly the victor through Christ Jesus? Why am I running and telling my best friends and/or spouse about people when it causes dissension? 

Holy Spirit help us. Help us not to be offended and not to repeat the offenses done to us. Continue to purge us and reveal our hearts to us in Jesus’s name. Dr.J. 

“Stripped” by Dr.J. 2016 Fast Post 32

When you are in pretty deep with God, especially during the time of a fast, He begins to “speak” to you. It was so apparent to me right before beginning this fast that God was saying to me “You still have parts of the world that you’re holding on to.” I’m looking at my life, which the world would view as boring. I’m like, “Lord what else do I need to give up?” He led me to a book to read and there the answer was right in the text. God showed me exactly what else I was still holding on to.

I began purging my house. Then later, the Holy Spirit whispered to my spirit, “Now get rid of that too.” “Jesus,” I thought. But I obeyed. I don’t know if God “whispered” to you during this fast. What I do know is that if you are still holding on to even a little bit of the world, that is sin and disobedience. We can’t straddle the fence between the world and the Holy Spirit. Things of the “world” can be the most “simple” or an “every day thing” that we wouldn’t notice in our flesh. But pray. Ask God now on the last day of the fast to reveal what you need to allow Him to purge.

Are the songs, shows, drinks, books, friends, careers in your life holding you back? Has God been waiting to truly answer your prayer but you have too much baggage and weights holding you back? The Holy Spirit will reveal it but will you relinquish it?

I can finally say, “I’ve abandoned everything I’ve ever known. My life is not my own.” This world and its “things” are meaningless to me. I give myself to You God, and the things of the world? The world can have it! Dr.J.

Fruit of the Spirit:

Week Two Bible Reading:
2 Chronicles 20
Romans 12

Memory Verses:
1 Peter 4:12 (NIV)
Romans 12:1-2 (KJV)
1 Peter 5:8 (NIV) (Week 2)
Philippians 4:4-7 (NIV) (Week 2)
Ephesians 6:10-12 (KJV) (Week 1)
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (KJV) (Week 1)

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