Tag Archives: Spiritual

“Know Your Worth” by Dr. Jené Walker

He won’t see your worth until you do. Will it be too late? Sometimes, devaluing you goes past the point of no return; it does irreparable damage to the relationship. But the moment you grasp in your belly how valuable and worthy you are, your whole life will change. Hold on to Yeshua (Jesus). He wants to tell you something so sweet and special about you, something that will change your self-perception forever. Won’t you listen so that you can get the revelation? You are worth far more than rubies.


The devil still tries to make you look in the natural for things to validate your worth. If we continue to look at our lives and our credentials and our looks and our status for worth, the enemy can always make us feel unworthy. There will always be someone else whose life appears to be better than yours. There will always be a prettier woman. There will always be someone with a higher or deeper status that us. The devil knows what to get us to focus on to keep us oppressed. The enemy keeps reminding you that you have a disease and he lies and tells you no one will want you with that disease. So you feel unworthy. You begin to do things to get and keep a man that are beneath you. You begin to debase yourself to get him to love you and want you because you don’t even value you. He tells you that because you’ve been raped or molested or someone performed homosexual acts on you that you’re irreparably damaged goods. He tells you that because your money is low and your credit is bad that you’re a liability. Let’s expose every lie of the devil right now. Rebuke the devil and send every lie back to hell. Our worth isn’t determined by what happened to us, what we did, or what we have. Because we are in Yeshua (Christ Jesus), we are worthy. We are worthy to be praised because we fear Jehovah. We are worthy to be cherished and valued and loved. You are worth far more than rubies. But you’ve got to know your worth for yourself!

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“An Ephesians 5 Husband” by Dr. Jené Walker

Ephesians 5:25-32 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Who wants an Ephesians 5 man?God, through Apostle Paul, has given us the characteristics of a husband here in Ephesians Chapter 5. It is up to us to adhere to His instructions and wait until Jehovah manifests this man for us.

Ephesians 5 Husbands do the following:

1. Husbands love us as Yeshua loves the church. He gives up himself for us, makes a sacrifice for us, dies to himself and his desires for us. That is love.

2. Husbands make us holy, cleansing us by washing us with the water through the word. Know the Word for yourself. We are not your teachers. You already know the Word and have a relationship through your own study and prayer time. Then, as the head of us, you are able to cleanse us by washing with water through the word. When we are in error, you are the example and you clean us up. When we need guidance you use the word to steer us in the right direction. To wash us with water through the word he has to know the Word.

3. Husbands must present us to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any blemish but holy and blameless. As a result of his washing us, he must regularly assess his washing to see if we are without stain and holy. Jehovah will not only hold us accountable for ourselves but our husbands are our covering and they help to hold us accountable. They have to be holy and blameless to be the models for us.

4. Husbands must love us as they love their own bodies. This is sacrificial love too. They will take time to wash their cars and shine em up really good. Whatever they would think to do for themselves (feed, care for, provide for, treat, etc.), they do it for us. He thinks of us when he thinks of himself. That’s why it is imperative that we wait for Jehovah to send us a “whole” and healed man. We are members of our husband’s body. He who loves himself loves his wife and he who hates and mistreats his wife has already done it to himself.

5. Husbands leave their father and mother and cling to and be united as one with us. No family member should be able to interfere, meddle, or come between us and our husbands.

Wives, we must submit to our husbands in EVERYTHING and respect them. Those are the commands Yeshua gives to us. When you know your worth, you can submit! Order our “Worth Far More Than Rubies” tee now at www.drjarmory.com!


“I’m a Grown Woman!” by Dr. Jené Walker

Instructions for Christian Households
Ephesians 5:21-24 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”

“I’m a grown woman! I do what I want to do. I’m independent. I’m a boss. I make my own money. I make it happen for me and mines (for emphasis).” Have you made any of these comments? If so, it’s ok. We can repent now. Jehovah is transforming our entire lives right now in this moment. But we must have a reverent fear of Yeshua that keeps us from foolishness. “I can’t say that. I can’t do that. I can’t be that way. Yeshua sees me and knows my heart.” That’s where Jehovah wants us. See in order to submit to our husbands in “EVERYTHING” we have to be totally submitted to Yeshua. What else can humble us enough to submit to a mere mortal, a man?

I’ve been ministering to married couples for years and this is a huge obstacle to innumerable wives. The main issue is that first we marry men Jehovah never told us to marry! That’s why we’re waiting single wives. But the next issue wives have is that we’ve never learned “how” to submit. The world has taught “all the women who’re independent to throw our hands up at them.” The world has taught us who runs the world -girls. The world has taught us that our private parts act as kryptonite. Really? If that were true every woman would have a husband under her spell! Foolishness. This is it single wives, our season of submission; our season to undo everything the world has done to our spirit. This is our season to become foolish so we can become wise.

What are you willing to give up in your flesh in order to submit to Yeshua in your spirit? Is your spirit quiet now? Do you respect authority now? Do you show honor now? Let’s allow Jehovah to teach us how to submit. The husband is the head of his wife. We have to be submitted to Jehovah to choose the “head” for us. I’m not doing this on my own again. I refuse. I’m waiting on Jehovah. Grown women submit to and revere Yeshua.

Single wives, make sure you study Ephesians Chapter 5 for a few more days. Read the entire chapter once a day. We’re breaking it down in the group. Feel free to use your own study methods to really dissect it and get it in your spirit.

“Procrastination: A Serious Spiritual Crime” by Dr. Jené Walker

Procrastination is a serious spiritual crime. Why? Because it means that we “know” that Jehovah tasked us to do something and we’re taking our time in doing it. Procrastination  is slow disobedience. Procrastination is delayed obedience. Procrastination is defiance. Procrastination is a sin. I don’t know why Lot came to mind. When the two angels came to rescue Lot from the demise of Sodom and Gomorrah, the angels had to coax them into obeying and leaving immediately.  Jehovah sent angels to warn them of the devastation to come and Lot and his family had to be “led” away. Why?

Jehovah has shown us the devastation to come if we live in sin but instead of immediately coming out of sin, we’re taking our time, procrastinating and lingering in it. Jehovah has shown us the blessings and rewards for our obedience when we start the business, write the book, start the ministry, leave the job, relocate, answer the call, start the prayer line, facilitate the Bible study, write the plan, write the grant, and secure the building but we are taking our sweet time. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jehovah wants us to know that “the thing” He has asked us to do has very little to do with “us.”  We are “vessels.” If we understood the profundity of the impact our obedience will have on the kingdom, we would move immediately. Why are you so comfortable procrastinating? Because the enemy has deceived you into thinking that it’s just a “personality trait” instead of outright disobedience, opposition toward Jehovah, and downright sin. Let’s go! When I tell you I’m about to get my journal out and revisit what Jehovah has instructed me to do and ask Him for a timeline… Tis NOT the season to be procrastinating. It’s raining torrential rains… I have a “reverent” FEAR of Jehovah. I bind stagnancy in our lives in the name of Jehovah. How will the kingdom advance when the body is stagnant?


“We Need Relentless Faith” by Dr. Jené Walker

This season’s trials, tribulations, judgments, and prophesy unfolding is going to push your faith to a point that feels like its “limit.” But that’s just it. There are no limits in relentless faith. Money looks really short in the natural. Jehovah owns every resource you need. Yeshua can tell you to go to the most unlikely places for you to get money to pay what you owe. Jesus replied, “But we don’t want to cause trouble. So go cast a line into the lake and pull out the first fish you hook. Open its mouth, and you will find a coin. Use it to pay your taxes and mine.” A fish’s mouth? Yes. Even though Yeshua gave up his wealth so that through His poverty we can be rich, He could still access resources through Jehovah the Father. We have the same access to the resources we need. We just need to ask Jehovah the Father, through Yeshua where to go get the money.

We’re still looking at the five loaves and two fish instead of the access that our Father has to all the bread and fish in the earth. After Yeshua fed the multitude, the disciples STILL didn’t get it. They forgot to take some bread and fish for themselves after the feast with the multitudes. When the disciples reached the other side of the sea, they realized that they had forgotten to bring bread and began to discuss it among themselves. Yeshua said, “You men of little faith.” Let’s stop talking about the bread we don’t have. We have unrelenting faith all the way up to and beyond the eviction notice; all the way to and beyond the bankruptcy; all the way up to and beyond the pink slip. Relentless faith never ends and it shouldn’t because Jehovah’s resources never ends. He can send for another man’s donkey because He has use of it. He owns it all. Tell Him what you need and wait with expectancy for Him to do it. If there are lessons that have to be learned, learn them with relentless faith. If there are tests that you have to go through, pass them with relentless faith. If there are losses that you have to suffer, suffer them with relentless faith. You will be tested and tried until you feel like you will bleed this season but Jehovah desires our bold and relentless faith. Worrying won’t add one hair on your head. We may as well trust Him with everything in us to the point of no return.

“Jehovah Must Be First” by Dr. Jené Walker

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Holy Spirit is dealing with me about this scripture and my heart. So I’m personally digging into this Word today and really dissecting it word by word and phrase by phrase. Then, I will let Holy Spirit speak to me, counsel me, guide and direct me, and purge me. If we desire ANYTHING more than we desire Him and His kingdom, it will NOT work. If it’s a platform, recognition, love and companionship from a man, money, a house or ANYTHING, it will NOT work. Jehovah wants us to check our hearts daily, moment by moment. What are the desires of our hearts? In the succession of things we desire, is God first in rank, the greatest influence in our hearts, or is He the chief thing? If not, it will NOT work. Be encouraged though, because when God shows us the motives of our hearts, if we surrender those things and our hearts to Him, He is faithful and just to fix our hearts. We need to let Him fix it now in our single season because it may be that our priorities or a lack thereof are are holding us back from our blessings. Jené Walker



“Stay Away from Talking Serpents” by Dr. Jené Walker

Your identity is established through Yeshua! Beware feminist spirits which try to lure you into the realm of independence of Jehovah! Your circle needs to be tight and right and equally yoked. Pay attention to your spirit and what it rejects. You can’t receive any and everything from any and everyone – even those who are in leadership but are still babes in Christ. Some people come to you or your timeline like talking serpents to make you desire to know more than God; to make you go beyond the text to philosophies and arguments and logic and worldly movements. Know who you are and whose you are which is revealed in the Word and by the Spirit of God! All other ground is sinking sand.

Order your Worth Far More Than Rubies tees now at www.drjarmory.com! You will be blessed by your purchases and your support!

“Get In Shape for Battle” by Dr. Jené Walker

The mantle of your assignment as wife will bring new dimensions in glory but also in combat. You have to be prepared now. Holy Spirit is your physical trainer now. What is your current spiritual workout regimen? We can’t afford to gain the weight of the world. Read the Word of God and study it every day. Ask Holy Spirit to speak so that you get revelation about the Word. Exercise your spiritual weapons now. When the spirit of depression comes, which muscles will you flex? Psychological warfare? Mental battles in your mind? People being used? Loneliness? Flesh wars are not acceptable at the next level. Are you fighting in the spirit or the flesh now? It’s time. We must workout daily and nightly in order to win the daily battles that we face now but also to prepare for the next level of warfare when God connects us with our husbands in this season. Do you see the warfare taking place in the world right now? We do not live in a vacuum. Everything happening in the world is connected to the spiritual realm. The battles will impact our marriages too. Our marriage is established to impact the spiritual realm. It’s all connected. Get in shape for battle. Everything you’re experiencing now is part of your militaristic training for combat in your marriage.

“King, What Has Crippled You?” by Dr. Jené Walker

King, what has crippled you? At no fault of your own, did something happen to you that changed the course of your life and crippled you? Were you born to a mother who was addicted to crack, drugs or alcohol and it changed the course of your life? It impacted your entire educational journey. You were labeled from the moment they read your files. They tested you and of course they said that you were eligible for special education because you processed things more slowly than your peers the same age as you. This crippled you because your perception of yourself was that you would never be able to read eloquently or speak articulately so you lost your crown. Or maybe it was that you were given up for adoption and passed along from foster care to foster care. Unimaginable things happened to you and those things crippled you from ever being able to trust people. You still wake up in cold sweats from nightmares about the things that you suffered through then. Maybe you literally became crippled from some physical ailment or being dropped or being burned or being abused. And because of your disability, you cowered away from some of the positions and other blessings God had for you with your name on it. Jehovah wants you to know that there is still a crown for you. You are restored now. Everything that the locusts stole from you will be given back to you in this season. Shift your perception of yourself and recognize who you are in Yeshua now. Remember who you truly are – royalty.

Women of God are praying for you persistently this season until something breaks free in the atmosphere for you to get what is legally yours. The. Crown. King. Jené Walker


“Instructions to a King: Stay Sober” by Dr. Jené Walker

A Nazarite was one who was dedicated to God from birth. As a result, he was not to drink any wine or any other fermented drink along with other requirements. The reason a Nazarite couldn’t drink alcohol was he took a vow of purity. Proverbs 31 is a famously known for the subject, “the virtuous woman.” We typically skip over the introduction of this prophecy which is a mother’s instructions to her son, King Lemuel. The Hebrew meaning of King Lemuel’s name means, “for God.” His mother the queen wanted her son King Lemuel’s life and his reign and his marriage to the virtuous woman to be in alignment with God’s will for his life. One thing she emphasized in her instructions to her son was for him to stay away from wine and liquor. She wanted her son to have the stamina of a true king. Wine and liquor can open a man up to other kinds of spirits that may cause him to fall into sin. When Noah got drunk, he exposed himself and his sons saw him naked. If we’re honest, drunkenness has caused some of us to be in some precarious situations too. King Lemuel’s mother says in Proverbs 31 that drunkenness can cause a king to forget the very laws he imposed. Drunkenness can cause a king to pervert the justice of all the afflicted. How can one reign and rule when he isn’t in his right mind?

The short-term effects of alcohol use are “slurring of speech, drowsiness, emotional changes, sleep disruption, and the lowering of body temperature. The long-term effects of alcohol use are nausea and vomiting, loss of bladder and bowel control, black outs after which a drinker does not remember what happened while he or she was drinking, temporary loss of consciousness, and ultimately a coma and death.” As if the physical effects are not enough, the portals of a man with a spirit of addiction are open to so many types of demonic oppression that can only be closed through the deliverance and healing of Yeshua. A king must be free of addiction and oppression to rule and reign effectively.

A king is one who has lordship and sovereignty in a specific sphere of influence. Every man of Jehovah who believes in Yeshua and who is ruled by Holy Spirit is a king on the earth right now. It is time to establish your kingdom. It is time to rule in your domain. But a king must be alert and of sober mind lest he is caught off guard by the enemy, the devil. A king has to be sober to open his mouth for the speechless. A king must be sober to judge righteously and make fair decisions. A king must be sober to plead the cause of the poor and needy. A king must be sober to lead his children who are joint heirs in his kingdom. A king must be sober to lead and love his wife. A king must be sober to lead the family into kingdom dominion and wealth. A king must be sober to hear what the instructions from Holy Spirit. A king must be sober to give wise counsel. A king must stay sober to make royal decrees.

Men of God, Jehovah is calling you back to your throne. Adjust your crowns and rule. Adjust your crowns and reign. Hold your head up high so your crown won’t topple. The king in you is crying to come out. That’s why you’ve been tormented in your spirit. That’s why you’ve been depressed. That’s why you’ve been in a state of confusion. Your robe is tattered and battered and torn and so are you. Your jewels are barely in their rightful position but neither are you. But God says for you to come as you are any way. You can’t stay in a position beneath your assignment any longer. Holy Spirit is speaking to the king in you. God is about to make you a brand new king with a brand new robe. God is ready to give you a feast fit for a king in the presence of your oppressors. Won’t you walk in your anointing, Proverbs 31 king? Won’t you answer your call today? Jené Walker